Dawdling Tawdry Shirts

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VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
Feb 10, 2004
Central NJ
I've noticed that there are Tawdry Shirts languishing across the landscape. The last entry in the The Order OF The Tawdry Shirt forum is August 1st.

Who has the shirts? The code says they must be passed on! There are others who wish to participate in this fashion-free way of sharing the experience and the sheer ebullience of being on the other side of the mountain with each other.

Best wishes,
Okay, Bob. What's really the issue here? Did you perhaps do some fall cleaning and need to get rid of some more of those tawdry shirts:eek: :D :eek: ?
I sent it on!

I sent it on!

Bob -

I had such the honor to get one of yours from KarenS and sent it to dtread. I really think it helped recovery because I just wanted to look good for the picture!!! :rolleyes:

I agree - where are they?! They must be passed on!

- Caroline2007
I've got one. Send it where?

I've got one. Send it where?

When I posted my TOOTS photo I indicated that whoever wants or needs it should send me their name and address and I'd send it on. Nobody every responded. Perhaps a TOOTS repository is needed.


still waiting on Katie's................:D to start the children's round of Tiny TOOTS. Hugs. J.
Size and a mailing address, Janet..?

Try to make the size (relatively) generic, so it can be passed to as many as reasonable. Katie's a perfect start.

Very best wishes,