My account of a prostate biopsy
My account of a prostate biopsy
First you try to give yourself an enema. There is a tiny little tip that is lubricated but it doesn't seem to want to go anywhere.
Then you go to the doctor's office and get in an examining room. Sitting on the counter is a thing about the size of your thumb. The next thought is, "I'll bet that they are going to try to put that thing where that tiny little enema tip wouldn't go." Then you notice that there is a thing in a sterile wrapping that seems about as long as a golf club on the counter. Then you notice that the little thingy the size of your thumb has a hole through it. Your next thought is that the golf club thing goes through that hole while the thumb thing is where the enema tip wouldn't go.
But is that the end of it? Nooooo. The golf club turns out to have a "pistol grip" and every time the doc pulls the trigger, the needle on the other end shoots through the wall of your intestine and into your prostate. When you hear the doc mutter, "There is some calcification over there. Lets get it". You know that the thing is going to scrape around on the wall of your intestine until it gets lined up for another salvo.
Besides that, when you have hung out around health care places as long as I have, you know that calcification is a code word for, "I'm pretty sure that is cancer," so you don't even have to wait for the results of the biopsy ...