Crohn's disease
Crohn's disease
My nephew, the same age as my son.. age 36...has the real Crohn's disease.
Brother noticed it at birth when he could not drink Cow's milk.)... Later he grew older and started really having bowel problems..had to be put on many meds. Brother always worried when he left for college.afraid he would not take his meds..However, he is a very healthy man..who thankfully married a Nurse.
and as far as I doing well.( Mama told me many times when she was alive about many flareups he would have)......Now on the other hand, My S/I/l was also diagnosed with it..a year ago..His Mama refused to believe it and told the doctors.No way to put him on meds..Very powerful drugs...Turned out, she was right.. they had messed up an appendix operation on him and YES..after his 2nd appendix doing fine.
I remember seeing my Nephew ..when he was in his 20's and he looked very bloated.( Steroids)???..My S/I/l was in the same hospital that misdiagnosed my Grandson. let him suffer for a week, before his appendix ruptured.
they kelp saying it was a virus
We sent him by ambulance to hospital. They got serious then....operated and he was fine.
Took 10 years off my life, tho.
didn't mean to get off subject..but, why is it so hard to dx.Pain in lower body? Bonnie
Crohn's disease
My nephew, the same age as my son.. age 36...has the real Crohn's disease.