Cooker's Throwdown Friday III -- 5-21

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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
Superbob's eyes are dilated right now from this morning's eye exam and he is typing this while wearing sunglasses, with vision still blurry. So if there are typos, know that even superheroes with their laser vision blurred make them. Speaking of lasers, SB may need laser surgery -- the doc was concerned about continuing loss of vision in one eye and referred SB to a retinal specialist. :eek: Could be the TYpe 2 having an effect. We'll see (I hope). :eek:

Anyway, welcome to another weigh-in week. SB thinks he will have some more progress to report but will wait til tomorrow morn (when he can see the scales).

SB probably should apologize for being a dirty old man and posting that item about the bra-unstrapping contest. Was just fascinated by the fact that the contest was at a mall in China -- maybe communism really is coming unhinged. :D Of course SB's DOM tendencies also kicked in -- as I recall the founder of this TD also has exhibited such tendencies, so I hope our gals will forgive SB. He will try to do better about living up to superhero standards. :rolleyes:

Okay for now that's about all the typing SB can do. Cheers to all you Throwdown stalwarts, and welcome to one and all who would like to join or rejoin us!
No problemo, SB. The duffmeister has been known to compliment a male on their adroitness in this area. ;)

I just weighed; I'm down, but I think I will wait until tomorrow and see if I can lose another pound before posting official results.

In the meantime, I hope your vision clears before soon, and I hope if you do have laser surgery, your resultant improved eyesight more than rivals Superboy's.:D
Hope you are seeing better now SB and that you don't have any type II eye issues after all. I'm going to say a little prayer for you and for me that some weight will have vanished tomorrow. It could go either way. Turns out all that caladium bulb planting last weekend caused my back to get out of whack and Dr. put me on prednisone so I think I'm retaining fluid. That's my story anyway and I'm sticking to it!

SB - I thought the bra story was funny and like Duffey - I have experienced some that are really good and some that are really bad - not sure how you know the difference in this context. :D What was with the hoods though?? Strange.

We shall all see our fate tomorrow!

Later gators!:cool:
The Throwdown seems to be off to a slow start this week. Hope today will bring a lot of chipper reports. Come on, Throwdowners, weigh in, then enjoy a hearty breakfast, then march around the breakfast table! :D

Okay, Superbob is down 1 pound for the past week.

That makes a loss of 6 pounds in the sprint to the Fourth of July.

Loss since the inception of Cooker's Throwdown is 22 pounds.

Hold onto your horses, umm, I mean cape, Superbob!:eek: Reinforcements have arrived!:D

I am down a total of 1.5 pounds. I hoped to eek out another .5 pound, but such is life.:(

Congratulations on your pound loss this week, and your six pound loss in the Great 4th of July sprint! :D:D:D

I'm betting others will straggle in over the next 24 hours. School ended in our district this week, and lots of people are on vacation. Maybe that's where our missing throwdowners are?:confused:
I may or may not weigh in this week ... TheBlimp is doing all he can right now and eating salad ain't at the top of the list ... don't want to hear any talk about throwing in the towel ... SB, maybe you should pm or email all past losers offering bribes or rides ... rambling, better go...
Keep on a keepin' on is all we can do. We've come too far to give up now, independently and as a Throwdown. I vote with keepin' on. So, keep on carrying on. I will post mine and Cindy's weight tomorrow. I might have lost last week's gain; might not have. It's a close call. I guess I'll just keep on a keepin' on either way. ; )

By the way, SuperBob you're doing a great job. Cooker, this too shall pass, sooner or later. ; )
Good job Duffey and SuperBob. 6 pounds huh? I better be good this week or a superhero will fly away with my lead in the Race to the RWB!!
Don't get discouraged Man of Steel! I agree with the Duffmeister that end of school activities and start of vacation are keeping people busy. Work in my case. Speaking of, I'm hoping my throwdown friends will kindly post bail should I actually strangle this one person as I thought I might today.:mad: I think I need some good 'happy' pills.:eek: I just keep thinking about my vacation starting next Tuesday. So I may be absent for awhile but I am not throwing in the towel. I think that is true of others too.

OK throwdowners - and you know who you are- , if you are just lurking around out there , let your presence be known and boost the morale of our resident Super Hero. No need to even discuss weight - just say Hi!

I had an OK week after all - weight wise I mean. Down 1.2 . You beat me Mary!! So now I'm only +.2 for the Race - I got a long way to catch up with the Flash or SB but never say never!

Starting weight: 224:
Last Week: 195.6
This week: 194.4
Loss: = 1.2
Total loss: 29.6

I did a little shopping for my trip too - down a size in jeans! Woo Hoo! :D:D What a wonderful feeling! Everyone at work has been making fun of my baggy clothes. My nickname lately is ' The vanishing lady'. Trust me I have a long way to go but it is nice people are starting to really notice because that is encouraging. Without this group it'd be a lot harder - so while I am relatively new to the throwdown, I agree with Cooker, Bob - no more foolish talk of stopping. Even if there are only handful of us from time to time it is worth it to me. People come and go - that's just life. I've been wondering what happened to Betty though. Hope she and her hubby are OK. I know they had been doing a lot of travel.

I'll check in tomorrow Wise to see how you and Cindy are doing. Good luck! Hopefully some of our long lost friends will check in too. Josh you still out there? We are rooting for you!

Later losers...:cool:
Congratulations, Rhena and Mary -- those are good results. And it is certainly a wonderful feeling to go clothes shopping and find that your current clothes have become too baggy and you can get something slimmer. SB doesn't like to shop for clothes -- his DW has to march him off to do that -- but when he can go down a waist size, that brightens his perspective.

Sorry, I am prone to moodiness; always have been. Sometimes things get to me. I won't list my new ones because I have already exceeded my sympathy quota for the year.

Anyway, on a brighter note, this link below seems nutritionally relevant as we approach summer. Going to be making our first trip of the season to the farmers' market next week:

I love all those except beets -- can't stand beets.:eek:

Superbob aka BionicBob
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Hey, superhero, you've got company in the mood department. I'm prone to moodiness also, but that's why we do these keeps on track. My wife could attest to my funks. Almost got in one this morning. It's too beautiful outside today to stay in that mood though.

Cindy gained a little this week, .6 lb. I lost 1.2 pounds, which is exactly what I gained last week. I've lost 8.4 in RWB pounds. Cindy has gained .4 in RWB lbs. We'll have a better week this week and quick inching up or trading a loss for an equivalent gain.

I agree also that beets are yuck. However, one of those foods are figs. If you ever have the chance to eat Mrs. Chimp's Fig Pound Cake don't pass it up. It's heavenly. I'm one that usually has to have icing on his cake, but that is terrific as is.
Congratulations, Rhena and Mary -- those are good results. And it is certainly a wonderful feeling to go clothes shopping and find that your current clothes have become too baggy and you can get something slimmer. SB doesn't like to shop for clothes -- his DW has to march him off to do that -- but when he can go down a waist size, that brightens his perspective.

Sorry, I am prone to moodiness; always have been. Sometimes things get to me. I won't list my new ones because I have already exceeded my sympathy quota for the year.

Anyway, on a brighter note, this link below seems nutritionally relevant as we approach summer. Going to be making our first trip of the season to the farmers' market next week:

I love all those except beets -- can't stand beets.:eek:

Superbob aka BionicBob

So beets equal kryptonite? .... good to know:cool:
I need accountability, period. I will not expound on my expansion but will say that I am starting over. No race to the 4th for me but I will be on the sideline cheering on those you are in the running.

Starting Weight: 233
Current Weight: 202
I need accountability, period. I will not expound on my expansion but will say that I am starting over. No race to the 4th for me but I will be on the sideline cheering on those you are in the running.

Starting Weight: 233
Current Weight: 202

I think you need the discipline of a "Ref," Mr. Chimp. :rolleyes: I keep hinting but she won't resume her duties. What's a superhero to do? Still, keeping it in perspective, a 31 pound loss is amazing.

Meanwhile, the Wise man keeps rolling on. Looks uncatchable for the Fourth. Maybe for the next race -- what will that be? -- the race to Thanksgiving; race to Turkey Day; The GobbleGobbleGobble Gallop?
I need accountability, period. I will not expound on my expansion but will say that I am starting over. No race to the 4th for me but I will be on the sideline cheering on those you are in the running.

Starting Weight: 233
Current Weight: 202

Yep, listen to Superbob. 31 pounds is awesome. You're getting healthier by chucking the chewing. Even though we have our little races, we aren't really in a race. Time frames are out the window in the long haul.

I do enjoy the little mini-marathons we have, but we know they are no pressure throwdown optional. Heck everything is optional.

I shouldn't have mentioned Sherry's cake. Cindy just told me she is bringing me a piece of Italian Cream Cake that weighs about a pound. Karma is smacking me for mentioning the pound cake. I guess I'll eat it and call it my 35 weekly points.

I think you need the discipline of a "Ref," Mr. Chimp. :rolleyes: I keep hinting but she won't resume her duties. What's a superhero to do? Still, keeping it in perspective, a 31 pound loss is amazing.

Meanwhile, the Wise man keeps rolling on. Looks uncatchable for the Fourth. Maybe for the next race -- what will that be? -- the race to Thanksgiving; race to Turkey Day; The GobbleGobbleGobble Gallop?

Where is the Ref when we need her?

I like the The GobbleGobbleGobble Gallop or, maybe, 4G for short. 4G sounds like a 5K, but only this would be a race for gluttons-at-hearts.
Bina will step in here and officially ban the discussion of cakes and such. ;) My neighbour makes a fig and banana jam that is naturally sweet and nutritous too. A little dab on some fresh whole grain bread is simply divine. Carry on losers. :)
Bina will step in here and officially ban the discussion of cakes and such. ;) My neighbour makes a fig and banana jam that is naturally sweet and nutritous too. A little dab on some fresh whole grain bread is simply divine. Carry on losers. :)

Away with you wench! ... You have no authority to ban anything ... we merely keep you around for amusement:p

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