Coumadin and Alcohol

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Well-known member
Mar 4, 2009
Houston, Texas (USA)
I have a question....if you are on coumadin does that mean you can no longer have alcohol.

When I say alcohol, I mean a glass or two of wine with girlfriends, an occassional margarita when having mexican food.

I am fixing to have a weekend away with ole' highschool girlfriends, and it would be nice to have a glass of wine or two.


the cardiologist said it is important to be happy and live normally; all the specialists i see said i could safely drink half a bottle of wine a day, no problem. their nurse however chanted the mantra "one drink a day is good, two drinks are ok and three are bad".

i have half a bottle wine per day or three beers or the equivilent in bourbon and coke and i have never had a problem and my inr has been perfect for 4 months. early on my inr fluctuated, but i tracked that down to mega doses of (soy laden) miso soup and some huge intakes of garden fresh greens.

but i have learned from others posts in that alcohol is to be avoided totally if you have got stomach ulcers or you have got poor inr control and also we should avoid heavy drinking sessions/benders?. but really that is just common sense and applies to everyone.

and as grandma used to say, never drink on an empty stomach.

come to think of it, exercise common sense and you will avoid most problems in life.
We are all sex maniacs and alcoholics here. :D

The big issue with alcohol is the possibility of creating a GI bleed. If your prone to ulcers or have a history of them in the past, not a good idea to drink. That being said, I think we all have what we want, whenever we want. I prefer Bloody Ceasers myself.
I had a margarita with my enchiladas Wednesday night at El Fenix near our house. (El Fenix has had an enchilada special on Wednesdays for decades -- now at $4.99.)

Last Saturday night I had an absolutely wonderful margarita at the Sheraton at the Houston Bush Airport. This was before a formal dinner, and I thought I'd better ask friends to help me across the hall to the banquet room. :D Did not want to fall flat on my face :eek: and get a subdural hematoma. That would have ruined the evening. :(:(

So -- it's OK to have a drink or two. If you like yours really strong ....
We have this Mexican place down the road that has killer Margaritas. Just one Jumbo and your pretty messed up.
I cut back alcohol consumption but haven't eliminated it. Im not a wine drinker which I wish I was at times because there are health benefits associated with it. Im a beer drinker, preferably a funky micro-brew which has a bit higher alcohol content that your typical Bud-light.

If you want to knock a few back its fine unless you have ulcers. You might see a tick of a tenth or two on your INR the next day but by the day after that I suspect you would be back where you were, thats my experience anyway.
We are all sex maniacs and alcoholics here. :D

The big issue with alcohol is the possibility of creating a GI bleed. If your prone to ulcers or have a history of them in the past, not a good idea to drink. That being said, I think we all have what we want, whenever we want. I prefer Bloody Ceasers myself.

Geezz Ross!! Cant trust you with any secrets....:rolleyes:
The province of Quebec is pretty bad too. Last year a drunk with 17 convictions mows down a lady in a wheelchair and kills her.

Sounds like the SOB that head on'd Chris's fiancée' and such. I can't believe the guy had 22 arrest records for motor vehicle violations and still was able to get temporary tags for new car after just being released from prison.
Well I admit it wasn't as funny or entertaining as the sex thread, but I feel better about having a couple of drinks. I am just so excited to get away from this house, this husband, these kids and grandkids for the weekend that will be enough.

We are going to have a good weekend in Galveston and catch up on ole' times.
Alcohol & Sex

Alcohol & Sex

Alcohol & Sex; Sex & Alcohol...yes, please...

On a serious note...I think everyone's pretty well answered your question. Despite endulging in enough alcohol to get a pretty good buzz going, I've never seen a significant impact upon my INR. Others may have a different experience as metabolic systems probably differ from individual to individual. I usually test my INR on the day after I over-indulge and then again a couple of days after that. Someone once told me that the effects of alcohol on INR are pretty quick. Double checking over a period of several days helps take the worry out of those times when I over-indulge.

Well I admit it wasn't as funny or entertaining as the sex thread, but I feel better about having a couple of drinks. I am just so excited to get away from this house, this husband, these kids and grandkids for the weekend that will be enough.

We are going to have a good weekend in Galveston and catch up on ole' times.

Has Guido's reopened? I eat there whenever I go to Galveston. We used to have a cat show in February in Galveston and it was soooooooo cool to be able to enjoy Gulf shrimp and watch the Mardi Gras parades down Sealwall Boulevard at the same time......
I had my INR teseted the morning after having more than a couple drinks and it was fine. I usually only have a couple drinks, problem is I drink martinis. ;)
I wish I had a home moniter, I'd do some field work for everyone.

I think the biggest danger, besides ulcers, is getting loaded and falling and smacking your head real good. Incurring some type of internal bleeding.

I got pretty plowed at my dad's 70th b-day party with my brothers last month. I didn't notice any difference compared to such behavior prior to being on anti-coags.

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