Well-known member
BTW pretty much every time I see a post of yours I get a certain Who song stuck in my head, I think they call it an earworm....
No easy way to be free
(Huge Who fan here, yes my handle is not a coincidence!)
BTW pretty much every time I see a post of yours I get a certain Who song stuck in my head, I think they call it an earworm....
Huge Who fan here, yes my handle is not a coincidence!)
Stupid and Idiot are not mutually exclusive, special folks get to be both.Yet with this pandemic, we’ve seen such a special marriage of idiot behavior with stupidity.
We have the selfish idiots. We have the stupid. Most anti-vaxxers in our area are clearly both.
Not sure if this is a good idea. I was listening to CEOs of Pfizer and Moderna and they were talking boosters that have the delta variant plus.I went on line made an appointment at CVS pharmacy for Pfizer. They asked if it was my first or second shot. I said I already had one but there was no question about the second. I went in and expected to be interrogated but nothing happened and I got my shot.
It looks like having a "booster" may be in our future. I came across a 95 year old patient today who is not vaccinated. I asked why and I sort of got "we don't want to be forced" answer. I said good luck. If she gets Covid it might be the short version.
InterestingNot sure if this is a good idea. I was listening to CEOs of Pfizer and Moderna and they were talking boosters that have the delta variant plus.
That's like the classic where a van pulls up next to you at a home Depot or something and a couple of guys tell you how they have a couple of extra speakers from some high-end home theater installation They just finished and if they take them back to the shop they're just going to go on the shelf so they'll sell them to you for one third the price..As a freshman in HS I saw The Who Live in Oakland in 1982. They were amazing!
Random anecdote from that night. We took BART, the local subway, from Freemont to Oakland for the concert. On the way home, some sleazy looking dude approaches us, opens up a folder which had several "gold" chains on display, which he was selling for $20 each. They even had the little 14k tags on them. We asked him where he got them and he winked at us and said that he found them. We each bought one. They all turned green within 12 months- real gold doesn't turn green. That saying: "a fool and his money are soon parting ways". Well, these young fools parted ways with about $100 that night!![]()
I've always liked The Who, kind of partial to the British invasion as an old standby I guess, perhaps because I was born in 1969 and pretty much missed it but was exposed to it from my friends older brothers who, in the interest of full disclosure, ended up exposing us to other things that we probably shouldn't have been at that age. Like telling me and my buddy to open up the album cover, dump the bag and pull the seeds out for them..... But hey times were different then and everything worked out all right. Now these kind of discussions can get more heated than the religious or political ones with some but I've wandered around musically I can listen to some punk, some blues etc but I I have to admit I'm partial to the old Brits in particular early Stones- some of the mid-60s stuff but My favorite is the '68 to '72 period with Beggars Banquet, Let it Bleed, Exile on Main Street and Sticky Fingers in that run. Even if it's not the case I like music when it sounds like they just went into the studio, or maybe a filthy basement in the south of France, and cut the song in a couple of takes. I can appreciate but generally don't really love music that sounds over-produced. So I never got into progressive rock really like yes or rush too much.No easy way to be free
(Huge Who fan here, yes my handle is not a coincidence!)
I've read that they cover the known ones but not as good as the old original Covid19. My hope is that using the MRNA technology They will be able to much more quickly develop new vaccines to treat new variants. Of course then you have the logistical issues of getting the vaccines approved, manufactured and distributed worldwide.Interesting
I had been reading that the mRNA type vaccines would cover the known mutations.
My feeling right now is that the probability of a problem with another shot of the original vaccine is very low especially knowing that in Israel and several other countries this is already being done. So IF in the future a new variant effective vaccine is produced I would not be concerned about taking it. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. At 48 hours out no side effects other than a mildly sore arm.Not sure if this is a good idea. I was listening to CEOs of Pfizer and Moderna and they were talking boosters that have the delta variant plus.
You do not want to be 4 vaccines deep by fall.
As a freshman in HS I saw The Who Live in Oakland in 1982. They were amazing!
Random anecdote from that night. We took BART, the local subway, from Freemont to Oakland for the concert. On the way home, some sleazy looking dude approaches us, opens up a folder which had several "gold" chains on display, which he was selling for $20 each. They even had the little 14k tags on them. We asked him where he got them and he winked at us and said that he found them. We each bought one. They all turned green within 12 months- real gold doesn't turn green. That saying: "a fool and his money are soon parting ways". Well, these young fools parted ways with about $100 that night!![]()
That's like the classic where a van pulls up next to you at a home Depot or something and a couple of guys tell you how they have a couple of extra speakers from some high-end home theater installation They just finished and if they take them back to the shop they're just going to go on the shelf so they'll sell them to you for one third the price..![]()
Sorry about that buddy. The guy who sold 'em to me for $15 each told me that his Dad made them in his foundry out of real gold! I only made $5 a piece on 'em from you if that is any comfort. (ha!)
Congratulations Tom you win the dumbest post of the day. Couldn't God have just made him healthy instead?
I don't take him at his word. He claims nobody does from COVID-19 because if you are in perfect health and get it you likely will survive. Thing is there are a lot of dead people who may have been obese or had diabetes (often related) who caught covid and died that without covid likely would have loved decades longer. There are a lot of people in their 40's and 50's with a health problem who make their 80's so to take each one who died while infected with covid and write it off is nonsense. He's a trumpster
I guess I misinterpreted when you said "You can die from covid but not really"..... I know it's the old somebody has an opinion and it's their opinion so they're all equally valid right? Like if I say the moon is made out of blue cheese and Neal DeGrasse Tyson says something different They're both just opinions right? Who are you to judge me as having a bad habit? I just have a different way of interpreting information than you like you have a different opinion....Not sure how my post makes me dumb. These are people in the real world, it's their opinion. I present it here to help present a different perspective on illness and old age in general and how it intersects with Covid.
Thanks for obliquely calling me dumb. It helps keep me humble
I never claimed "nobody dies from Covid". I am not that ignorant. I get about 6 articles on Covid pushed out to me every work day by Medscape. I have a world perspective on Covid through watching French and African news. You have a bad habit of reading, misinterpreting, and then posting based upon your misinterpretation.
Did you read that article? Nature is a solid respected journal.I've read that they cover the known ones but not as good as the old original Covid19. My hope is that using the MRNA technology
have you found or heard of one that isn't?Up until recently all of the major variants seem to be somewhat controlled by the current mRNA vaccines.
Just read it. It does seem that the mRNA vaccines protect well from all known variants but not as well with some.Did you read that article? Nature is a solid respected journal.
Pfizer is mRNA technology