Cooker's Throwdown Friday III --- 10-1

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I see the girlie girls waving a white flag. :biggrin2: Are you ready girlie ?
Aye Aye Captain. I can't hear you girlie girls . Aye Aye Captain. Ready for defeat. Aye Aye Captain. SpongeBob SquarePaaaaannttss!!!:biggrin2::biggrin2:
Would you like those pies on a plate or in your face? :D The girlie girls are just silent because we are concentrating so hard on beating your butts! :angel:

Banana Cream can actually be spread over the entire body:wink2: ... Bob, I think they are quiet due to the fact they are sampling the victory pies they are preparing for us:thumbup::biggrin2:
Good job, guys.
You've renewed my motivation.:thumbup: