Cort, Wishing you a quick recovery

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knightfan2691 said:

Let's see.....

First...Janet, such kind words...thank you ... believe you rendered me speechless....;)

Little old me render you speechless? .............nah! I'd have to see a video of that one, I'm afraid............:D I meant every word. You KNOW we care about you.

knightfan2691 said:
It was keyhole surgery ... believe Maureen asked about that....

Dunno why anyone would want to have surgery on a keyhole :confused: except when Katie has locked herself in the bathroom again.........heehee! :D

knightfan2691 said:
Anyway, she said not to worry about the pains just yet ... she said if I'm still hurting on Friday, we may have issues. She said the bruises are to be expected, since they use staples...and, yeah, I noticed staples around the bruises.... And, no, they are NOT infected yet ... Mom even double checked...

Good for you and her, and do stay on top of that...........course she picks Friday with the weekend coming up and no one available. Use Thursday as your guideline and call Friday first thing if it's the same. THat's an order.

knightfan2691 said:
And, finally (er, I think anyway), Danny, just what the heck IS normal? ;)

Oh, Cort, seriously, you are asking DANNY what normal is? Like he'd really know! :D

Take care of yourself and think positive thoughts. Many hugs and lots of prayers. J.
knightfan2691 said:
In my defense, though, I've been sleeping most of the last few, it's to be expected that I'm wide awake....just wish I'd be wide awake during the day so I could actually feel up to getting things done.

And, yet, I don't feel like doing much of, sitting at the computer and reading...and pretty much the extent of my activities for a while.


Which is going to be darn frustrating...since I really would like to do some things that I normally don't have time for ... but, alas, now that I have the time...I don't have the energy :(. Arg.....

And, now...I think bruises are beginning to form on my stomach area....aye....this is kinda scary.
Hey I'm surprised you feel up to sitting and pecking at the keyboard. What you had was no picnic either! ;)
Mornin, Cort. Glad to know you are home and mom is checking on you. Mom's always make it better. Just hunker down and enjoy the time you have at home. All too soon you'll be out in the cold air again huntin for something to do.
Cort. You sound MUCH better! I truly hope that things continue to improve fast for you now. Keep us posted, though, we're still on alert!!

Have a nice easy day. Remember what they say about taking time to stop and smell the roses......well, maybe these few days have been more about reflection and thought productiveness than doing what is considered actively useful and productive. Both are equally valuable!

Best wishes!! Marguerite

Hoping you return to "normal" PDQ!!!!!!!!!!

My niece and her brother both had to have their gall bladders removed, she at 21-22, he at 11, I think. They had genetic defects in the bile ducts. Both had lots of pain for quite a long time pre-op (my nephew for 1-2 years at least). Both recovered pretty quickly. Hope your recovery is just as fast.
Glad to hear you're home and doing ok Cort. Hope all the bruising and pain clears up very soon and you feel more like yourself!!
Love Emma
gijanet said:
Oh, Cort, seriously, you are asking DANNY what normal is? Like he'd really know! :D J.

I do so!!!!!

"Normal" means not deviating very much from the average. Now what is average, you ask. Well "average" is approximating the statistical norm or average or expected value; lacking special distinction, rank, or status; commonly encountered; lacking exceptional quality or ability......ZZZZZZZZZZ

I'm sorry, what was the question??????????:confused: :confused:

Maybe Ross can explain.

May God Bless,

Ahhh....ya'll are the best, ya know? I appreciate the additional thoughts and well-wishes..... And, yes, Janet...I DO know ;).

Let's see...

Tuesday's activities:
slept most of the morning ... then, my bro-in-law picked me up and took me to their place, where we watched the first-ever episode of The Dukes Of Hazzard (he and my sis gave Season 1 to me as a "post gallbladder surgery" gift). Then, we worked on a puzzle he had started several weeks ago ... and finished it just before dinner.

Today (Wednesday):
Slept all morning long ... longer than I had planned, wasn't up until 12:15...aye. Then, relaxed after eating a LATE breakfast....put my new heated mattress pad on my bed (yippie...will try it out tonight) ... and then sat and rested while watching Jeopardy! ... then dinner, then Wheel of Fortune and the beginning of the Rose Bowl.


I really want to be cleaning out my room, putting things away, working on my legos, writing, etc. etc. etc. Ya know...all the projects on the "one of these days" list....aye.

And, yeah, I'm STILL in pain. Looking forward to tomorrow's (Thursday's) appointment with the surgeon ... see what he has to say. At this point, I sure hope he doesn't send me back to work on Monday ... not sure I could last a day right now :(.

Heh..and maybe part of it is that I desperately need a new job.

*shakes head*

Best stop
Told you I'd be looking for this post..........

Told you I'd be looking for this post..........

Nope, I think you are doing just the right amount of activity and pacing yourself well. Let us know what the surgeon says tomorrow. Make a list of all your symptoms and questions and be sure to ask them all (sorry, the mom's coming out again). Let him know your concerns about being released for work so soon and remind him that you are not the average post-op gall bladder patient. As for the thing at a time, my dear, one thing at a time. Got to get you well first. You don't need to tackle all your New Year's resolutions the first week. :D Many hugs. J.

After reading your most-recent post here, Janet ... I'm laughing and thinking:

Do you want to come with me to the appointment tomorrow, Mom?


Seriously...thank you .... and, yeah, I know I don't need to work on all of the New Year's Resolutions in the first week ... but wouldn't it be nice if some of them actually came true?

I know I can't count on Chevrolet to offer the Monte Carlo ever again to the public ... they've been gone since 1988 and haven't returned yet.

I can't count on the Cubs to win the World Series in 2006. I'm a bettin' those White Sox will win it all again...aye. a new job ... and maybe a gf ... too much to ask in the first week?

Oh yeah...and then there is that pain issue....


Quick update for all ya'll mother hens and father figures....

Surgeon is NOT concerned about the pain ... he believes it is from moving the pacemaker leads and scoping around to get the gallbladder completely out. If I still have pain by next Wednesday, I am to call him again..... He says that the gallbladder WAS the culprit ... and it's good that it is out.

I go back to work Jan 16....
Cort sorry I haven't been around and just saw this thread. Man you sure know how to end/ start the new year.:eek: I am glad to hear that you are recovering though it doesn't sound like much fun.

I still need to take our Christmas tree down so that is MY big new years resolution. We were out of town a few days so that is my excuse.:eek:

You sound like you are doing well. When I had my little surgery I laid on the couch for a week! Very few peeks at the computer. I do hope that the surgery does help you feel much better. I am so sorry about your grandpa.:( I lost my grandma last spring and I miss her.

Well just wanted to let you know I heard and am praying for a good recovery.
knightfan2691 said:
Quick update for all ya'll mother hens and father figures....

Surgeon is NOT concerned about the pain ... he believes it is from moving the pacemaker leads and scoping around to get the gallbladder completely out. If I still have pain by next Wednesday, I am to call him again..... He says that the gallbladder WAS the culprit ... and it's good that it is out.

I go back to work Jan 16....

Well, you KNOW I'd be checking to see how today went. I am so glad that the surgeon feels like you are doing well and as to be expected at this point in recovery. And January 16th is good. That should give you some time to get over your aches and pains.

Now, just a few more days of recovery and I'm envisioning great things in the rest of your 2006. (Yes, I borrowed Mary's crystal ball.............hey, if she can borrow my butt, I can borrow her ball.) :D

Much love. J.

No need for apologies ... glad that you posted tonight :). I appreciate the thoughts/prayers/well wishes.

Heh...just wish the "big bang" for the New Year's celebration had been a road trip...or something else ;).


Our Christmas trees are still up, too ... we have the main one in the living room ... and a smaller one on the desk in the den that is near the big picture window that faces the street.....


I like that crystal ball ... thank you :)!
gijanet said:
Now, just a few more days of recovery and I'm envisioning great things in the rest of your 2006. (Yes, I borrowed Mary's crystal ball.............hey, if she can borrow my butt, I can borrow her ball.) :D

Much love. J.

I'm glad you don't have to return to work until the 16th. Hopefully that will give you enough time to feel fully recovered.

And, like Ms Janet, I predict that 2006 will be a wonderful year for you and all of us.:) :) :)

I do take exception to Janet's saying, I "borrowed" her butt.:eek: :eek: :eek: She conveniently forgets that I housed and fed her butt after she lost it, but we've covered this ground before!:p :p :p

Wishing you a complete and quick recovery,
Of COURSE the surgeon isn't concerned about the pain - it doesn't hurt him! :eek: :eek: :eek:

Y'know - after heart surgery everyone wants us to take painkillers to the max to facilitate recovery. After "normal" surgery, tell 'em about pain and the reply is that they're not worried about it. If only we could "share" the pain with our surgeons.

I know what you mean about his concern; but they really do have a pretty cavalier attitude toward it.

Lov ya, Cort - hope you're feeling better today. And the trees will still be there until you're up to detrimming them! (like in June???)

Yes ... definitely good that I'm not going back to work on Jan 9 as originally planned. I'm glad the surgeon was willing to give me that extra week. May be stretching it a bit, but I'd rather be back completely than only partially back. Besides ... if I get well enough soon enough, I should "test" it anyway ... by getting some things done around here ... and, maybe, just maybe, taking a mini road trip ;).


Ya know ... I've often wanted to give my doctors my pain ... so that they KNOW it and can DIAGNOS it better.


Sadly, they haven't developed that technology yet. Hmmm...maybe that's a job with my name on it...he he he.

Heh...actually, Mom and Dad starting "dedecorating" the house today.... So sad to see the decorations come down ... the house always looks so bare'n'empty in January ... and, with normally cold temps outside ... it's even more depressing...he he he.

And, today was better ... woke up about 9:30am ... watched Cheers and The Cosby Show in the morning, then relaxed a bit before my bro-in-law came to pick me up to take me to his and my sis's place. We watched an episode of Dukes Of Hazzard (Season 1) ... and then got to working on the puzzle that he and my sis took from my aunt ... the one that my aunt and I had been working on that Gram had started (and never finished) a number of years ago.... I got a bunch of pieces, including one "section" in place today!!!