Day 4 post-op and feeling 😎

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Glad to hear it went well and theres no pain! As tjay mentioned I also just had my operation there (was discharged after 6 days I believe). You must be so glad to be free from those beds, I know I was.

I assume you were staying in the cardiac ward too (floor 5 I believe?). My stay was uneventful for myself but there sure was a lot of activity for the other paitents on the unit, so like you I had trouble sleeping through all the noise! Best of luck during your recovery!
Thanks @Seaton My mind is officially blown it’s safe to say! Looking forward to sleeping in my own bed tonight. Hospital is not conducive to a good night’s sleep! 😴

I hope you have a comfy lounger at home (rather than a bed). I had mucho pain trying to sleep/lie down in my bed. Lounge chair is where it's at according to posts I've read. I didn't have one but almost bought one. In fact, I was about to rent a hospital bed to be delivered to my house because the pain lying down was too much for me to bear, could not get any sleep, but by the time that hospital bed was ready to be delivered I had healed enough to be able to lie down (it was weeks though).

Anyways, as Joe Walsh sings here, WELCOME TO THE (zipper) CLUB!

Funny thinking about pain it didn't come up as a topic pre-surgery. "8" is interesting. If I had been told it would not have concerned me post-surgery because I know they would have sufficient meds available. Potential pain during the surgery alarms me because I have become conscious of pain while still on the table several times and emphasize that concern before hand. But with my OHS I just felt pain when using the body parts impacted by the surgery. I was not experiencing ongoing general pain. Meds were helpful when attempting to sleep reclined. You tend to move and rock the boat when resting. There were some gems of people but the majority were surprisingly anti-tranquil and unhealthy to be around, speaking of the staff and nurses. It was post Covid peak and everyone had used up their reserve. Too many Indians running the place and no chiefs. Lots of negativity. Very disturbing environment, given it was a hospital and ICU of all places. I witnessed many abuses. But there were a few diamonds shining. 2 years later I received a pacemaker and experienced the greatest of nurses in contrast.

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