Cooker's Throwdown Friday III -- 4-29

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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
Opening a new week on Cooker's Throwdown. Most prefer to post on Friday and that's what I will do this week. Went to a Pelicans' game at Coastal ballpark last night and ate too much junk food. But hey the home team won.

Everyone is invited to post weight progress in their own way.

For those taking part in the Race to July 4, it began with your weight on St. Patrick's Day, March 17. My progress as of last week was minus 2 pounds.

Another way to report is any change since you joined the Throwdown. As of last week, I was at minus-19.

So good luck to everyone. I will weigh in tomorrow.
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Good luck you two. We'll weigh Saturday, of course, before we go to a Kentucky Derby party at friends' house. Derby party is primarily about food, of course, so we will get our food bash out of the way for the week. Happy weighing!
Wise.... you are so wise to weigh in and then go binge! Kentucky Derby party sounds fun. Have a Mint Julip for me! What does your hat look like? ;) I'm still in my tune-up phase so we shall see what tomorrow brings. I have been all over the place this week (on the scales I mean). I just left work behind early today. Needed a mental break. So great to be home before 8pm. :cool:

Later losers.....

P.S. OK - considering I have never mentioned a DH, I'm sure y'all pretty much have figured out I'm single. But I have a really stupid question. What does DH/DW stand for exactly? Dear Husband/Wife, Devoted Husband/Wife or maybe even Designated Husband/Wife??:p
Wise.... you are so wise to weigh in and then go binge! Kentucky Derby party sounds fun. Have a Mint Julip for me! What does your hat look like? ;) I'm still in my tune-up phase so we shall see what tomorrow brings. I have been all over the place this week (on the scales I mean). I just left work behind early today. Needed a mental break. So great to be home before 8pm. :cool:

Later losers.....

P.S. OK - considering I have never mentioned a DH, I'm sure y'all pretty much have figured out I'm single. But I have a really stupid question. What does DH/DW stand for exactly? Dear Husband/Wife, Devoted Husband/Wife or maybe even Designated Husband/Wife??:p

Can mean many things, but usually Dear or Darling Wife (or Hubby)...

Of course it could mean Demented Wench, but don't quote me. :p
Wise.... you are so wise to weigh in and then go binge! Kentucky Derby party sounds fun. Have a Mint Julip for me! What does your hat look like? ;) I'm still in my tune-up phase so we shall see what tomorrow brings. I have been all over the place this week (on the scales I mean). I just left work behind early today. Needed a mental break. So great to be home before 8pm. :cool:

Later losers.....

P.S. OK - considering I have never mentioned a DH, I'm sure y'all pretty much have figured out I'm single. But I have a really stupid question. What does DH/DW stand for exactly? Dear Husband/Wife, Devoted Husband/Wife or maybe even Designated Husband/Wife??:p

LOL. My derby hat looks suspiciously like a ball cap with Enterprise on it (for Enterprise Rent-A-Car). On Saturday I will not be picking anyone up, except maybe my DW. That leads to the DH/DW question. Husband and Wife is a certainty. Dear is the normal meaning. There probably are alternative meanings such as Delirious, Doggone, Dingbat, or Darngoodlooking.

As far as the mint julep goes, I will have to have that figuratively. I tasted one once, and it was awful! I like bourbon only in dessert sauces or in candy (bourbon balls).
Well the birthday took it's toll and I am up 1.5 pounds (195) ... Not bad considering what I consumed ... I am proud to announce that I got off my butt and started walking yesterday, it has been a year since I did any real walking and as soon as I hit submit reply I am heading out for my walk ... good luck to all...

Starting Weight.....233
This week..................195
Last week..................193.5
Total Loss..................38

4th Throwdown +5
Superdawg barking her head off. Someone at door. Superbob trying to wake up. Munchkins demanding Pop-Pop pancakes before school. Why do school systems get the tykes to class at such an ungodly hour? :mad: Isn't a good night's sleep important? To munchkins as well as old folks? Anyway, mostly asleep SB made the pancakes, and must have eaten some himself, though everything is hazy. :p Weighed after: no change from last week. Pancakes wiped out a pound of progress. May try again tomorrow morning. Back to bed. Nite-nite.
I'm fat today. Mostly water, I'm sure as my finger is lapping over my wedding band. Sigh. I'm up 3 pounds from Monday, and my body chemistry is SNAFU.
My INR is through the roof this week, too. My guess is that I/the coumadin react(s) badly to the quinine in tonic water, though it is scant. Usually I drink wine with no effect on my INR. I had my first gin and tonic in months and months on Saturday, and Sunday my INR was 6.7 and 7.1 (I retested).
Monday night I was down to 4.1 after holding Sunday, so took a half dose to prevent dropping too fast, and normal dose on Tuesday. Wednesday, as an experiment, I had another G&T and my normal dose of coumadin. Sure enough Thursday my INR was 5.7. Big sigh, held again last night, half doses tonight and tomorrow, re-test Sunday. Since nothing else has changed in my diet or exercise program, it must be the quinine. Anybody want a nearly full liter of Bombay Sapphire? I don't drink it without the tonic water. I think I bought this one 18 months ago on the last trip to Mexico, and just cracked it open. That tells you how much I don't drink it.

Jet just got invited to do a commercial photo shoot. A local agent had contacted me a few months back, so I sent her a few shots of Jet. Jet is a field Lab, not your typical typy English Conformation style Lab. Not everyone's cup of tea, (pun) and she carries her tail high. Anyway, a client selected Jet for a shoot. This will be interesting. If she actually goes to print, I'll let you all know. Money would be nice, too.
Happy Birthday to Bob! I hope you're both celebrating well.

Wise, I celebrated way too well. No yo-yoing for me, I weigh two pounds more than last week, and last week I was up a pound.
Sooooooooooooooooooooo, Laurie, you have company on the "dang those scales" posts.
Chimp, stay out of trouble and out of the neighbor's house on your walks.
And Rhena, when I type DH I'm silently thinking, darling husband. If I were speaking it, it would stand for dang husband.
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Hi all I started a post earlier today at work and then forgot what my weight.While I was pondering that, the boss dropped by so I minimized the screen and never got back to it again. I knew I was up, I just couldn't remember by how much - maybe it's because I'm following in Laurie and Mary's footsteps. I seem to be a world class backwards sprinter! Up 2.4 lbs. this week, but I am supposed to be gaining in this phase of my diet so says 'millions of dollars of research' . So I am accomplishing that. Odd I know. My contribution to the Race for the R W & B : + 3.

So now I'm kind of on par with Cooker - although I've seen him lose that and more in one week with his secret formula and all AND he's taking walks again! So I better finish my tune-up PDQ and get back to business. Ladies - hang in there I feel your pain. SB so far you are showing us all up again!

Laurie, trust me you are not fat! Great news about Jet - a star is born! Happy belated birthday to Bob! Mary I hope all the cake has been properly disposed of. ;) SuperBob my grandpa never cooked me anything in his life that I remember, but your grandkids are going to always remember Pop Pop's pancakes so it's worth the lost sleep for that alone. Now my Dad on Saturdays sometimes used to make us 'surprise' pancakes and we'd have to guess what was in them. One week M&M's another chocolate kisses, jelly beans, you name it. I'll never forget that. Wise and Cindy good luck tomorrow and enjoy your derby party. I hope that Enterprise 'hat' has a nice big brim anyway. Have fun! I've actually never had a mint julep myself and I kind of doubt I'd like it much either.

Later losers!:cool:

Starting weight: 224:
Last Week: 194.8
This week: 197.2
Gained: + 2.4
Total loss: 26.8
OKay, Superbob has done the arithmetic, and it looks like Throwdowners are collectively up 9 pounds this week! :eek::eek::eek:

Okay, Throwdowners, do you want Superbob in your face, yelling at you to drop and give him 25 pushups? Do you want Superbob screaming at you to "move it, move it, move it" on the walking trails and jogging paths? Do you want Superbob and Superdawg swooping in from the skies and confiscating all the sweet goodies from your households? :p

Okay, no more Mr. Nice Guy as your lardmeister --- expect Superbob to be kicking keisters now!

Now, as for the Yo-Yo Queen, Superbob thinks that is some kind of remark:pable yo-yo -- one that only goes up! :rolleyes: A sad decline in standards from the days of "the Ref."
Okay, dokay. We're finally reporting in.

Cindy went to the WW meeting this morning, but she took a personal mulligan and didn't weigh. However, I braved the scales and I lost 1.2 pounds for a total loss of 22.8. My St. Pattys to RWB total loss is 8.6.

I believe that I am safe from elimination, for one more week, here on the Amazing Biggest Loser Idol Ranch. ; )
Okay, dokay. We're finally reporting in.

Cindy went to the WW meeting this morning, but she took a personal mulligan and didn't weigh. However, I braved the scales and I lost 1.2 pounds for a total loss of 22.8. My St. Pattys to RWB total loss is 8.6.

I believe that I am safe from elimination, for one more week, here on the Amazing Biggest Loser Idol Ranch. ; )

The amazin' Wise! Is he the Secretariat of the Throwdown? Can any of us catch him by July 4? If not, can we sabotage him by rigging his WW scales or sending him lots of free tickets to all-you-can eat buffets? Most of the Throwdown is going in one direction, while the guy from Kentucky springs ahead of us all! :eek::D
I will admit that I had a Kentucky Derby "buffet" of sorts at the party we attended. Chili Queso, banana pudding, hot dogs, hamburgers, scalloped potatoes, dressed eggs, baked beans, corn/bean salsa and not to mention the things that we didn't even eat. I over indulged today more than any one day in a long time. I am now in recovery mode.
The amazin' Wise! Is he the Secretariat of the Throwdown? Can any of us catch him by July 4? If not, can we sabotage him by rigging his WW scales or sending him lots of free tickets to all-you-can eat buffets? Most of the Throwdown is going in one direction, while the guy from Kentucky springs ahead of us all! :eek::D

And I'm "Old Paint":rolleyes: ... great job to all who lost ... I have found out I have a condition that makes it necessary to consume sweets... I have been diagnosed with "lackoselfcontrol" ... what is a Chimp to do?:confused:
And I'm "Old Paint":rolleyes: ... great job to all who lost ... I have found out I have a condition that makes it necessary to consume sweets... I have been diagnosed with "lackoselfcontrol" ... what is a Chimp to do?:confused:

One suggestion: if you can find some dippity-do, you may want to try the dippity-do diet. A little dab 'll do ya!

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