Curtsmom's rescheduled surgery is Tuesday, July 22

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Best wishes and prayers are with Curtis and your family, Paula, for a successful replacement and recovery. Please update us as you can for we will worry until we receive word that all went well.
Best to all and prayers in order,for your surgery Curt
Post when you can Paula....:)

Well i dont know what to say, only that they have done it again.
Now they want us to go into the hospital on tuesday and have surgery on the wednesday the 23rd.
Maybe it is best not to put him on the calander and i will let you all know when we get to the hospital and fianally get to stay.

Also sending my very best wishes to everyone going in for surgery.
Thanks everyone.
Paula were never given anymore than we can handle
and cancellations are always for a good reason and Curts not the
only one cancelled afew others also and please keep the
notification of calender change going so we are able to stay
with yous in this time you need ,everyones support here
If anything this sort of thing happens and may again but at least
we are here for you,when we know. Hang in there ,you are strong
with all of this and don't think it's a burden for us to know of any
changes. Thanks for update again Paula...(HUGS TO YOU ALL)


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