Cooker's weigh-in....Friday 25th April....

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Well-known member
Oct 6, 2005
Perth, Australia
Goodmorning all Losers and our supporters :)

I have been awarded the honour of starting this week's thread while our leader is away enjoying the sights, sounds and tastes of the "Amish".

No loss from me this week. I have had numerous take-away meals while we move house grrrr!!!! 3 smallish slices of pizza last night was possibly my worst offence :eek: we did make one concession and have thin crust instead of our usual deep-pan so hopefully that lessened the sin and calories. On a good not all the lifting and moving of boxes has certainly made up for any exercise that I should have been doing.

Good Luck everyone with this weeks efforts.

Marguerite...I am pleased to hear of the progress your Dad made after a rough start this all continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.
This is our weight loss as of this past Tuesday, when we weighed in at Weight Watchers.

Cindy lost 2 pounds this week; that's a total loss of 7 pounds since we started WW two weeks ago. Yoohoo!!

I lost 3 pounds this week. that's a total loss of 5 pounds in the last two weeks.

We have been diligent about walking and drinking our water. This really seems to help with the weigh loss.

Ton, thanks for starting off for us. Keep it up, you'll start to lose. Best wishes on your move.

Wise & Cindy
Good work Wise and Cindy!!! Ton, no loss is better than a gain! :D Great job.

I'm proud to report another half pound loss. :) Considering I've been sick this week and have done NO exercise, I'll take it! So here's the break down:

Starting weight: 142
Last week: 132.5
This week: 132
Week's change: -.5
Total change: -10 (woo hoo!!! I made it back to double digits! :D )

Now that I'm starting to feel better I hope to be better about the walking/exercise. Of course, I'm always full of good intentions. :rolleyes:
Way to go Cindy & Wise and Nikki! Ton, no gain is good goin'.

I can hardly wait til The Chimp returns to tell us of all those Amish confections he has consumed. :D Should we start a pool on how much weight he has packed on? :p Of course being the dedicated slimster he is, he no doubt will shed those added pounds quickly.

SUPERBOB is stalling. Hasn't weighed yet. Is afraid his superpowers will not compensate for being involuntarily immobilized. :( Well, maybe later today he will get up the courage....
Down 1 to 145. Although I didn't get much exercise in this week, I did follow my diet, for the most part, except the chili cheese fries last night that I made because I was too tired to do more than turn on the oven!
Weigh-in news looks good!
Good going Ton, Wise and Cindy, Niki, Lisa, and me!
I've lost another pound, so hopefully the entire group is on a losing/staying the same streak!
Congratulations to all the losers. Wise and Cindy - looks like you've found success with WW.

I've been really good on my low-carb eating. However - I'm not dropping the weight like I did when I started low carbing several years ago. I'm chaulking that up to 2 things - middle age, (I was a lot younger years ago!) and weight training.

I've renewed my low carbing - and I'm happy with it and it's not all that tough.

So now I'm renewing my plan to stay away from the scales. They're going in the back of the closet!:mad:
I am sorry to report I'm up a pound after a post-dog-event celebratory dinner Sunday night (note to self: Do not eat the bloomin' onion-you didn't order it, don't eat it. Do not eat an entire loaf of hot bread. Do not eat the @#$ dipping sauce for said bloomin' onion!). :eek:
start: 167
Goal: 132
Personal maintenance goal: 125
current: 126

Maintenance is difficult. Next week is vacation (I won't be checking in). I think I'll have to switch from Core to Flex and try to live on 22 WWpts daily. Ugh. Restaurant food is going to be a real challenge. My goal for vacation is to keep the water and real gain down to 5 lbs.
Good morning, everyone! I'm so happy to be back with all of you. Three weeks ago my sister who went to Florida for the winter for the first time, had a MAJOR diverticulitis attack down there, ended up in the hospital for 8 days, where they discovered that she also needed a pacemaker! (She has a history over the years of fainting spells and figured that everyone faints.....she was amazed to find out that no one in our family has ever fainted 6 or 7 times like she has....she has second degree Type II heart block) Wow! Anyway, I went to Florida to take care of her and her dog and to bring them back to Massachusetts. I haven't had access to a computer in the past three weeks, and I've not been good about watching my diet! I know I've gained weight, but my husband seems to have absconded with our scale.....I'll have a little reprieve until he returns the scale from our giant house remodelling project where he apparently is weighing something!

While I was gone, almost all of the snow melted in our yard and it turned into spring here! Yay! We apparently live in the snowiest spot in Massachusetts because I didn't see any snow anywhere else but our yard when I returned yesterday!

Everyone seems to be doing so well with their weight loss. Congratulations to everyone! I have to get back on the straight and narrow and I think I'll start that by walking this morning!!!

Good going everyone! Lots of losers and stay-the-samers!

Count me among the stay-the-samers. I was in Berkeley, CA last week and found there are lots of great restaurants there (and we hit one in San Francisco too!). Needless to say, I'm happy to be at the same weight two weeks after my last weigh-in.

Started at 179
2 weeks ago 145
Total loss 34
This week's loss 0

Toodle Loo! (sp???) I'm off to dinner...and I'm plannin' on misbehavin'!:D :eek:

Have a great weekend everyone!
another crazy week with my dad, but it seems like we are getting answers and he is home...back to his residential care facility and recognizing it and happy to be there!

So, no loss for me. Started walking again and trying to curb my sweet tooth.

Hopefully you'll get more from me next week.

Carry on everyone!!!!

:D Marguerite
Crikey!!!.... we have had a good week of losing and/or healthy lifestyle choices...

There seems to be lots of good news allround from ourselves :D Cooker will be pleased with our efforts in his absence.

I must remember to do the water & walking thingy for good health...I did go on one long walk but that was forced on me because I had to chase after our silly dogs who managed to escape our backyard and take off on a marathon!
I love it!!!....Ya'll are doing great:D .....I have eaten every possible Amish delecacy...the only thing missing that I could have used was a nice prune cobbler to top off each meal:D :p .....we had a wonderful time...perfect weather...perfect companions.....we could not have asked for a nicer trip.....

I have not hit the scales yet....I have a little cake and ice cream to consume tomorrow:D ....Then back to my WW plan....I will weigh in a couple of days and resume my official ThrowDown report next Friday.....I expect disastrous readings but this too shall pass;) to speak......good to be home:)
cooker said:
I love it!!!....Ya'll are doing great:D .....I have eaten every possible Amish delecacy...the only thing missing that I could have used was a nice prune cobbler to top off each meal:D :p .....we had a wonderful time...perfect weather...perfect companions.....we could not have asked for a nicer trip.....

I have not hit the scales yet....I have a little cake and ice cream to consume tomorrow:D ....Then back to my WW plan....I will weigh in a couple of days and resume my official ThrowDown report next Friday.....I expect disastrous readings but this too shall pass;) to speak......good to be home:)

Can I join your list? Pleease??? I am 6 months post op and am feeling only problem is I'm not losing weight and every time I go to the doctor, he says I should try to lose weight. Well, I guess I'm not very good about it - I go to Curves 2-3 days a week, but haven't been good about walking on my own. And I can't resist sweets at all! (I feel like I'm in confession! lol) I made a challenge with a friend...for one day she wouldn't eat the salty snacks and I wouldn't eat sweets. Wouldn't you know it, my boss bought me a huge basket of chocolates for secretaries week the next day! (very nice, I know, but I can't resist it!)
So, can you remind me of the rules (if there are any!) and when you guys weigh in.
Cooker - were you in Lancaster Co, PA by any chance? I'm in Chester County - a stone's throw to Lancaster and the Amish. My #3 son in is college in Lancaster Co. Been doing alot of driving back & forth every weekend since March since he plays baseball there.
donnamarie said:
Can I join your list? Pleease???
Of course you can! :D The more the merrier!

The "rules" are simple. We weigh in each Friday, but some have chosen to skip the weigh-ins once in a while so they don't get discouraged. All we do is support one another, use this forum to vent our frustrations, tout our successes, and otherwise have a jolly ol' time! :D Be sure you bring your sense of humor along. This crew can get a tad silly. ;)

You're starting off right by going to Curves and getting exercise. Work your way up to doing more. Don't feel you have to do it all right away. Every little bit counts.

I know it can be difficult to resist sweets (for me it's salty foods) when they are right in front of you. So my suggestion is to get rid of them! When your boss gives you chocolates, offer one to everyone in the office. By the time you're done you'll have fewer to tempt you (and honestly, one or two is not going to hurt you. It's when you eat the whole box in one sitting that it's a problem ;) ) and you won't be hurting anyone's feelings. OR take them home and give them to a neighbor. You can't be tempted by something you don't have in the house (or on your desk)! You might also consider getting some sugar free hard candies to suck on when you are craving something sweet. They'll last longer and won't have as many calories. Or some trail mix with raisins. Lots of protein with natural sugars.

We've all seemed to find that it's not a diet, it's not an exercise plan, it's a change in lifestyle. You have to work on your way of thinking more than anything else. Believe me, we've all gone through our up, down, and sideways weeks! But that's what makes it easy to keep coming back. None of us feels like we're failures, because we have so many people who keep right on supporting us, no matter what the scale tells us!

Good luck, and welcome aboard! :D
Donnamarie, Welcome! Niki has spelled out our rules very well. Basically, our only rule is that there are no rules. :D Well, actually Mary "the Ref" will come along once in a while and remind us of them, whatever they are. :p Basically we weigh in every Friday, unless we are too skeered to do so, as I was last Friday.

So I finally did weigh this morning -- and amazingly I have gained no weight, despite not being able to walk for exercise due to a bum knee that's not getting any better. So maybe my eating habits are better than they used to be. For one thing, I don't eat everything in the frig at bedtime like I used to do. :) Maybe I need to rejoin the health club and swim for exercise.
Superbob Donnamarie, Welcome! Niki has spelled out our rules very well. Basically, our only rule is that there are no rules. Well, actually Mary "the Ref" will come along once in a while and remind us of them, whatever they are. Basically we weigh in every Friday, unless we are too skeered to do so, as I was last Friday.

So I finally did weigh this morning -- and amazingly I have gained no weight, despite not being able to walk for exercise due to a bum knee that's not getting any better. So maybe my eating habits are better than they used to be. For one thing, I don't eat everything in the frig at bedtime like I used to do. Maybe I need to rejoin the health club and swim for exercise.

Great job SuperBob and welcome to Donna!!!....the more the hairy I mean merrier:p ....The Birthday meal is done and so am I.....I have eaten my way into a serious relapse:eek: ....I must stir the 20 quart pot o prunes on the stove.....I suggest y'all take cover:cool: :eek: :cool: .....SB...the pool sounds like a great idea....are chimps allowed????....Good to be back:)