Cost saving for melanine/gluten?

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Well-known member
Nov 3, 2003
Last week's issue of Maclean's magazine contains a lengthy article about Menu Foods and pet food recall.

Apparently melanine is added to gluten produced in China to enhance the protein content of feeds.

With tight profit margins and stockholders in the wings the manufacturers bought gluten from China for a saving of 20 cents per pound. Menu's margins (profit) were under pressure from the price sensitive retail chains--Wal-mart, Loblaw's, Sobey's.

The news at noon reported malanine has turned up in pig urine at 2 locations in the US and some pork has already reached the food market for human consumption.

Cows were fed protein from the spinal columns of other cows--cows are not meat eaters.

The world is involved in producing "frankenfood". One wonders what comes next.

First our livestock now our companion animals. My companion animals are fed Eagle Pack manufactured in Wisconsin and so far are OK. My thoughts are with others with ill animals.
News reports today have said that China may also ban the melamine laden gluten.....sounds like too little too late.

It's a shame that organic products are too expensive for most folks....
"Home" made pet food

"Home" made pet food

Hi Bina,

We have been very lucky with our 2 dogs. Cost is quite a factor though.

Our Ridgeback is fed with Eagle Pak recommended by her breeder not available in supermarkets. Not cheap, but in some cases neither were some other brands pulled from the shelves. It has been doubly shocking to learn Loblaws No Name is involved. I remember all the advertising done using some of Canada's top show dogs--the Dave Nichols ads when No Name was launched. According to Macleans No Name pet foods turned the failing Loblaw's chain away from bankruptcy.

We fed our small dog a non-commercial food made in the supplier's kitchen with ingredients from the local supermarket--all human grade--beef, chicken and lamb and free of preservatives. It's a little on the expensive side but reasonable enough for a 20 lb. dog.

Unfortunately, she doesn't make cat food. Now I'm wondering if horse feed could be involved.

There is a lot of imported from China foods in our local supermarket so I wonder what controls it has been subjected to.
since all this began, I have been making Miss SS's food, using my own ingredients purchased separately. Ground turkey (or beef), rice, vegs, a little olive oil, broth. We often add some dry food when served. With a sprig of green on the side :D. She is very appreciative.
Over the last 10 years I have realized just how much of a chance we take when buying our food at grocery stores.
I remember once when all the hamburger was taken out of the local stores during a salmonella scare. And now our precious pets aren't safe either.

I have neighbours who raise organic grass/hay fed beef, chickens, turkeys, lambs, eggs etc. It is pricey but oh so good!

Hey, Lance, do you know the Ridgeback breeder in St. Eugene, On ?
How about Pam doing ridge rescue in eastern Ontario?
(yes, EaglePak is excellent food, I used to sell it).

I would like to cook for my cat, but she changes her tastes all the time,brat.
No and no again

No and no again

Hi Bina,

Sorry haven't heard of either person. Our Ridge came from Jo Dunn in Walkerton--just north of us on the referral of a friend.

Is St. Eugene near the Quebec border? If so we are about a 8-hour drive away.

Spinach and bean sprouts have been subject to recalls as well.

Between Christmas and New Years we had lunch in a newly renovated food court at the mall. The daily special was noodles, vegetables and choice of shrimp or chicken.

Luckily for me I chose chicken. My husband didn't unfortunately because he was diagnosed with food poisoning the following day. Your symptoms are tested and when everything else is ruled out food poisoning is the culprit. Shocking to say the least. Ubelievable.

Cats change their minds a lot over food--maybe that's why the home made supplier of dog food doesn't do cats. It's only a small store.

Hensylee, Are you cooking for a dog or cat? Just curious.
Yes, the Ridge breeder in St. Eugene is east near the quebec border. You would be much further west....

With cats being finicky I guess that's why so many of those tainted little pouches of meat and gravy foods were sold.

2 of my cats are pretty easy to feed, but the princess kitty likes treats of cheddar cheese or scrambled eggs.