Covid 19 Vaccine For Post Op

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I am a physician. I have had three open hearts for aortic valve and repair of aortic aneurysm. I had to have an extension of my right coronary artery placed using a saphenous vein during the aneurysm surgery. Subsequently needed 8 stents due to kinking of the extension. Have a pacemaker due to 3 rd degee block. And finally 4 1/2 years ago two mitral clips for decompensated mitral insufficiency. I have had both shots for the Pfizer vaccine. Total no brainer for me. One of my colleagues who is 80 has been on a ventilator for over two weeks. I had essentially no side effects from the vaccine. I see elderly people daily and I ask them when they are getting vaccinated. Vaccination for infectious disease has been one of the most significant achievements of medicine. The irrational nonsense on the Internet echo chambers is appalling. The report out of Norway of multiple older people dying weeks after inoculation needs to be investigated but I bet it is not accurate. This has not been noted so far anywhere else. The reports of several million deaths from Covid-19 are true.
I am a physician. I have had three open hearts for aortic valve and repair of aortic aneurysm. I had to have an extension of my right coronary artery placed using a saphenous vein during the aneurysm surgery. Subsequently needed 8 stents due to kinking of the extension. Have a pacemaker due to 3 rd degee block. And finally 4 1/2 years ago two mitral clips for decompensated mitral insufficiency. I have had both shots for the Pfizer vaccine. Total no brainer for me. One of my colleagues who is 80 has been on a ventilator for over two weeks. I had essentially no side effects from the vaccine. I see elderly people daily and I ask them when they are getting vaccinated. Vaccination for infectious disease has been one of the most significant achievements of medicine. The irrational nonsense on the Internet echo chambers is appalling. The report out of Norway of multiple older people dying weeks after inoculation needs to be investigated but I bet it is not accurate. This has not been noted so far anywhere else. The reports of several million deaths from Covid-19 are true.
Thank you for affirming the safety and need for the Covid 19 vaccine. I am in VA. and I am 71 with a mechanical heart valve, 2 heart surgeries, and a pacemaker. The Governor moved to vaccinating 65+ but I am unable to register to get a vaccine or procure and appointment. I was able to put my name and my husband who would also qualifies at 74 with COPD, on a waiting list at VDH. Very frustrating. There is a web cite to register in fairfax county, Va. but it is not accepting anyone under 75. Extremely frustrating.
The report out of Norway of multiple older people dying weeks after inoculation needs to be investigated but I bet it is not accurate.
From yesterday's UK press:

Thirty-three people who died after getting a Covid-19 vaccine in Norway were all over 75, seriously ill and there is no evidence of a 'direct link' between the jab and their deaths, health officials have said.

Norway's medicine agency sought to reassure people on Monday after reports at the weekend showed a number of elderly people had died after getting the Pfizer jab.

'All of these patients have had serious underlying illnesses,' the agency's medical director Steinar Madsen told Bloomberg, adding that they were all 75 or over.

'Clearly Covid is far more dangerous to most patients than vaccination. We are not alarmed.'
I agree with michaeljquinn.
Enough said.
Enough said about what? We are learning as we go, and we share information, just as we recently learned about the cases in Norway that had effects on some elderly patients types. Only time will tell more and more and praying the long term results are as promising as they are predicting for the sake of the whole world. Blessings!
LInH - you didn't see what I was agreeing to.

One of the people here said that this was a 'Chinese' virus, developed in Wuhan, China.

THAT's what Enough Said was about -- all you have to do is read michaeljquinn's message, then go back to a ridiculous posting that said 'And this is not a "flu" is a Virus from China, Wuhan Labs, not the same as usual....'

This is political ********, widely debunked, and not worth mentioning.
LInH - you didn't see what I was agreeing to.

One of the people here said that this was a 'Chinese' virus, developed in Wuhan, China.

THAT's what Enough Said was about -- all you have to do is read michaeljquinn's message, then go back to a ridiculous posting that said 'And this is not a "flu" is a Virus from China, Wuhan Labs, not the same as usual....'

This is political ********, widely debunked, and not worth mentioning.
Yeah. That’s why I asked what you were referring to. I looked for it but I didn’t scroll up far enough to see. But with that said, people are entitled to their own opinion, as far fetched as it may seem. Though you are right, it has not been proven and so why mention it here, and divert from the topic at hand. I agree with you on that. Although, I do not believe in silencing opinions, it just was not the right topic to bring up on this particular thread where I was mainly asking others for what their cardiologists are recommending regarding the vaccine to people who are RECENT post op OH patients. Have a nice day!
Are us valvers considered “at-risk” when it comes to Covid? Here in Florida only those 65 or older, front line healthcare workers, or at-risk individuals are eligible for the vaccine at this time. Don’t know if I’m at risk 🤷‍♂️
My sister who is a physician told me I would "certainly" qualify for preexisting (I'm 53). But the pre-existing condition idea seems to have vanished? They used to pair that criterion with those over 65. Now like you said, just over 65 and there are a lot of those folks. We also skipped over the 75 entirely which makes me concerned for my parents.
My sister who is a physician told me I would "certainly" qualify for preexisting (I'm 53). But the pre-existing condition idea seems to have vanished? They used to pair that criterion with those over 65. Now like you said, just over 65 and there are a lot of those folks. We also skipped over the 75 entirely which makes me concerned for my parents.

I mean, I haven’t asked my cardiologist. He makes me nervous enough as it is. He’s all over me reminding me every visit that if I even think I might have strep to get on antibiotics right away, don’t even bother to test for it. 🤷‍♂️ So I don’t know what to make of COVID
So I don’t know what to make of COVID
I have a friend in your age group. He and his wife have both had it and described it as the worst flu they've had.

The way forward as I see it is:
  • good hand hygine
  • avoid touching your face
  • wear a mask when out in public
  • sanitise hands before removing mask
Best Wishes
Ok so your friend is in my age group... does he happen to have a handful of replacement parts that his hearts runs on? Or is he a normal healthy human
Ok so your friend is in my age group... does he happen to have a handful of replacement parts that his hearts runs on? Or is he a normal healthy human
I have more parts than you, am about 10 years older and I'm not worried.

but don't worry, I will never again attempt to calm your anxiety.
Update on 83 year old Mom. She received her first vaccine yesterday. She had aortic and mitral bovine replacement and tricuspid repair in August 2020. Had vaccine in the RIGHT arm. She said a bit sore during the night in her arm but the next day she felt totally fine. Siblings were split down the middle whether she should receive or not. Mom was totally for getting vaccine. She said she would rather risk the shot effects rather than getting Covid and risking potential serious effects at her age and heart condition. Given her circumstance of living alone with one sibling at home, and pretty much both of them quarantining, several siblings believed she should wait until after we see the vaccine effects of this first go around. But Mom decided to go for it after her cardiologist told her it was “up to her.”

Also, Something for everyone to think about...we had a 61 year old, very healthy and very physically fit, athletic friend, who was hospitalized after contracting a blood and bone infection from doing electrical work in the crawl space of his mid century home in Long Beach. (He did wear a hazmat suit but believe he contracted the infection as a result.) After a week of antibiotics and on top of the excruciating pain and all sorts of heavy duty meds and morphine, he contracted Covid while in the hospital. He lost 27 pounds and was sent home after 10 days. After 3 days at home he had a stroke that was caught at the very moment his buddy was talking to him on the cell and my friend went silent. His buddy called his wife as she was falling asleep on the couch and she ran into the room and saw he couldn’t speak and wasn't coherent. She called 911 and he had an emergency operation to unblock artery, that saved his life. They aren’t sure if the clots came from Covid or other procedures he had, but my point is with all this is to be extra mindful of these type of home repairs or anything that can result in a hospital trip, because like my friend, you can end up catching Covid at the hospital. He was sent home today and doing well, thanks be to God, but it will be a long recovery. Apparently blood infections are more common than we think so always disinfect cuts and scrapes! Blessings to all.
I have more parts than you, am about 10 years older and I'm not worried.

but don't worry, I will never again attempt to calm your anxiety.
What anxiety? I had questions, not anxiety. I was seeking information not someone to calm me down
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Are us valvers considered “at-risk” when it comes to Covid? Here in Florida only those 65 or older, front line healthcare workers, or at-risk individuals are eligible for the vaccine at this time. Don’t know if I’m at risk 🤷‍♂️

Artificial heart valve owners are not at a higher risk for Covid. In addition, I've also read many times is that valve replacement in and of itself does not move you up in line for the Covid vaccine. My source of information is Medscape bulletins, local paper and the CDC.
Artificial heart valve owners are not at a higher risk for Covid. In addition, I've also read many times is that valve replacement in and of itself does not move you up in line for the Covid vaccine. My source of information is Medscape bulletins, local paper and the CDC.

Thanks, exactly what I was asking
Are us valvers considered “at-risk” when it comes to Covid?
See below answer to Fact #12: Am I At Higher Risk To Contract Coronavirus (COVID-19) If I Already Had Heart Valve Replacement Surgery?
Dr. Marc Gillinov at the Cleveland Clinic responded to this question immediately. In his email to me, Dr. Gillinov answered, "People who have already had heart surgery or transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR), who are otherwise healthy, should have normal immune systems. So, they should be no more susceptible to complications from a viral infection."

Coronavirus, COVID-19 & Heart Valve Disease: What 20 Facts Should You Know?
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