Cookers Weigh In---FridayThrow Down 11-02

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Thought I was thru with the carbs..No..Daughter needed me back down yesterday for baby-sitting....S/I/law left for his annual week's golf playing in Myrtle Beach..( Cooker you know what I mean. lol...He.buddies go once a year)...near where you live..).....Went to mall with Grands..had one slice of pizza..:( Went out to sports Bar last night to meet son/family... Had 2 beers (to drown out the noise) :eek: Ordered Fajigas..sp?)..Tried to just eat the beef, veggies, ect..........but..ate at Waffle House again this morning..(hubby needs a good breakfast).....but Home ..FINALLY... I think I am going to FAST this week......:D Temps are suppose to be in freezing by Wed no walking..:eek: ......How much PJ do you drink ..Cooker?:p .May need to drink some?:D Bonnie
I don't know what it is today, but I've been absolutely CRAVING veggies... My hubby wanted me to make tortellini for dinner, but it just didn't sound good to me (which is unusual). So when I went to the grocery store I got stuff for stir fried veggies (broccoli, zucchini, squash, mushrooms, onions, tomatoes) and got the tortellini for him. He doesn't come home from work for at least another hour or so and I've already eaten my delicious veggies (with enough left over for lunch tomorrow!). I'll make his carb and cream dinner, but I won't eat it. ;) (correction, DH just called and he'll be even later than usual, so he's just going to pick up fast food. Better him than me! Unfortunately, that means DH is making the tortellini for dinner tomorrow... I'll try to eat a small portion.)

I did NOT go exercise today, but I think I got quite a bit in anyway. Today was the Book Fair at our school, and I'm in charge of it. At a slow spot I went down to a Kindergarten room to ask a teacher a question. While I was down there, the fire alarm went off! The fire marshal was testing us. So I booked it across the school and back to the library to make sure that the money box was safe (my aide didn't seem to have the forethought). By the time I made it outside (in plenty of time, mind you) my legs were burning with the exertion. Then, at lunch I had to quickly heat up my food and get back to the library for the book fair (lunch is a good time for kids to come and buy stuff), so I set the timer for 2 minutes, then rushed down to the cafeteria to get iced tea and plastic-ware and made it back to the lounge before the timer went off. Once again, my legs were burning...

Which kind of leads me to a question. The burning sensation I get in my legs upon walking quickly is not muscle pain, but feels like a "blood pain." If that makes sense. It's almost like my blood hurts to move through my body that fast, and because of my poor circulation my legs aren't actually getting the oxygen/blood they need, or something like that. Do I make sense? Does anyone else ever get this? I try not to get to that point when I exercise (I slow down if my legs start to hurt like that), but when I'm actually trying to get something done I sometimes push through the pain anyway. I'm worried I might be pushing myself to a heart attack or something. What do you think?
Oh, and Karlynn, I wanted to say congratulations on the wonderful weight loss! Glad you got off the med and can now see a downward trend! :D
Oh No :(, I think this makes me the only non-loser left :eek: ...

Congrats Karlynn on joining the losers on our quest! :D ..

maybe I should drag out our old scales and see if that helps!:D Unfortunately for me I'm not game enough to drop my Statin in-case my cholesterol charges right back up to bad levels.
Hey!!!! I have found the "Fountain Of Thin" !!! After a healthy dinner of chicken corn chowder and salad I settle in to the recliner and WA LA, a snoozing I went. You can't eat Pumpkin Cake while sleeping!!!! So that is the key!!!! Sleep. So the next time you are craving that favorite goody.....take a nap:D :D

Glad I could be of help:rolleyes: :p :rolleyes:
Ton- my cholesterol wasn't that high and my good cholesterol was very good. My husband was very against me being on it for my # (219). I will say that when I was being very good about low-carb eating, my cholesterol was in check. I'm going to just watch it for now. If it goes up much higher than it is, I'll consider taking something again. If your number is high, you should, by all means, take something.
Ok, losers.....we have two days before the weigh in!!! I am proud of the way we all have stayed the course!!! The "ups and downs" are a part of real life but the downward trend seems to be prevailing:D :D I have notice some very positive changes in my eating and exercise habits. But the truth is, it is so easy for me to jump track and head out to a burger joint or ice cream parlor. The accountability that all of you bring to the "table":D is the glue that keeps me sticking with it. Thank you:)

I checked before I started this post and there have been 674 views this week to date.:) I bet we have some "closet" losers that are doing great as well. All are welcome!!! If you are a closet loser and don't want to post your weight that is can join and just posts ups and downs each week. You know, -2 or + 2 for the week etc. I am sure that none of us really care what someone else weighs. We are here to have fun and improve our over all health. I think this thread does more for my mental health ( no comments please:p ) than my physical..........but as we know it is all tied together!!!

Have a wonderful day:) :)

:p Pumpkin Cake:p
Aren't you worried someone is going to rub pumpkin cake in your face, chimp? :p :p :p

Okay, I was at the polls all day yesterday from 5:30 a.m. to 7 p.m., in a cold wind, and I am happy to just be alive today. That was a true stress test. Just a little stiff today, but feeling okay otherwise. Guess I passed.

I should have burned tons of calories out in the cold yesterday but when I got in last night and started eating, I probably wiped that out. Haven't gotten near the scales. Don't know what Fearsome Friday will bring. :D
cooker said:

I checked before I started this post and there have been 674 views this week to date.:) I bet we have some "closet" losers that are doing great as well. All are welcome!!! If you are a closet loser and don't want to post your weight that is can join and just posts ups and downs each week. You know, -2 or + 2 for the week etc. I am sure that none of us really care what someone else weighs. We are here to have fun and improve our over all health. I think this thread does more for my mental health ( no comments please:p ) than my physical..........but as we know it is all tied together!!!

Have a wonderful day:) :)

:p Pumpkin Cake:p

Ok, I'm out of the closet . . . count me in.;)
I will weigh Friday and start from there.:eek: :eek:
Will this affect my role as arbitrator?:confused:
cooker said:
Absolutely seem to have a knack for as well as enjoy cracking the whip......;) :p

Ahh . . . Cooker,:D
You've grown to know me so well!;) :rolleyes: :p :p
We had an absolutely delicious homemade sandwich for lunch! Had to share in case anyone is interested in it OR if anyone has any other meals ideas to share.

Portabello & Chicken Sandwich:

whole grain bread
about 2 oz chicken breast
about 1/4 avocado (Haas size)
a half of a large portabello mushroom cap
slice provolone cheese
sauteed red onion

I browned the mushroom in a cast iron skillet. Seasoned the chicken and mushroom with salt, pepper, onion powder, garlic powder, fresh thyme, italian seasoning. Of course, you can use other condiments, but I don't do mayo or mustard.

It was soooo good. Sometimes you have to come up with something new.

Came with this idea really after a visit to Panera on Sunday. Had something similar there, but this was just as good. Panera also has low fat soup; we had half sandwich & soup combo with an apple side. It worked great as far as weight loss.

W & C
Well, I have managed to lose 1 lb..of the 2 lbs..I gained back..(from being out of town)...hopefully by Friday..the other lb.:p .....It was not a good way to lose .skipping breakfast../lunch yesterday..chicken last night..No breakfast this a.m. ..a Soup/ granola bar..but will eat some roast beef/carrots for dinner..:D it took me 8 weeks to lose 8 lbs...and a week to gain 2..:eek: Most came from eating out..( the 2 lb gain)..and I thought I was eating good..:confused: ....Only a day trip planned for will watch the evil Carbs..that come from traveling..:p ....Also, our 28 degrees this a.m. warmed up quickly..:) so was outside a lot today...(no wind)..tagging pine trees to be removed close to our house..We have to have permission to remove them from our Home on a preserve, ect.......should be no problem..due to drought..Pine trees fall easy..if we have hard winds, good to be outside moving..:D Bonnie
OK. I'm coming out of the closet also. Thought I might hold off on this weight losing thing until after the holidays, but I'll start on Friday also. I'm getting scared when I see myself in photos taken recently. LINDA
twinmaker said:
I'm getting scared when I see myself in photos taken recently. LINDA

That's what got me to do it! Best wishes - glad you are joining in. The more the merrier.
Mary said:
Ok, I'm out of the closet . . . count me in.;)
I will weigh Friday and start from there.:eek: :eek:
Will this affect my role as arbitrator?:confused:

Welcome, Mary, and yes definitely please continue to be the referee as well! Who else is going to keep the chimp honest as to use of banned sustances like prune juice? :p :D

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