You guys are all so wonderful. I just got through discussing posting the info below with Hayley (imhaley) and she said she wanted you all to know what is going on. I have let her know about the prayers and good wishes coming her way and I think she sounds better already.
Just out of the hospital for three days. INR's
were too high and they needed to watch me.
I also have been diagnosed with chf and ph.
My thyroid is outta whack so I?m on meds for that
and today at my follow up appt. I took a breathing test
and failed so I have to now use an inhaler.
I have filed for disability social security.
I?m depressed to say the least. I have
separated from my husband also.
Let?s family never even called or visited me
when I was in hospital.
Hayley has been going through this for some time but didn't want to feel like she was complaining.

I told her she needed to "complain" to help get through this emotionally - too much, too fast.
Thanks to all of you from Hayley.