Cookers Weigh In---FridayThrow Down 1-11

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cooker said:
Oh no!! The Ref can not ban sugar free candy on a diet thread.......I think you have found a way around the Prune Juice ban!!!! HipHip Hooray for Wise!!!!!!

What is the correlation between sugar free candy and prune juice? :confused: You've lost me this time, Cooker!:p :p
Mary.....I think Wise was saying they would have the same effect as P.J.:D

Wise said:
Of course, with sugar free products, you can't each too much or you'll have cramps or worse. Eaten in high volumes they would be probably be banned substances. ;)
Mary said:
What is the correlation between sugar free candy and prune juice? :confused: You've lost me this time, Cooker!:p :p

None. The Chimp is on a dried fruit high. :p However, he may think he can take dried prunes, add water, and, voila!, get prune juice under the Ref's radar. :p
Mary said:
What is the correlation between sugar free candy and prune juice? :confused: You've lost me this time, Cooker!:p :p

Ah, but the Chimp was very astute this time. If anyone, including me, has eaten too much sugar free candy, they will be able to attest to its laxative qualities. :eek: :D ;) :p
You all know MY favorite snack: SALSA!!! :D If it weren't for the chips necessary to carry it from bowl to mouth, it wouldn't be a "bad" snack. At least the chips I get are 0 sodium... So what if they are 140 calories per serving (10 chips). ;) I just can't help myself (she types as she munches on chips and salsa...)!
Oooh! And I thought of another recipe I've come to love. It's not all healthy, but it's not all bad, either.

Mix sour cream (low fat, of course), diced fresh tomatoes, and the "real" bacon pieces from Hormel or one of those companies (found in the salad dressing aisle). Dip with crackers or chips of your choice. YUMMY! Unfortunately, this is another one that is hard to resist.
Karlynn said:
I'm starting to see a trend here.:D ;)
Why whatever do you mean?!? :eek: I'm innocent I tell you! ;)

Yes, I like a little crunch now and then. But mostly the common thread between the two is the tomatoes. I don't know what it is, but lately I'm just wild about tomatoes (and six months ago I didn't even LIKE them if they were raw! :eek: ). I can't wait until my tomato plant that my brother got me for Christmas starts producing fruit! Ooh! That reminds me of another snack my hubby and I love (but sometimes have for an entire meal). Bake cherry tomatoes drizzled with olive oil, fresh garlic, and fresh basil until they are ALMOST to bursting. Take them out of the oven and let it cool for just a few minutes, then add chunks of mozzarella cheese. YUMMY!

(can anyone tell I haven't eaten dinner yet?)

I got a phone call and was pulled away from the computer. So now I'm in the middle of eating dinner (yes, at the computer. Nathan's stuck at work, so you'll be my dining companions this evening). No chips here! I have a healthy salmon cake on a home made bun (low sodium!) with a horse radish/dill sauce I concocted. Delicious! :D
I LOVE fresh tomatoes. I'll eat them straight out of the garden like apples .
Just ate half a tomato sandwich for my late night snack. Low-fat mayo, just one piece of bread; shouldn't have been too bad. Can't wait til we have those real tomatoes from the garden and farmers markets this summer! :)
I take corn tortillas(25 calories and 3.5 net carbs each) and place them on a cookie sheet sprayed with olive oil and add a little reduced fat mexican cheese. I bake these in the oven for about 10 minutes at 350 and then broil for a few seconds. You can get creative as you like after that or eat them plain. They are good with fat free sour cream and salsa. Sometimes I add onion and a few sliced black olives(sodium content a little high with the olives).
terryj said:
I take corn tortillas(25 calories and 3.5 net carbs each) and place them on a cookie sheet sprayed with olive oil and add a little reduced fat mexican cheese. I bake these in the oven for about 10 minutes at 350 and then broil for a few seconds. You can get creative as you like after that or eat them plain. They are good with fat free sour cream and salsa. Sometimes I add onion and a few sliced black olives(sodium content a little high with the olives).
Mmmmm... a girl after my own heart- er, stomach? ;) I've got some corn tortillas (left over from enchilada casserole last week). I may have to try this. :D

I just have to say that the buns I made yesterday from scratch were SO good. Nathan hates that I'm going so "gung ho" about the low sodium (not because he thinks low sodium tastes bad, he just thinks I'm going overboard), but since the throw down I'm noticing the effects of sodium on my body much more than I did before. So instead of buying bread anymore (which has much more sodium than necessary) I've been making bread from a low sodium cooking site. This time I just used a recipe from my Betty Crocker cookbook and made my own modifications (no salt, only one egg yolk and the rest just the whites). The result was absolutely delicious! This is a recipe I will certainly be repeating! Not to mention the yummy goodness of the salmon cakes (which I made with fresh salmon rather than canned. Less sodium that way) and the sauce I made. Nathan hasn't tried any of it yet (he worked late and just picked up Wataburger for dinner). I'll be curious to know what he thinks. I kept wanting to go back for more, but made myself stop and put the rest away. I can't wait for lunch today! :D
Mexican food is my favorite food. I grew up in California and we traveled to Mexico about once a month and ate authentic Mexican Food. Here in Georgia we have about three favorite Mexican restaurants. I try not to go too often but it calls to me. The problem is I always want margaritas when we go.
I am a big fan of those little bite-sized cherry-tomatoes and grape-tomatoes mmmmmm fabulous snacks...
lo-cal and full of good vitamins etc...

I think you will find all food and drink with that pretend sugar (sorbitol etc.) in it has a laxative effect if taken in excess....maybe thats why its useful in dieting :D
aussigal said:
I am a big fan of those little bite-sized cherry-tomatoes and grape-tomatoes mmmmmm fabulous snacks...
lo-cal and full of good vitamins etc...

I think you will find all food and drink with that pretend sugar (sorbitol etc.) in it has a laxative effect if taken in excess....maybe thats why its useful in dieting :D

We love the grape-tomatoes!!! I eat them with a sandwich instead of chips.
We were dragged into a restaurant by my 83 year old mother-in-law yesterday. I might buy a bag of sugar alcohol laden candy and invoke some help.
Wise said:
We were dragged into a restaurant by my 83 year old mother-in-law yesterday. I might buy a bag of sugar alcohol laden candy and invoke some help.

Careful - I see a new banned substance coming.
Wise said:
We were dragged into a restaurant by my 83 year old mother-in-law yesterday. I might buy a bag of sugar alcohol laden candy and invoke some help.

Ref? I think we need another ruling from you! Things are getting a little lax, uh loose, uh uncontrolled... on this here Throw Down. :p :p Wouldn't want the whole thing to go down the.... youknow. :p :p :p

Can the Ref restore normalcy to these proceedings? :D
ah have noticed of late th' tendacity of this hyar thread takin' a turn toward necessary but extremely grost bodily funckshuns. :eek: :p

This hyar keeps up they gonna hafta charge y?all mo'e fo' y?alls sewer hook-ups. An' eff'n enny of y?all haf a seppic tank, might cornsider havin' it pumped soon. :rolleyes: ;)

Now, dang it, eff'n thet talk don?t curb y?alls appitite, ain?t nothin' a gonna. :eek: :p :eek:

Now y'all hang in thar, hear.

Bubba :)

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