Cruise Reunion on October 23, 2006

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2007 Spring Reunion

2007 Spring Reunion

And remember folks - the folks who attend the reunion pick the location of next years Spring Reunion.

And yes - the folks in vegas last year picked a cruise...

Remember that we are going to start having two official reunions per year in different parts of the country.

This should help to cater to more people's schedules and proximities.

So if you want to lobby hard for the Spring (probably March timeframe) reunion location should contact one of the folks attending the cruise to sway their votes.
Hey! Colorado:D ;). Have not had one in Texas either.

Hank, what month and or dates do you plan on the sping reunion? Hopefully I can squeeze it in.:) Oh, I see it may be March. Well, that's spring break for us. Already have a trip booked for the end of that month. Will wait and see. Maybe I can swing another. Nothing like answering your own question!
How soon we forget! Our very first reunion "gathering" was in San Antonio. 1999 I beleive. Oooops! How time flies!:eek:
Rain! How are you GF?!

Yes, so sorry to be missing out on all the fun. I usually get away during the school year...just not for an entire "mid week". Plus that week was filled with birthdays and other commitments. Long weekends in October always worked great. Just earlier on in the month. And yes yes! Love the idea of a summer reunion in CO including the kids! There has to be some sort of fun ranch, cabins, tents, whatever:D Find the horse trails too!

I think we will be out in CO this winter. Near Breckenridge. Will drop you a quick note when we have more details!

Hope all is well with you and yours! We need to see some more baby pics!:)
Got my boarding pass today!

Got my boarding pass today!

My friend, Martha, & I are really psyched about this cruise - we're leaving our families home and celebrating our 40th years on this cruise! We are also tacking a few days on either end for some sight-seeing. We're staying in Beverely Hills (ooh la la) the last couple of days.

I'll be flying into LA on Sunday and taking a cab, I guess, to Long Beach to a hotel there. Martha's flying in from a business trip in Las Vegas.

I can't wait to meet more valvers. I'm not on this website much - but I love to partay!
Yup - got all our stuff yesterday, too. whooooohoooo. Are you guys taking halloween costumes?
I'm so sorry to be missing this year! I was at the last 3 and always so look forward to the time spent with other site members. I know everyone will have a great time! I love cruises and this one should be a good one.
The OR team.

The OR team.

Georgia...... we should all dress up as OR people! :p whaddya think?? :D Wonder who is gutsy enough to be the patient?!! :eek: lol Not me!!! :p I?ll be the anesthesiologist! :D

Heidi, I can?t wait to meet you and your friend Martha. Party we will! :D We?ll be in CA a couple days before and after also, but I?m not sure what we are doing yet. My Aunt is near San Diego, so we?ll be visiting her part of the time. We do intend to be back in CO Monday AM. Sara is already freaked out about missing even one day of school .... much less a week. :eek:

We're really going to miss you Betty! :(
I was able to talk my husband into attending the Reunion in Golden, which was a year after my surgery, but just for the Friday night meal. He felt like a fish out of water there, I guess, but had agreed to go for me. It was really a neat experience to me, however, to meet so many Valvers.

Since I read awhile back that you all were going to depart on a cruise from fairly near us, I've been torn, wanting to attend in a way, but cruises aren't on my "favorite things to do" list and I don't gamble.

Anyway, when do you all leave? Is there a dinner before you depart, though I don't know that I could talk my husband into going anyway?
Cruise Agenda

Cruise Agenda

Michelle and I and our oldest Daughter Emily will be arriving in Long Beach on Sunday Evening and staying at:

Holiday Inn Long Beach
Long Beach, CA 90813

We can arrange dinner somewhere (somewhere cheap like taco Bell maybe ;) )for Sunday night.

Any takers?

Those of you attending were pretty much given the agenda in your letters from Rita.

We will meet for dinner at the time specified in the letter. We are all grouped in the same section of the ship so we will see plenty of eachother. The main meeting tiem was also specified in the letter.

I am leaving the shore excursion (time in ports) open as I know people have different levels of activity that they want to enjoy. The structured time for visiting and "bonding" is already determined.

Any questions - please let me know..

14 Days!!!


Hi All
It has been awhile since I've logged on.I've had a few medical problems. I spent 6 hrs in the hosp. yesterday CT and a doppler stuty of my neck because I have had a frew black out dizzy spells. I hope nothing shows up to keep us from coming . We took out the travel Insurance out any way. My Girlfriend was on a cruise with her daughter and she had to see the ship Dr. it cost them 150.00 for a minor eye infection. I am getting excited to come to calf. to see my daughter's in San Diego and the cruise. I will miss all the regulars that can't make it. But sure there will new VR members.This will be my fourth and My husband and I have always had a great time.
Let me know if you guys plan a dinner for the night before the cruise. I'm only a few miles down the coast, so I could easily drive up for the evening.
I second Mike on that. Can't make it on the cruise, but a dinner with fellow VRers would be nice! I live in the LA area, so it wouldn't be far to go.

Debi (debster913)
Yes, I'm with Debi and Mike, though I still haven't bounced the idea off my husband yet. I think he might go for a simple dinner the night before the cruise though, so if a specific plan comes up for that, will you let us know here? Thank you:)
Hey Arlyss

Hey Arlyss

Arlyss - BTW - We never did get to meet, after we exchanged so many emails before my AVR three years ago. If there is a dinner the night before the cruise, might you and your husband come? pre-cruise get together in CA pre-cruise get together in CA

Hey Mike, Susan & Hank... lets do it! It?d be a shame to get that close and not see each other. :eek: I?m open for Sunday afternoon.

Someone should start a new thread about a cruise get together in Long Beach Sunday ... so everyone will see it.

Maybe we could come up with something ?cheap? to do that afternoon before visiting Taco Bell. :D

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