Damn You, Great FireWall !!!

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Well-known member
Jun 21, 2008
don't know why, but for some reason or another, the authorities have
decided to crack down on internet usage. they've got something like
50,000 volunteers who surf the web looking for sites to block, and there's
no apparent method to the blocklistings.

sometimes bbc is up, sometimes down. two weeks ago, youtube was blocked,
last week up for a day or two, then off again. google sometimes is blocked.

and today, hotmail is blocked, my insurance website is blocked, my credit
card is blocked, loads and loads of proxies as well. this sucks. i'm tempted
to say screw this and move to thighland.

thing is, they're not really trying to censor anything. there's always a way
around the firewall. they block the old proxies, new ones take their place, but
takes time. they just want to make it so frustrating that regular folks will
automatically go to the approved default sites. but then we have the additional
problem of proxy owners banning chinese ip addresses.

and the strange thing.....they don't block porn. not that i would ever, i
mean, well, i was just testing, umm, that ipr thingy, and, um, oh, look
over there, a butterfly!
research....thighland.....(cue homer simpson: "mmmmmmmmmm.....thighs...")

thailand retirement visa!

must be over 50 and have $us22K in the bank.

wait, what about nepal? that could be groovy.
Yeah, you haven't heard the news from thighland this week. Not good. violent protests with military crack down (oops, now the Powers That Be will block our forum from you).
You know, it's funny in a way. I have blocked nearly every Chinese IP except for a couple. What is it with Guang Dong province anyway?
guangdong? ewe, yucky. they speak that funny cantonese. and they eat really
weird stuff....bugs and worms and stuff. not normal stuff like pig genitals and entrails.

and they have the world's fastest growing city...shenzhen. in 1980 it was a fishing
village, population a couple thousand maybe, then deng decided it would be a new
capitalist paradise, it's grown to now something like 15 million. it's the silicon valley
industrial production center. you've got several hundred million internet users in that
part of the country, so percentage wise you'll have a high number of ripoff artists
as well.

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