Cooker's Throwdown Friday III -- 9-10

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So Geckly and I must have cross-posted or something. I see now that he has checked in - but it didn't change the outcome! Woo Hoo! We got them on the run girls. How fortuitous of us to choose football season for this race - seems the guys might have a problem with willpower whilst watching their favorite teams. OK - so I had a subway sandwich watching the Longhorns play, but no mayo or cheese and baked chips and diet coke. It's all good!:angel:

A word of caution; I'm struggling.:frown2: We went out of town for the week-end, and I was doing pretty good until we had lunch with Bob's mom on Sunday. Besides all the fixings, she baked a Texas sheetcake, a Chess cake, and homemade banana pudding. Yep, I had them all.:eek2:
Tonight, after eating a modest dinner (calorie wise) hubby comes sauntering in the room with a Hershey with almonds candy bar. I'd like to know which guy is bribing him?:confused2:
I was soooooo busy yesterday getting ready for the new baby that's coming I forgot to post. So late as it is Yesterday I was 239 wich is a loss of 0 zilch nadda. sorry fellas.

You've got more going on than anyone else I know. I didn't realize there was a new baby on the way; haven't seen it on your page, but I'll look.
Don't worry about not losing any weight. It's no big deal.:angel:
So Geckly and I must have cross-posted or something. I see now that he has checked in - but it didn't change the outcome! Woo Hoo! We got them on the run girls. How fortuitous of us to choose football season for this race - seems the guys might have a problem with willpower whilst watching their favorite teams. OK - so I had a subway sandwich watching the Longhorns play, but no mayo or cheese and baked chips and diet coke. It's all good!:angel:

What say, Cooker? Seems to me the fillies are feeling their oats. Hope they're not eating too much of them. :biggrin2::p
My doctor didn't recognise me when I saw him today. After I convinced him that is was in fact me, he got me on his scales. They said 81kg, down from 104kg last time he weighed me. So either I should like his scales more than mine, or the girls should be worried about my next weigh in......
My doctor didn't recognise me when I saw him today. After I convinced him that is was in fact me, he got me on his scales. They said 81kg, down from 104kg last time he weighed me. So either I should like his scales more than mine, or the girls should be worried about my next weigh in......

Sounds great! ... keep "down" the good work:biggrin2:
My doctor didn't recognise me when I saw him today. After I convinced him that is was in fact me, he got me on his scales. They said 81kg, down from 104kg last time he weighed me. So either I should like his scales more than mine, or the girls should be worried about my next weigh in......

Got my kilograms to pounds conversion chart at the ready, and eagerly awaiting your weigh-in this week, Scott. I have a feeling this is going to be a stellar week for the guys. :D
I am probably going to be cooling it as far as participation in forums for a while. I have not felt great (will be seeing a thyroid specialist in November, or sooner if I can get in) and my patience isn't what it used to be. So, I'm not sure how healthy it is for me at this point. I'm feeling a little jaded from all of the controversy and need to remove myself from it (after I've done gone and said too much). If Cindy wants to post her weight, I will do that. For now, I'm going to focus on trying to do what I can to get healthier.
Beam me up, Scotty. Good work.

We are heading to the finish line.

We will we will rock you ! ! !
Wise, Hope everything is O.K with you. Sorry to hear about your health issues. Keep us posted.
Wishing you well, Wise. Certainly understand you taking a sabbatical. Hope all is basically good for your health. Feel free to hop back in anytime!

Yes, my health is basically fine. I'm just so darned wiped out all the time. I'm going to a specialist who was recommended by a friend. When I feel this way, I let too many things bother me.
Yes, my health is basically fine. I'm just so darned wiped out all the time. I'm going to a specialist who was recommended by a friend. When I feel this way, I let too many things bother me.

You'll be missed, Wise, if you're away.:frown2:
I need to have my thyroid checked myself, but I've now put checkups off for so long, I'm very reluctant to step back in a doctor's office.:redface2:
I hope Cindy sticks with the Great Pumpkin Race. She often serves as my role model.:)