Cooker's Throwdown Friday III -- 12-31

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:redface2: I will also have to revise my starting weight to 179.3. I knew that I had weighed too early the first time.

Starting Weight:

Wise - 179.3

Cindy - 146.2
Superbob is good with whatever the girlies and the chimpanzee want to do. :rolleyes:

Superbob's baseline number is 7.4. (That's Planet Krypton numerology but losses will be reported in earthling poundage, converted from steel weight.) :D Subsequent weeks (he hopes) will record a reduction in that number.

Superbob is aided by the good news that Son of Superbob was able to add him to his family membership at the new Y ... Superbob might jump right in the pool and take Aqua Zumba the "pool party" with all those local girlies. Don't you wish you were here girlies? :rolleyes:
Superbob is good with whatever the girlies and the chimpanzee want to do. :rolleyes:

Superbob's baseline number is 7.4. (That's Planet Krypton numerology but losses will be reported in earthling poundage, converted from steel weight.) :D Subsequent weeks (he hopes) will record a reduction in that number.

Superbob is aided by the good news that Son of Superbob was able to add him to his family membership at the new Y ... Superbob might jump right in the pool and take Aqua Zumba the "pool party" with all those local girlies. Don't you wish you were here girlies? :rolleyes:

Don't forget your water wings .... Being a Man-O-Steel you might sink:tongue2:
OK I'm a bit slow so here is my question. Starting weight as of today 1/3/2011 and then again on Friday? I'm in just want to make sure what I need to start with. I'm surely not posting my weight only gains and hopefully losses.
Rhena, I think you can edit the old posts and hit delete attachments to get rid of the pdf's. If you can't, I'll track Hank down and see what can be done to remove them.
Marie, you can pick a fictional weight . . . and then use it to help record losses and any occasional gain you may have. 100 pounds is about what I think you weigh.:smile2: And yes, the way I understand Rhena's post, post a weight now and then weigh in again on Friday.
I weighed the other day so I'm using 161 as my starting weight.

Superbob, if I were there, we'd be swimming.:wink2:

Wise, Cindy and Cooker . . . ready to rumble? :tongue2:Laurie? :wink2:I'll see if Janie's in or out.:smile2:
Prolly the only spottin' will be the guys spottin' the girls eatin' chocolate that's been airshipped by a caped crusader in defense of truth, liberty and the boys' team. Insert big ole grin right hyar.

Yes, as a matter of fact, Superbob is ordering a supersized crate of the finest chocolates for each of the girlies of the Throwdown for delivery on Saint Valentine's Day. (insert hearts and flowers here)
Superbob is good with whatever the girlies and the chimpanzee want to do. :rolleyes:

Superbob's baseline number is 7.4. (That's Planet Krypton numerology but losses will be reported in earthling poundage, converted from steel weight.) :D Subsequent weeks (he hopes) will record a reduction in that number.

Superbob is aided by the good news that Son of Superbob was able to add him to his family membership at the new Y ... Superbob might jump right in the pool and take Aqua Zumba the "pool party" with all those local girlies. Don't you wish you were here girlies? :rolleyes:

Superbob, Cindy says that yes, she wishes she were there. She'd swim and then walk on the beach.

My only comment to that is that with all of the exercise she "wants" to be doing, maybe she should receive two boxes of chocolates, dark and rich preferably (nothing like her man).
Duffey: I weighed yesterday 1/3/11 and if I have to start at 100 it'll be a walk in the park. LOL My true weight was 166.8. There I said it maybe it wouldn't be the monster I think it'll be.
Good luck everyone. See you on Friday
Marie... I'm sure you'll do well. All best to you (though we boys are going to fight to out-lose you gals). :D

Sheesh, is the supposed "superhero" the only one shying away from posting his true weight? That won't do. It is 267.4 (hence the 7.4 SB posted as a baseline).

Superbob can only say (A) that the weight is a little less than what it was when he finished cardiac rehab in '05 in pretty good shape, so he has managed to maintain, and (B) he was the only player on his football team who weighed over 200 way back when, but would be considered tiny if he played among today's 300-pound linemen.

So anyway, Superbob has found enough courage to post a true weight. That's a start for the New Year.
Truth is a virtue. Sometimes we're just not feel virtuous, but it helps to get the "monkey off your back" so to speak. Marie and Superbob, your starting weights are not a bad place to begin. It always sounds worse to yourself than it does to others. ; )
Truth is a virtue. Sometimes we're just not feel virtuous, but it helps to get the "monkey off your back" so to speak. Marie and Superbob, your starting weights are not a bad place to begin. It always sounds worse to yourself than it does to others. ; )

This sounds more serious than I meant it too. Yeah, I and keep leaving words out. No, I am not on drugs. hehe
Monday is my WW weigh in day, and with all the food/salt/sugar I ate Saturday with the winos, yesterday's weight was 136.5 Yikes! So that's my official start weight for this year.

This morning, after behaving myself, drinking lots of water, and kicking the scale around the room so it would finally stop giving me error messages, the scale read 133.7.

Now, really, do I think I dropped 3 lbs of water in one day??? Maybe. You should have seen my fat fingers Monday morning. GAH. On the other hand, digital scales are notorious for giving weights based upon just how they are sitting on the tiles.
Sounds like progress to me, Laurie! Looks like Monday's weight will be your starting weight in the Saint Paddy's Race, and then a weigh-in anytime between Thursday and Monday will be your first official progress report. (I'm betting you hold on to the loss.) But all this is subject to interpretation by "Ref" Rhena. I'm sure she wouldn't deliberately tilt the playing field in favor of the girlies. :p:D
I guess I will just post this here in the Throwdown instead of making it a bigger deal by starting a new thread right now. We had a scare last night. Our son came over and told us the night before he had had a "tightness" in his chest and felt like his heart had skipped a beat. He didn't tell us; didn't want to alarm us. Instead he went to an urgent care, where the docs took an EKG and said it seemed okay but they wisely told him to go to the ER to be sure.

At the ER, they did another EKG plus a CT-Scan, and he was there for 6 hours being checked out. They ended up saying everything looked good. My son is attributing it all to work-related stress, but he's promising us he will get set up with a good GP (he's been just going to urgent care; the kids have a pediatrician, of course). And then, I hope, informed of all this, the GP will refer him to a cardiologist for regular checkups. He was back at the Y last night running a mile and lifting weights. I begged him to ease off the weights until he can be further evaluated.

Hopefully, all truly is well, but with my heart history it is disconcerting for our very athletic son to have an episode like this in his 30s. I just felt the need to tell you wonderful friends here. Life is just scary sometimes, isn't it?
Yep, Life is scary. Glad your son is doing O.K. Thanks for sharing this with us.
Superbob, we'll be praying for Son of Superbob. That certainly is scary. Yes, it would be good for his to see a cardiologist. Family history supports this need too. Best wishes and keep us informed.
I understand where you're coming from. If you had a BAV before replacement, then the possibility always exists that your children, or grandchildren, might too. I don't know if a Cat scan would show a valve problem. It would show trouble with the aorta.
You know the drill. Ask your son to get a copy of the C scan so you can see the measurements. Then he needs to see a cardiologist and have an echo.

I'm living this myself. Our 25 year old son has a bav that was only discovered after I insisted he and the other kids were examined following the discovery of my bicuspid aortic valve. Same thing when Charlie, our grandson, was born. After considerable prodding, a second, follow up echo was run which showed that he too has a congenital bav. Prior to the second echo, the diagnosis was a small hole in the heart which later closed. He will now be followed with periodic cardiac appointments, but only because I pushed the issue.

I hope nothing more develops in your son's case. But I'd make darn sure that all necessary steps are taken to rule out any heart issue.

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