Danny is over the mountain!!!

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Well-known member
Aug 16, 2009
Mahwah, NJ
I am thrilled to report that David spoke to Danny's wife a little while ago and Danny is out of surgery and he did just GREAT!!! The surgeon repaired the aortic aneurysm and Danny did need one small bypass but his surgeon was able to spare his aortic valve - yeah!:) They expect him to be moved out of CICU to a regular room either tomorrow night or Thursday morning. I'll update more when I have any more news but I suspect that Danny will be posting for himself before long!;)

What EXCELLENT News! Thanks so much for letting us know Nadine! . I'll keep my eyes on this thread for further reports. I'm so happy for him and how great is it that they were able to save the valve.

Wow, that is great news indeed! I've been sitting by the telephone all day waiting for Melissa (Danny's wife) to call me.

Sure glad to know he is over the mountain & on his way to recovery!!!

Thanks for the report Nadine!
Oh such wonderful news. Thank you Nadine for posting. Wishing Danny a speedy bump free recovery. Give my best to his wife and family. All he needs to do now is rest, eat, walk and rest some more.
I am so glad to hear Danny's surgery went so well. I look forward to his posting about his experience.

That's awesome Danny, you got to keep your valve! Im a little envious;)

God speed on your recovery, we are all here for you.