So Geckly and I must have cross-posted or something. I see now that he has checked in - but it didn't change the outcome! Woo Hoo! We got them on the run girls. How fortuitous of us to choose football season for this race - seems the guys might have a problem with willpower whilst watching their favorite teams. OK - so I had a subway sandwich watching the Longhorns play, but no mayo or cheese and baked chips and diet coke. It's all good!:angel:
A word of caution; I'm struggling.:frown2: We went out of town for the week-end, and I was doing pretty good until we had lunch with Bob's mom on Sunday. Besides all the fixings, she baked a Texas sheetcake, a Chess cake, and homemade banana pudding. Yep, I had them all.:eek2:
Tonight, after eating a modest dinner (calorie wise) hubby comes sauntering in the room with a Hershey with almonds candy bar. I'd like to know which guy is bribing him?:confused2: