Cookers Weigh In---FridayThrow Down 10-5

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Karlynn said:
The good news is, we were in KC this weekend for our granddaughter's 1st birthday - and I didn't gain any weight! Yea!!!!!!!!!!
It is the natural law of physics that the birthday cake of a one year old contains no fat or calories:D :D Especially one that cute:) :) :)
Karlynn said:
The good news is, we were in KC this weekend for our granddaughter's 1st birthday - and I didn't gain any weight! Yea!!!!!!!!!!

Way to go Karlynn! Where at in KC? I live about 25 miles hubby works downtown.... BTW_your granddaughter is ADORABLE!!!
The devil made me do it..:eek: Today when I was in our small village. I stopped at the ATM machine...across a small road is our local Bar=Be-Que place..where all the locals eat at lunch..the smell of Bar-be-que had drifted across the street...I told Hubby..that's it..I am having a bar-be-que for lunch..Pork sandwich..and I ate the bun..:p could have had the plate with fries/ect..but I was strong..:D I figured since I almost loss 2 lbs last week..I would treat myself...Yummy......back on track tomorrow....:) Bonnie
As long as we can dodge those Krispy Kremes that Cooker keeps rolling down the street, we'll be okay, Bonnie. Got to have a little barbecue now and then. We is Southerners, after all! :p :D :)
What's this?! No replies in over 24 hours??? How can this be? Where are all my faithful companions? I need your wit and witicism to get me through this!

Today I was SO tempted to stop and grab Fast Food on the way home (I had a late meeting at work, so wasn't even heading home until 7:45), but managed to quell the urge and instead reheated some left overs from yesterday's dinner. The entire ride home I kept thinking about the Throw Down and knew I just couldn't ruin everything for an "easy" meal when I had healthier food in the fridge at home. Hope everyone else is still going strong!
Gnusgal said:
What's this?! No replies in over 24 hours??? How can this be? Where are all my faithful companions? I need your wit and witicism to get me through this!

Today I was SO tempted to stop and grab Fast Food on the way home (I had a late meeting at work, so wasn't even heading home until 7:45), but managed to quell the urge and instead reheated some left overs from yesterday's dinner. The entire ride home I kept thinking about the Throw Down and knew I just couldn't ruin everything for an "easy" meal when I had healthier food in the fridge at home. Hope everyone else is still going strong!

Niki....I am so proud of you!!! I had a tough diet weekend but am back on track. I have been doing pretty well on soup and salad but I can not seem to get the exercise going:mad: Just can't get off my butt. I am hopeful for this weeks weigh in. I hope to be back to where I was before my blow ups:D

I must agree with Bob, the Monday weigh in really helped keep me in check over the weekend. But the "Losers" have spoken and we will stay with Friday for the weigh in. I just need a little more discipline:eek:


I am so pleased with way we have stayed the course!!!!! I am not sure of the original starting number (my Loser List is at work) but we have had TEN report in this week!!! That is great!!! I have had a precarious diet week but think I have done better than last week, we will find out Friday morning.:D :eek: :D

Hang in there. We can do it if we stick together!!!!
We are in it for the long haul! We shall triumph at the salad bars, the drive-throughs, the all-you-can-eat buffets, the birthday parties, the anniversary parties, the Sunday dinners, the romantic rendezvous, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Saint Valentine's Day, Halloween, Krispy Kreme shops, the church suppers, the cruises, the mountain picnics, the hot dog stands....We will fight the caloric overload everywhere -- on the beaches, in the coffeehouses, at the delis, at the bakeries teeming with fresh-baked goods...

We will be strong!

We will prevail!

We shall overcome!

:) :) :)
RobHol said:
We are in it for the long haul! We shall triumph at the salad bars, the drive-throughs, the all-you-can-eat buffets, the birthday parties, the anniversary parties, the Sunday dinners, the romantic rendezvous, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Saint Valentine's Day, Halloween, Krispy Kreme shops, the church suppers, the cruises, the mountain picnics, the hot dog stands....We will fight the caloric overload everywhere -- on the beaches, in the coffeehouses, at the delis, at the bakeries teeming with fresh-baked goods...

We will be strong!

We will prevail!

We shall overcome!

:) :) :)

Look!!! Up in the sky!!! It's a bird!!!! It's a plane!!!! IT'S SUPER BOB!!!! Our defender of caloric overload!!!!! We are Saved!!!!:D :D :D :D
Daughter took the day off. to volunteer(parent) .to teach math to her son's I went down to have lunch with them...Grandson was so excited to see cute..went thru the line with them..Talk about small portions.:p ..but very healthy selections. Lots of veggies...and treat was either jello or icecream....Came away hungry..:p I went and bought some new pants....same size.but felt looser.:D .....Daughter/I picked the Grands up..and they were hungry so she drove thur Wendy's for them a Frosty..I knew I had a long trip home and gave in to a small Jr. Cheeseburger..:eek: Hubby cooks some steaks..but I am having home-made chicken soup...have had the runny nose/ect. for a week. much better now..:) I have not weighed in a few days..but I think I may hit the 1 lb. loss again Friday a.m...making a total loss for me 7 6 weeks......Daughter has already decorated their home for Halloween. Grands are so excited..making me think...Don't overbuy too much candy for treaters..and it is left in your home..:eek: .Give it all away.:eek: Bonnie
RobHol said:
We are in it for the long haul! We shall triumph at the salad bars, the drive-throughs, the all-you-can-eat buffets, the birthday parties, the anniversary parties, the Sunday dinners, the romantic rendezvous, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Saint Valentine's Day, Halloween, Krispy Kreme shops, the church suppers, the cruises, the mountain picnics, the hot dog stands....We will fight the caloric overload everywhere -- on the beaches, in the coffeehouses, at the delis, at the bakeries teeming with fresh-baked goods...

We will be strong!

We will prevail!

We shall overcome!

:) :) :)

I swear ................ I'm still laughing hysterically!!! Yes,'s SuperBob!!

This is SO GOING TO WORK for me. Every time I start to reach for something bad, I will now envision a super-diet-hero jumping in to prevent me from dangerous eating . PLEASE keep that avatar up for awhile. It is hilarious. I will totally keep him in mind now. What a great deterrent! Thank you Bob!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe the Monday weigh-in should have another vote. I honestly don't care which day it is. OR we could keep the Friday throw down and add a Monday throw up since everyone seems to feel like throwing up by monday anyway!!!

I'm so excited. I ordered a bowling ball today (an Ebonite Tornado in Navy-turquoise-silver)!! I'm so sick of the alley's balls which don't fit my long-apt-to-swell fingers. I'm going to get a free lesson when the ball comes in. Never had a lesson. No wonder I bowl about 105. But 3rd game today was a 145 since I'm beginning to perfect my Spares. Now I just need to work on the Strikes!! Hope I don't have too many bad habits to un-learn. The bowling may not be exercise, but I do think that the lunging kind of repetitive movement is strengthening whatever my legs need to help my knees not be so painful. And it's gossippy and fun with the ladies!

Anyway! My week is going pretty well. May not make it 4 days to walk and Curves as tomorrow is too busy, but 3 days is still good. I'll squeeze in something at home tomorrow.

Keep moving folks!!

cooker said:

I must agree with Bob, the Monday weigh in really helped keep me in check over the weekend. But the "Losers" have spoken and we will stay with Friday for the weigh in. I just need a little more discipline:eek:
I say weigh on Monday if that's what you need to keep yourself on track. Who says we all have to weigh on the same day? I'm fine with whatever day we choose, to be honest. But if some weigh in on Friday and some on Monday, what difference does it make as long as we're weighing once a week and keeping ourselves accountable? Do what is best for you and your needs! :D
I think Niki and Marguerite
hit the nail on the head. As long as we weigh in and as long as we stay accountable all should be well. BUT, I also know myself and when I start coloring out side the lines it tends to snow ball:eek: I will stick with Friday for now. I am allowing myself a Friday or Saturday food fling after a long week and weigh in. I just need to stop the fling from rolling into two, three days:eek:
RobHol said:
We are in it for the long haul! We shall triumph at the salad bars, the drive-throughs, the all-you-can-eat buffets, the birthday parties, the anniversary parties, the Sunday dinners, the romantic rendezvous, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Saint Valentine's Day, Halloween, Krispy Kreme shops, the church suppers, the cruises, the mountain picnics, the hot dog stands....We will fight the caloric overload everywhere -- on the beaches, in the coffeehouses, at the delis, at the bakeries teeming with fresh-baked goods...

We will be strong!

We will prevail!

We shall overcome!

:) :) :)

Hey Super-Bob,

Fly my way when you get a chance!;) ;) :p :p
I agree - weigh in on either Monday or Friday.

Cooker - maybe you could put both dates on the thread you start on Thursday evenings?

I'm also kind of thinking that Monday would be better for me too.
Yes, it is SUPERBOB, strange visitor from another planet who came to Earth with dietary powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men.

SUPERBOB -- who can change the course of pig-out platters, bend cardboard hamburgers with his bare hands .... and devour tall sundaes at a single down.

Tempted by those blueberry scones? Mesmerized by that heaping tray of barbecued baby back ribs? FEAR NOT! Call SUPERBOB and he will fly in and remove those delicacies and see that they are neutralized.....
Geez, Bob! I totally choked on my coffee laughing!!! You are the perfect protector!!!

Now I have visions of some super-laser zapping all the hidden treats in my pantry!! I'll need to look over my shoulder every time I look at a menu!! It's awesome. Like a little superhero conscience person riding on my shoulder!! Adorable!

Okay. So basically we seem to be agreed. We will weigh in whichever day we want individually and report that weight on Friday. So anyone who is switching to Monday kind of gets a "bye" one time. Or whatever..... I think we are all learning that it is helpful to get this support to change our habits....not so much the rah-rah associated with each pound. I mean we are a support group. And I'm not meaning to diminish the actual pound loss, either.....those numbers will ultimately be very important. They are the goal. But to get to the goal we each need to carve out good habits and I'm finding that (especially now with SuperBob being on the lookout :D ) by having you guys to report to I am really feeling accountable and this is far more fun than it would be without you!!

That said......I just went shopping and I'm down a jeans size!! Yipee!! That isn't registering on the scale, I don't think.....will check tomorrow.

Okay people!!! :D :D :D Keep moving!!!

Marguerite53 said:
Okay. So basically we seem to be agreed. We will weigh in whichever day we want individually and report that weight on Friday.

Okay people!!! :D :D :D Keep moving!!!


I will continue to start the new weeks thread on Thursday night. But I am leaning towards weighing in and reporting the following Monday morning. Knowing that I have a Monday appointment with the scales and subsequent report to the group will help me stay more conscious of what I eat Friday night, Saturday and sometimes Monday.:eek:
Give me an inch and I tend to take the mile too.:rolleyes:

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