Date set for Type 1 Diabetic with BAV

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New member
Sep 30, 2010
Rochester, NY
This is my first post after reading a years worth of threads on valve selection the past few weeks. I'd like to thank everyone for the information I've gotten so far.

I saw my surgeon, Dr Peter Knight, yesterday and will have my surgery 10/21/2010. We are tentatively going with a mechanical valve - most likely St Jude.

I have also been a Type 1 Diabetic (currently using an insulin pump) since age 7 (49 years ago) and was curious if any other diabetics had been through aortic valve replacement surgery.

I have had a few diabetic complications including proliferative retinopathy (retinal bleeding about 10 years ago) and some minor kidney disorder so I'm obviously worried about the operation for these reasons.

And I also have adult onset asthma whose primary issue is coughing up mucus several times a day; I'm sure this will be "fun" when recovering.

Despite the health issues above I'm actually fairly healthy. Up until two weeks ago I had been walking our Golden Retriever puppy 2 to 4 or more miles a day. After the angiogram last week, I've had to cut down a bit because of a worry about a partially blocked coronary artery which will also be fixed.

At any rate I thought I'd post to see if other diabetics had any comments. I 'm planning to continue this thread through recovery so other diabetics in the future can refer to it.

- Peter
I can't speak to the issue of valve replacement eith diabetes, but I do want to echo Greg's comment that we will be here to see you through your surgery. Thanks for contributing this thread topic for future members who seek information about undergoing replacement as a diabetic.
I had gotten a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes only a few years before my OHS, so I don't know how comparable I am to long-term type 1 diabetes. Anyway, I had no complications, other than being awakened at 4 a.m. every day by a nurse testing my blood sugar.

I did a quick surf and found this article about how to prepare for a good surgical outcome when you are diabetic. Don't know how good the article is, but a google search would probably produce others as well. All best wishes to you!
Thanks for all your replies and private messages! My surgery has been delayed by one day and will be (tomorrow) Friday 10-22-2010 at 7:30 AM EST.

- Peter
I hope your surgeon is aware of your diabetes and retinal bleeding issue.

Did you discuss the possibility of using a Bovine Pericardial Tissue Valve to avoid the need for anticoagulation (Coumadin / Warfarin)? If not, you may want to have a quick discussion with your surgeon BEFORE they put you under. Some surgeons are willing to 'change horses (err valves) right up to the moment you go under anesthesia, assuming they have the other valve(s) in stock).

Best Wishes for your Surgery.

'AL Capshaw'