Well-known member
There are a few questions that I could have changed, but for the most part true. Good and fun test
I scored 37 an it is fairly accurate description of me.
On the Myers Brigss assessment I was an ESFJ before my surgery and when I took it about a year post surgery I was an INFP - talk about a change! I'm sure it was, in part, due to everything that happened during that year which resulted in a quieter, more reflective, and caring me.
Interesting post!
Good question? as long as they were honest with themselves, it is OK.I gotta ask, how many of you lied on the test?![]()
Mine was so accurate too.I got 38.
Pretty well fits me.
There are a few questions that I could have changed, but for the most part true. Good and fun test
Hi Dina,
We used the M-Briggs at the organization I worked for in order to help staff understand one another better and tolerate the difference. At the time I did years ago, I was INTP, now I am ENTP.
43.... seems I'm not a self-absorbed meglomaniac after all..!!I'm also an INTJ
I got it all mixed up..I meant ISFP (and also INFP). I am right down the middle between "sensing" and Intuiting"..I'm both really. My Mom thinks I'm more of an S since she is an extreme N(she is also INTP). My husband is an ISFJ
and boy do we have different ways of communicating with totally different
thought processes. My thinking seems almost alien to him.
Faye-I find it interesting that your profile changed after surgery. But then
again that is what life is about...changing and growing.
I scored 47......
This fits pretty well with how I would like to see myself. I think I have become a kinder and more out-going person as I have gotten older, and I have enjoyed the change. I Believe it or not, I think the years of prosecuting gave me more empathy for others.
I got a 40. Fits me to a tee.
I got a 41, but that doesn't describe me very well. As far as MBTI, I'm right on the cusp of INTP and INTJ, meaning, I suppose, I'm just plain weird.
It is always interesting to me to know how we differe or are similar to one another. Me, too, Dina, I am very close between "sensing" and "intuiting". In all tests almost, i am mostly in the middle. I did 'left/right' brain, and I was 11which is very rare...which means my left and right brain are exactly the same!!
Was gonna start a new thread..but since you brought it up, my Mom sent
me this and I found it interesting.
Go to this web page to see if you use your right or left brain:,21985,22556281-661,00.html
Hi Dina,
You are an early person!! or just this am? I could not sleep...had coffer this pm. I watched the dancer...I saw her dancing both ways....she turns 5 times leftwise, then switches to the right for 7 time, then left 8 times, right 10 times.
I should try and find the one the gives the answers in numbers!
I'm an insomniac.
Yeah,I didn't want to say anything to skew results.
Do you think it changes as your brain is using different functions?
I was trying to see if it was reliable or not,and when I started to read,
it would turn left.But initially it was moving right.
Strange thing though..I had my husband look at it with me,and he had
an opposite interpretation from me as we were looking at it at the same
time...?! UNLESS, he doesnt know left from right![]()
I too see her turning both ways. If I take my eye off of her for awhile she turns around. Weird but then I guess I am weird