Dangerous drug!

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lisa its not a battle as you put it,its a personnel choice,yes a second ohs isnt great ...

(Not meaning to spark a debate here but ...)
That's exactly why my personal choice was a mechanical valve -- after my father-in-law had two "porky pig" ;) valves in 10-11 years' time.
I was DXed with MVP several months after his 2nd OHS (a very complicated AVR/2nd MVR/quad CABG) and recovery, which involved warfarin for several months.
I was told I'd "probably" never have a problem with the MVP, but I did.

Post-op, I kept looking for that Mack truck that ran smack-dab into me and prayed I'd never go through VR again, pinning my hopes on my St. Jude ticker and my wonderful rat poison. :D

So far, so good. ;)
Iv been taking warfarin for about 3 years and recently had a CT scan which showed MULTIPLE CYSTS IN MY LIVER. Reading this post and seing warfarin described as 'rat poison' has made me wonder does warfarin cause any damage to the liver ?
Iv been taking warfarin for about 3 years and recently had a CT scan which showed MULTIPLE CYSTS IN MY LIVER. Reading this post and seing warfarin described as 'rat poison' has made me wonder does warfarin cause any damage to the liver ?

RCB has been on it near 49 years and ain't nothing wrong with his liver. Dick's been on it almost as long, same story. Does that answer the question?
I could see where it is probably one of the highest producers of Emergency room visits, but I think the "dangerous reactions" part was strictly ad lib.

A lot of our members have had a trip or two to the ER for a bleed that didn't seem to be stopping or Purple Toe, or similar. However, the appearance is that in most cases, little is actually done by the ER crew other than "wait and watch," and it's far more often just a reasonable precaution, rather than a "dangerous reaction."

just my opinion.

Best wishes,

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