Cooker's Throwdown Friday III -- 4-29

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One suggestion: if you can find some dippity-do, you may want to try the dippity-do diet. A little dab 'll do ya!

Gage this suggestion by the fact that the person who made it gained over four pounds in one day of equine inspired grazing. Ooops!
And I'm "Old Paint":rolleyes: ... great job to all who lost ... I have found out I have a condition that makes it necessary to consume sweets... I have been diagnosed with "lackoselfcontrol" ... what is a Chimp to do?:confused:

Oh come on, we all know that The Chimp manufactures and distributes the illicit weight-loss substance sometimes known as Kickapoo Juice. It is now suspected that he has shipped large quantities of this fruity elixir to certain folks in the Bluegrass State. Not naming names, Superbob has this under investigation. :p:p:p
Yikes! So Superbob is hung out here for the rest of the week with a comment about --- of course, FOOD! Scalloped potatoes to be exact -- one of the greatest delights of life. If they'd had scalloped potatoes at the buffet, SB would have gladly eaten them to the exclusion of the 150 other buffet items.

Scones, where are the cranberry orange scones down here in the tropics? SB must have one to get his mind off scalloped potatoes.

What a stalwart Throwdown exemplar the Man of Steel is --- Chimpster, where are you? :eek:
Oh, but the scalloped potatoes weren't very good Superbob. But, then neither are cranberry orange scones. If you believe either of those statements, we can discuss the sale of a very large bridge, skyscraper or country. The sky's the limit. Oh, yeah, I forgot, you and the sky are well acquainted. I'll have to try this on someone else, I guess.

To be totally honest, only Cindy had the scalloped potatoes and the derby pie. I did partake of the rest of it and it is still clinging to me like saran wrap. : (
I have lost 3 of the 4 pounds I gained from our Saturday binge. I will keep drinking the secret elixir.

Hmmmmm, well Superbob reckons that in the new, anything-goes Throwdown, any and all elixirs are allowed.

Just thinking, we're actually into May -- July 4 is not that far away! Going to be hard to catch the Kentucky flash without resort to elixirs or maybe a friendlier set of scales. :rolleyes:
Hmmmmm, well Superbob reckons that in the new, anything-goes Throwdown, any and all elixirs are allowed.

Just thinking, we're actually into May -- July 4 is not that far away! Going to be hard to catch the Kentucky flash without resort to elixirs or maybe a friendlier set of scales. :rolleyes:

Superbob got dragged to Olive Garden by Mrs. Superbob tonight. Olive Garden is not a recommended spot for counting calories but SB did the best he could with just one breadstick (150 cals!), a bowl of minestrone (160 cals), and the apricot chicken (440 cals). Sb defies anyone to have a dinner entree at Oliver Garden with less cals than that! Actually, Superbob missed his spaghetti and meatballs though. Maybe that'll be a reward someday when he meets some target.

Okay Throwdowners -- weekly weigh-in approacheth!

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