Cooker's Throwdown Friday III -- 4-8

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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
All right, Breakfast Clubbers, march around the breakfast table! Okay, who among the ThrowDowners is old enough to remember Don McNeil's Breakfast Club on radio, besides Superbob? Hmmm, that's what SB thought. Oh well, it is part of The Man of Steel's responsibility to have the institutional memory around here. :rolleyes: So enjoy your breakfast, ThrowDowners, and be sure to include some protein. :)

Another weigh-in approacheth. Superbob will do his tomorrow morning. Here's hoping everyone has had a good week. Not sure the Race to July 4 has really caught on yet, but as the weather continues to warm maybe it will. If not, we can just continue the marathon -- slow and steady.

SB began a diabetes management class this week, so he is focused on good foods and portion sizes. Keeping the pantry stocked with the right items is a chore -- along with not eating the bad foods while thinking about the good ones. :rolleyes:

Looking forward to hearing from everyone! If you've been taking a break, please do rejoin us. If you're new, hop right in. There are no hard and fast rules here -- we just give each other support while tracking our progress toward our individual ideal weight -- and having fun along the way.
Good post there thou man of institutional memory! I AM up to the Race to July 4 Challenge. I don't expect a significant loss THIS week, but it's hard to do that two weeks in a row. If I stay the same or lose a little, I will be happy. I'll throw out the gauntlet and declare that I will WIN the Race to July 4 Challenge. You gals and guys don't want a wise guy to beat you do you? ; )
The Kentucky 'Cats fan has thrown down the gauntlet, but where are the takers? Superbob is beginning to wonder if the wonderful gals of the ThrowDown prefer The Chimp to Superbob, and are pining for his return? Sad thing, a SuperHero suffering a hit on his self-esteem. :(
The Kentucky 'Cats fan has thrown down the gauntlet, but where are the takers? Superbob is beginning to wonder if the wonderful gals of the ThrowDown prefer The Chimp to Superbob, and are pining for his return? Sad thing, a SuperHero suffering a hit on his self-esteem. :(

Below is the reply I tried to post about the same time that the site went down. I actually wondered if I were responsible for its abrupt departure from the internet. Fear not, SB, this gal is still here and kicking.

Wise, here's an unmotivated answer to your question, "You gals and guys don't want a wise guy to beat you do you?"
No, so we'll let Cindy do it!!!!;)
Our family is headed to Tybee Island the second week of June, and Chimpman and his better half are tentatively planning on meeting us there. Maybe that will motivate me . . . . maybe not!:D Then we have my 40th !!! :eek::eek:high school graduation reunion in August. That motivates me!
With the VR challenge falling in between the two, I think I will WIN the Race to July 4 Challenge.:)
Below is the reply I tried to post about the same time that the site went down. I actually wondered if I were responsible for its abrupt departure from the internet. Fear not, SB, this gal is still here and kicking.

Wise, here's an unmotivated answer to your question, "You gals and guys don't want a wise guy to beat you do you?"
No, so we'll let Cindy do it!!!!;)
Our family is headed to Tybee Island the second week of June, and Chimpman and his better half are tentatively planning on meeting us there. Maybe that will motivate me . . . . maybe not!:D Then we have my 40th !!! :eek::eek:high school graduation reunion in August. That motivates me!
With the VR challenge falling in between the two, I think I will WIN the Race to July 4 Challenge.:)

This is shaping up to be good fun! I will be sending you meal suggestions for your various get togethers. A wise guy has to do what a wise guy has to do! ; )
Below is the reply I tried to post about the same time that the site went down. I actually wondered if I were responsible for its abrupt departure from the internet. Fear not, SB, this gal is still here and kicking.

Wise, here's an unmotivated answer to your question, "You gals and guys don't want a wise guy to beat you do you?"
No, so we'll let Cindy do it!!!!;)

Cindy says to tell that this made her laugh! Today, that is a GOOD thing!
Not so fast Mr. & Mrs. Wise guy and Ms. Yo Yo queen. I intend to give you a run for your money as we race for the RW&B. Nothing scares me (except for the 2 week vacation to France/Germany late May/early June). However this week I may need to borrow Mary's yo-yo as I recover from my long Easter weekend Binge. I'm afraid the news isn't going to be great this week, but I am re-doubling my efforts and am as determined as the Man of Steel who thinks he can frighten us with al this talk of his new diabetes management skills. He is the returning champion granted, but time will tell if he can repeat this feat! OK - enough bravado from someone who is likely to show a significant gain this week. Yikes! :p I'll post the bad news tomorrow.

Weather is beautiful in the Hill Country of Texas and the highways look just like my avatar. It is a banner year for the bluebonnets once we finally got some rain and more rain and more rain. The drought is officially over! :D

Later losers....:cool:
Hey Rhena, I hear that in France the meals are so long that you can practically eat all day long! I'll have to research Germany though.

As far as you go Duffmeister, if you get together with Cooker, be ready to eat pancakes. I'm just saying. Oh, and don't forget to take blueberries.
I like the name, Yo yo queen! Forget being the Ref, I've got something better!
Wise, any pancake eating would involve a long trek to the pancake house . . . . remember?:rolleyes: So I think the exercise would counteract the calories.;);)

I'm watching Charlie this am, so the odds of my getting on a scale this morning are nil. I'll weigh in tomorrow.

Ok, LOSERS, get with the program.:cool::cool:
Superbob is happy to see this outburst of spunk from the Throwdowners. Rhena, thanks for reminding SB that he is the reigning champion of the sprint events, because he sure isn't going anywhere so far in the great R,W & B one: weigh the same today as last Friday. No change. :(

SB was sabotaged last night. Had to take DW to a late doctor's appointment, then one pharmacy for a prescription they didn't have, and then to another pharmacy that had to wind up ordering one of them for delivery today. Bottom line: it was so late when all that was done, and so tired was SB of driving (yes even Superheroes get tired of driving -- flying is better) that we just had to eat at the fanciest bistro/bakery in the area. Gourmet food with sauces and everything and you could gain pounds just looking at their confections. DW was thrilled. I swear sometimes SB thinks she is in league with Lex Luthor. :rolleyes:
Well now SB - we all have our excuses now don't we? That was a good one!:D Try flying next time. Anyway, staying the same is better than the alternative - I know because I have experienced it now for two weeks. I am up .6 this week - definitely going the wrong direction. :mad:

Starting weight: 224:
Last Week: 193.4
This week 194
Gain: .6
Total loss: 30

Can you believe though that from Friday the 2nd to Monday the 5th - only 3 days - I actually gained 7.6 lbs! HOw is that possible? So if you look at it that way I actually lost 7 lbs. That's why Ms Yo Yo Queen needs to loan me the yo-yo.

Wise - you are right about the French meals..... you start eating at 9PM (dont' even think about a 6:00 pm dinner - no one eats that early) and don't finish till midnight. Now at least 1 hr of that is trying to get your waiter to bring you l'addition (the bill) :D S'il vous plait Garcon! Maybe while in Paris I should try to track down Art and shake his tree!! I think he owes Mr. Chimp a payoff (maybe he is really Welsh and not Irish..) Art if you read this I'm only kidding - about the Welsh part anyway. :p

Cooker - never give up!

Next week will be better! (Where have I heard that before??:) ) I just gotta make it through the weekend. Going to an Elton John concert tomorrow - that should be a blast from the past! The next weekend I'll be in Philadelphia visiting some friends. That'll be a tough one too. We tend to consume mass quantities of wine when we get together. After a bit of that, I won't care what I eat!

Have a good weekend everybody!

When we're talking about fractions of a pound, that's nothing -- that's no change. Superbob deems it so!

Now, as for my original post, no one else here ever listened to The Breakfast Club on radio, did you? Must have been 55/60 years ago, SB remembers the "marching around the breakfast table" merriment. All the rest of you guys are mere spring chickens who have no idea what this laser-visioned but old man is talking about, right? :eek:

Sigh. :rolleyes:
Superbob, I have to admit I don't remember The Breakfast Club. I will continue to partake of your institutional memory though. I am quickly attaining an institutional memory. Those 25 years younger than me don't remember anything!

Shock of all shocks. I lost 1 whole pound this week. I weighed 174.8 for a total WW loss of 19.4 and earned my little 10% weight loss thingy. Cindy lost .6 pounds and was pleased as punch for a weight of 134.8 and a total WW loss of 6.6. Yippee-ki-aye (sp?).

Rhena, good job to only gain so little after having depleted the country's supply of chocolate bunnies! ; )

When did the latest challenge start? Last week? Two weeks ago? My institutional memory hasn't yet become an institution.
Congrats Wise and Cindy.:)

Ms Yo Yo Queen forgot to weigh this morning, so it ain't gonna happen today!:rolleyes:

SB, I don't remember the Breakfast Club on radio, but our local CBS affiliate put a Breakfast Show on in 1958 that I vaguely remember. They advertised gristo feed and the Buckner Ragdale's store. I thought it sounded exotic. The affiliate is KFVS, located in Cape Girardeau, Mo. I never thought that I would one day make Cape my home, but we've been here for almost 30 years. I guess I received the subliminal message while watching tv as a young whipper snapper.
We'll let you claim institutional memory for the Breakfast Club; I claim it for VR history, Bionic Bob!;)
Well I'm racing Mary for that Yo Yo. I stayed the same. Total loss for the race 3.4.

Sorry SB I'm surely as young as you but don't remember the Breakfast Club.

Good luck this week to everyone