Cookers Weigh In---FridayThrow Down 3-7

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Cooker...You gained 5 lbs since Friday's weigh-in?:confused: Now, I don't feel too badly with my 2 lb gain:p ....This coming week..suppose to be nice. Hope to get some walking in everyday..:D Bonnie
Somewhere , somehow I lost 2 pounds this week....could be stress I long as it doesnt creep back on I will remain joyful at the loss.

Marguerite I am hoping your Doctor is half deaf and was imagining the murmur...let us know when you get some news. We are nearly 2 years post-op Whoo-hoo!
Now I have 2 forms of exercise. My total trainer (a total gym clone) and now Wii - the video game console. Some of those games give you a workout.

Glenn and I golfed, played baseball and bowled tonight!
Karlynn said:
Now I have 2 forms of exercise. My total trainer (a total gym clone) and now Wii - the video game console. Some of those games give you a workout.

Glenn and I golfed, played baseball and bowled tonight!
Yes, when we first got our Wii I played it every day and it was a REAL workout! :) I don't play it very often anymore. Perhaps I should start up again. The boxing is WAY too hard on me, though. So I always pretend I don't have the nunchuck. ;)

Have you found out your Wii age? I've been anywhere from 21 to 56... ;)
cooker said:
Tuesday--birthday party, Thursday--Chick-Fil-A pig-out, Friday---Chinese buffet, Saturday---birthday part.......Sunday scales result...up 5 pounds.......Back at it....oh and lots of cake and a half a pan of brownies:cool:

Correction....this morning 4 of the 5 were gone:D ...I spent most of the day in the bathroom....could have used a cathater....I know my wedding ring had been tight etc but I did not think I had that much fluid....The only thing I can contribute it to is the huge increase in sodium.....I guess I do need to watch the salt.....what a relief:eek: :D
I've discovered a new favorite sandwich. Not sure if it's overly healthy, but it sounds like it is! :D

Rye bread
Provolone cheese
Ranch dressing
Fresh Baby Spinach
Fresh sliced Avocado
Fresh sliced tomato

Stack ingredients in preferred order on two slices of Rye bread. Use toaster oven to toast while still "open faced." Put the two halves together and enjoy! :D YUMMY!

Today I added a couple of slices of Pastrami, but yesterday it was the above. I've also bought some "ready to eat" bacon and thought I'd try that. Don't ask me why, but for some reason it really hit the spot! I suppose it's at least better than sitting down to a bowl of chips??? Maybe not? :confused:
I'm so hopelessly behind on all the threads that I don't think I'll even try to go back and read them all. I think our winter travel is over for the year. We had one week in Hawaii and a total of 3 weeks in various parts of Mexico. Now we are home and I have a ridiculously high INR, a fever, ?colitis, and my clothes feel tighter. Everything should be back to normal in a few days. I don't dare see a doctor with my INR so high because I'm concerned that the blinders would go on and the entire focus would be to get it down. So I'll get it down myself and then if I'm not better I might go get looked at. When I get colitis my INR always goes up but I don't think I've ever been over 8.0 before. I'm not bleeding and I tested my husband who scores a O.8 so I think my machine is probably right.

I won't weigh until Friday and then it will be a fresh start. Cooker, I hope you feel better. It seems your weight loss has resumed and I am so proud of you.
Hi Betty!!...Welcome home/back.....sorry for the problems you have had but I am so glad you don't go into the panic mode with the INR.....I am feeling better but now this time change is kicking my butt:mad:
Niki - That sounds like my kind of sandwich. I would prefer it without the meat. I met a man once who had lost several (over 100) pounds. The diet he followed was to make sure that his food was as close to the original source as possible - fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grain bread, etc. Very few processed foods. This sandwich seems to fit well. The health factor probably depends on the ranch dressing and provolone cheese. I've found that I can do lowfat in salad dressing and cheese, but the no fat versions don't taste good. Now I'm hungry and lunch is still a few hours away!
I'm SO sad and upset about the news of our fellow throw-downer, Bonnie, passing... I am going to go have a margarita... I think it's justified... I miss her so much already! :( I can't stop crying... :( Someone say something to make me laugh, please.
Gnusgal said:
Someone say something to make me laugh, please.

Bon is, at this very moment, trying to convince God to make Possum the "other white meat"?????

Bon would be the first person to say something to make us laugh about her own passing - that's what keeps me smiling through my tears. She LOVED life and enjoyed it to the max! Heaven became an even happier place today.

I'll join you in that margarita!

We love you Granbonny and we're going to miss you like crazy.
Gnusgal said:
Someone say something to make me laugh, please.

A duck walked into the drug store and said "give me some chap stick"...the clerk said "that will be 89 cents"...The duck said...."put it on my bill":D :p :D

Our girl is at home, surrounded by love....
That was about the coolest post I've ever read Karlynn.. Thanks for bringing out our Miss Bon Bon's humor. I think that I still have that can of possum she sent us in Golden..

..Raising my glass to Bonnie this evening..!
I'm not quite sure why Bonnie's passing has hit me so hard. We've lost others here, and while sad, it never hit me like the ton of bricks this has. Tears keep coming to the surface. I guess maybe because it is such a shock?

I WAY overindulged this evening (20 oz margarita, chips and salsa, tostadas, and afterwards an ice cream shake). I kept thinking about Bonnie's fast food jr. burgers (and of course, possum stew). Boy am I going to miss her!

Thanks for being here to cry and laugh with.
Debster said:
Hi All! Is it okay if I come back and join you? I am just not cutting it on my own....:( Granbonny was so cool-you all are right-Heaven is a much brighter place tonight....Deb

Deb.....take your coat of and have a are always welcome.
Debster said:
Hi All! Is it okay if I come back and join you? I am just not cutting it on my own....:( Granbonny was so cool-you all are right-Heaven is a much brighter place tonight....Deb

Joining the throw down is like joining the Mafia. You can never really leave.;)
To make up for yesterday's transgressions, my plan is to have one of my new sandwiches (the SPAT, as I like to call it- since it's not really a 'BLT' ;) ). I may also do a small bowl of soup. This morning the scale told me all I needed to know about my overindulgence (as if I didn't already know!). Hopefully I can get those 3 pounds out of me before Friday!
Gnusgal said:
To make up for yesterday's transgressions, my plan is to have one of my new sandwiches (the SPAT, as I like to call it- since it's not really a 'BLT' ;) ). I may also do a small bowl of soup. This morning the scale told me all I needed to know about my overindulgence (as if I didn't already know!). Hopefully I can get those 3 pounds out of me before Friday!

Good luck Niki....I'm struggling too.....Friday will tell:eek: