Date for Surgery!!!

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I have finally decided to have surgery for my valve and aneurysm.I'm tired and scared of waiting any longer for surgery.My valve remains at 1.2 and my aneurysm is still 4.8 cm. I have waited because I have 2 little ones at home.I always wonder if something happens during surgery,how much more time I could have gotten with my wife and kids if I would have only waited for symptoms.Then again,if the aneurysm bursts,I have no chance to be with them anyway.There is never a good time to undergo major surgery especially when you are doing it on your own without reaching a certain threshold.By the way,my date is March 28,2007.
Congratulations! Honestly, it's exactly what you have to do. I'm a survior of a ruptured ascending aneurysm and I can assure you, you do NOT WANT TO GO THERE! It's possible to survive, but not very likely. Nothing I'd bet on anyway. Your doing the right thing. Chances are, they'll open you up and find that thing to be even bigger then they thought and you'll be all the more happier. ;) Oh yeah and that threshold---mine never made it past 4.7, so why wait?
Doesn't it feel so much better when you take control rather than your condition controlling you?

Congrats on setting the date and I wish all the best for you.
Congratulations! I'm sure once you've had the surgery and recovered you will be happy to live without that Sword of Damocles hanging over your head. You will have wonderful years to look forward to with your family.
Isn't it the hardest thing to push yourself to make the decision yourself? You just want the doctor to tell you this is what you need to do. I am in a similar situation & have a 13 and 11 yr old. I have MVP/R and had all of the negative conditions (enlargement, servere regurgitation) but not the symptoms. At my last annual echo I asked so many specific questions my cardio referred me for a TEE for answers. After reviewing the TEE he and another cardio felt it was time for me to have surgery. Now here I am with surgery scheduled for 02/21 - still 2nd guessing myself: Am I doing the right thing? If I end up with a replacement instead of a repair have I started a clock I didn't need to start? Am I opening myself up for a myraid of heart problems I don't have today? :confused: ....but here I go - like you - doing what I think is best for myself and my family.

Good luck! I think you will find like I expect to, there's a reason why we took this decision upon ourselves.

Date for Surgery

Date for Surgery

Ah I remember when I got my date for surgery. What a mix of emotions! Relief, fear, anxiety, insomnia - all very normal so don't be alarmed. I had time to research almost everything on the internet. Everything except for what recovery would be like. I thought I'd be up and around and back to normal in a couple of weeks. It took longer than I anticipated. Silly me. I was in the hospital 7 days, the last 2 were for them to regulate my coumadin. I have a St. Jude mechanical valve. Once you get home you'll probably worry about getting hooked on pain meds - yeah, everyone of us worried about that. Don't worry. If you do worry, try what my husband suggested, cut them in half and see how you feel. Your wife will know before you do that you'll need one - cuz you'll get cranky - so take a half to take the edge off. My brother just had quad-bypass in September - he had little to no pain and stopped taking them soon after he was home. Each person is different so try not to compare your recovery with anyone else. Personally, I slept in the recliner in the hospital after I got out of Cardiac ICU. Never got in the bed. And then I slept in the recliner at home for several months - it just felt better. Then graduated to the sofa and finally bed! Once your home, you won't feel like doing anything - don't let yourself fall into that trap. Exercise is the key. Walk around the dining table a few times several times a day. Do your leg lifts in the recliner or holding on at the sink. Make sure you go to rehab when your Doc says you can. My insurance did not cover rehab - we had to pay. After rehab I joined the Gym and still go 3-4x a week. I was allergic to a lot of the meds in the hospital. Just take it one day at a time. You'll have ups and downs but those few dark days disappear fast and your brain somehow forgets them. Your body will let you know if you did too much - so don't over do it. And don't be lifting anything over 5lbs. (I think my purse weighs more than that!). You can do it!!
It is so hard to make a date for surgery when we feel ok! I remember when my surgeon told me it was necessary for surgery, but it was considered elective..:eek: What.. how can I need it, but consider it elective??? I sure wasn't chosing to go have this done.. elective in my mind was a liposuction and tummy tuck!:p

Anyway.. you won't look back and regret it.. Instead look at the time and quality you are gaining with that precious family of yours!

We have decided that my valve birthday is the new birthday for me.. and when we will celebrate!

Picking the date gives you some definite time frame to shoot for.. You will do fine, and we will be here right beside you! Wishing you all the best.
MaryC- if cardios and not surgeons are looking at your TEE results and saying you need surgery, then you need surgery. Cardios are not ones to jump into the surgery suggestions very quickly. Sometimes the lack of symptoms lulls you into a feeling that nothing is wrong or that whatever is wrong can't be that bad. It's most likely that you will have your surgery and once you are recovered realize how much better you feel and that you body had just adjusted so well to the changes in your heart. You would not be the first member here to have your body trick you.

jkn2kids - Having a 4.8 aneurysm fixed is very appropriate. It might not have changed in a while, but you don't have any idea when it might decide to start changing rapidly. Thankfully Ross survived his dissection. My Mom did not. I think you absolutely made the right decision.
I put you both on the calendar; let us know if your dates change.
If you've reached the decision to go ahead, then I would spend no more time second guessing, but would try to relax and enjoy each and every day.:)
I know how you are feeling. I am preparing as we speak. I, too, went through alll the things that MaryC is talking about but I have symptoms so it makes it a bit easier to get this done. Good Luck and we will be here for your questions.
Fantastic! It's not like the thing is going to go away by itself!! Better to get a bite off of it before it takes a bite out of you!!

The surgery won't be without some risks, discomfort or frustration, but your ticking time bomb will be dealt with. You'll have a scar and a story but no more uncertainty! Good choice! Good choice.

I am really glad that my surgery was in April. The springtime is a lovely time to recouperate. Something about that promise and that just fit perfectly for me. I hope it does the same for you.

Stay close to us now.....and no turning back!

Take care. :) Marguerite
Congratulations on getting a date set!

Try not to second guess too much, it's not like this thing is going away on its own, it needs to be dealt with and your prognosis will be better if it is dealt with when it isn't an emergency. How about spending that second guessing time planning all the fun you'll be having with your family this summer when your recovery is well along its way?

Wishing you all the best,
It is very natural to second guess your surgery. You aren't in a life-or-death situation at this moment. But if you know that you need this, why put it off? Right now your body is strong. You will recover quickly because there is probably not as much long-term damage. If you wait, you risk so much more.
We all don't have cancer. Our illness can be repaired/fixed. Move forward with the security that you are making the right decision for yourself and your family. Then, wear you scar with pride!

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