Cort, Wishing you a quick recovery

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I just read in the New Year's thread that you were having gall bladder surgery today.:( :( I don't know how I missed your post, but I did!:( :(

I hope everything goes well, and you are OUTTA THERE before you know it.:)
Rats, how did we miss that. Hope all goes well Cort. Saying some prayers for you!
Oooh I missed it too, sorry Cort!!

Hope it all goes really well and you get home very soon!!

Love Emma
Sorry, but I missed it too.

Sorry, but I missed it too.


Hope that everything will go well with your gall bladder surgery and that you will be up and around soon. Thinking of you my friend.:) :) :)
Sorry I Missed

Sorry I Missed

I completely missed your thread regarding your gallbladder surgery. I hope everything goes smoothly for you and you have a quick recovery.

Take Care!
Sending you best wishes, Cort- guess we were all spending less time on-line!
Cort -

Cort -

will be thinking of you and hope all goes smoothly with your gallbladder surgery. You're such a great guy - Happy New Year!!!

Christina L
*raises eyebrow and eyes pop wide open in good shock*

Holy cow peoples! Thank you ssssoooo very much!


I'm afraid I don't have a lot of time right now, but thank you ... ya'll have brightened my day! I go to the hospital in just over an lots to read on my boards "right quick"...he he he.

And, no, ya'll didn't miss the post about gallbladder surgery ... I just mentioned it in the New Year's thread. You _might_ have missed my "Time for a note" thread which I posted around Dec 9 or 10 (in either "small talk" or "heart talk") ... right after Gramps died. I mentioned the abdominal pains and Gramps' death ... the gallbladder surgery should (hopefully) take care of the abdominal pains ... guess we'll see....

Again....ya'll never cease to amaze me :). Thank you!!!!!

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 32swm/pig valve/pacemaker =
chdQB =
"It's time to take a leap of faith" ... Steven Curtis Chapman ... 'Dive'
Hey Cort.....Hope you feel better soon....

Hey Cort.....Hope you feel better soon....

I know what its like. I had my gaulbladder taken out in 1997 with laprascopic surgery and in comparison to my last kidney surgery, it was a breeze, so here is wishing you the best and very quick recovery. Take Care, Harrybaby:D :D :D :D :D
I didn't know about this one either, hope all goes well for you.
I had mine out in '75 the old fashioned way, and was in the hospital three days longer than with my valve replacement!!
One of my daughters had hers out several years ago(the 'new' way).
Took her into surgery at 2:30pm and she walked out and went home at 5:30pm!
I was amazed and hope you will be also.
Definitely knew about the tests but didn't know they found anything. I am praying for you and sending you hugs. If I wasn't sick I would drive on up to see you but......

Anyway - please take care and I sure hope this stops the pain you've been having.


My sister had hers out last year. In and out the same day....I'm surprised that you are going in on a Friday night?And surgery on a Sat?...Or, do I have the days of the week confused?:D :D ..Let us hear when you return home.. Bonnie
Missed this one too

Missed this one too

Wishing you a SPEEDY recovery Cort. Sorry I missed posting before your surgery....take care....

I hope all is well with you Cort and that your New Year brings happiness, prosperity and, above all, good health!
We missed the post too. Wishing you the very best. This kind of surgery can result in a much better lifestyle and a much happier person. My dear friend had such troubles. When the surgery was over, she was really a new person. Hope you have a wonderfully easy recovery.