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Thanks for the update, Norma. I am sure that she so appreciates all your support. Please tell her that my thoughts and prayers are with her as well.
Thanks, Norma. Dawn-Marie has been o much on my mind. So sorry this is being drawn out even more for her. I can't imagine what she is feeling. Please pass along my most sincere best wishes and prayers for her well being.
I thought about Dawn this morning and wondered how she was doing.
Thanks, Norma, for passing the news along, and I guess we'll hear more from Dawn when she has a chance to post.
Welcome home Dawn-Marie! Although I am sure you are feeling a bit ambivalent about being home. I'm so very sorry for these terrible bumps in the road you have to deal with. We'll continue to keep you in our thougths and prayers.

Sending my very best wishes to Dawn-Marie and prayers and lots of hugs.

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