Coryp Is Doing Very Well!!

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Well-known member
Nov 7, 2002
southern California
Cory's wife asked me to let everyone know that Cory is doing great! In fact, he is out of ICU and in his own room this evening! I am delighted to be the messenger of such happy news, and I know that he and his family are very grateful to you all for your care and concern!


Thanks so much for the update. Please give my best to Cory & his family and let them know we are still praying for a smooth recovery.
Thanks for posting Alyss. Please send Cory and his family our best wishes for an easy recovery.
We love reading thumb's up reports!

We love reading thumb's up reports!

Glad to hear that he is doing so well. Thanks for the update. Janet
Happy to hear that Cory is doing well. He did a lot of homework and went in with his eyes wide open. I'm glad things are panning out well for him. Tell him he's in my thoughts, and thank you for posting for him, Arlyss!

Best wishes,
Sounds like the Mack truck missed him. Please tell him congratulations.

Hey Cory - don't do the 'evil' sneeze thing. Waiting to hear from you when you get home.

Thanks, Arlyss, for letting us know.
Attaboy, Cory. You had a big surgery and you've proven yourself a strong survivor. Keep it up.

karlaosh said:
Attaboy, Cory. You had a big surgery and you've proven yourself a strong survivor. Keep it up.



Glad you are posting and back on the puter. How are you feeling? Last time I talked to your Amy she said you were on the verge of a pacemaker (and then I went into the hospital). I am assuming all went well.

Please drop me a note asap.

Hi Cory.

I got out of the hospital on the 8th and am at my mom's house in Red Wing, about an hour from Mayo Clinic. I'll be flying home to Colorado on Saturday.

I'm feeling really good! I had some bad back pain for a few days post-hospital, but it's subsiding. I've been walking and my appetite's good. Sleeping through the night seems to be a challenge, but all in all, I'm feeling remarkably normal.

I'm still a little bummed that I ended up with a pacemaker, but what are you going to do. Thanks for talking with Amy; it was helpful to her (and to me) to get involved on this website.

How are you feeling?


I wish I noticed this post sooner. Glad to hear about the outcome. Please keep us posted on your recovery. I will continue to pray that you have a speedy and uneventful recovery! :)



Excellent news, I too am praying for your recovery. Hurry back, we need your support. I think the mack truck just left my house.