Cooker's Throwdown Friday II...7-3-09

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Chillin, just chillin....
Supporting Member
Dec 15, 2005
South Carolina
I have had no change this week ... I may have shown a loss if my dinners had not primarily been M&M’s:rolleyes: .... I think last weeks thread the lowest number of posts and views since inception .... Summertime, or has this thing run it’s course?

Starting weight..........233
Last Weigh in ............195
This week.....................195
Total Loss ....................38
Chimp Boy, this thing has not run its course until you reach your goal.;):rolleyes::p
I think many are ignoring the scales over the summer. Wish I were:( but since I'm chained to the darn things to keep track of fluid retention and my heart, I'm stuck.:confused:
Guess you're stuck with me!;):p
I'm still here! It hasn't run it's course! It's still very motivating for me to hear from others about their successes and their struggles.
Superbob will weigh in the morning. Still worrying about drinking enough fluids. Re-hydrating may affect weight. Still sweating after a scorching walk this morning. Superdawg has retreated to nap under an a-c vent for rest of day.
Oh gosh NO! Mr. Chimp. I don't post my weight since I am still trying to deal with how large I let myself get. I will say that since Jan 15, 2009 until now I have lost a total of 30 pounds. I still have a way to go, but get some much inspiration from your weekly posts. Please don't stop now.
Additionally, my scale and I have an understanding. I only step on it every two weeks or so. I helps avoid the depression that sets in if I haven't lost more than a pound (a serious mental issue on my part) Ah well....
Run it's course? No way. I will weigh tomorrow. It will be up. I need to squarely face where I'm at in the scheme of weight loss. This is my point of accountability. I'm returning to WW, hopefully next week.
I won't be weighing in until Monday or so, due to "bloating" and with the PMS - if my weight is up, I'm liable to head to the nearest clock tower with my son's BB gun. But I have been keeping up with my walking. Even did an extra walk this morning with the Buckles. Much like Super Dawg - he is also curled up napping - but in the breeze coming in from the patio door.
I'm still here! It hasn't run it's course! It's still very motivating for me to hear from others about their successes and their struggles.

ME TOO!! I am still here. I may not have posted for a while before, but I read every single post with great interest.

I am one lb less than last week, a total of 4 lbs loss so far. I will put my weight when (at least) I reach the weight I left the hospital at after surgery!!!

Keep the 'throwdown' going. Just take a look at the number of people who read it!!
I have had no change this week ... I may have shown a loss if my dinners had not primarily been M&M?s:rolleyes: .... I think last weeks thread the lowest number of posts and views since inception .... Summertime, or has this thing run it?s course?

Starting weight..........233
Last Weigh in ............200
This week.....................195
Total Loss ....................38

Listen, Chimp Boy: Superbob shouldn't have to tell you that this is summertime in the tropics, your native habitat to which SB so naively moved to from the (relatively) cool mountains. (Okay SB is enjoying the scenery so long as the heat doesn't kill him. :eek: ) Things slow down in the summertime, at least for humans; you should know that, Mr. Chimp, even if you keep swinging as usual. :rolleyes: Now, Superbob is allowed to mutter discouraging words from time to time here, but you are NOT --- the Throwdown depends on your gibbering, chimpish enthusiasm and humor -- and it has NOT run its course! Got that, Mr. Chimp? ;)
Sorry to have been MIA for so long. New babies make it difficult to get online much. But even before they arrived I just wasn't focused on my heart or weight loss, so my visits were getting fewer and farther between.

However, I've noticed that my scale has made its way back up to where it was when we started this whole throw down nearly 2 years ago and something has got to change!

The first 3 weeks the twins were home we had a lot of people bringing us fast food and take out, so my eating habits are part of the problem. Yesterday I finally went to the grocery store for the first time since bringing them home and got several healthy options for us to enjoy the next few days.

The other part is not exercising as I should. I would go for neighborhood walks with the twins, but the temp has been in the 100+ range since they were born, so that's not safe for them or me. I'm thinking of looking around for mommy work out groups or taking them to the mall to walk. We've got to do something to get off our keisters (or mine at least)!

I think a lot of it is a matter of figuring out a routine for us. Once I can establish that, we should be back on track (I hope!). I will report my morning weight tomorrow as my new starting point.
Hi All

Checking in....down 1.6 this week at WW. Good thing. I think putting down 6 yards of mulch in our yard and unloading it from the pickemup truck did the job.

Chimpman....this is a great thread. I try to check it every day. Keep it up.

Seems like a pretty good week overall at the Throwdown Ranch! I stayed even by some miracle or stroke of luck. Keep up the good work pardners! ;)
I'm disappointed. I stayed the same but thought I would be down a pound or two.
Oh well, tomorrow's another day on the weigh-in/throwdown.;)
Glad to see you back, Niki.:)
Plus two more this week again.


Well I'm almost back to my starting weight. :mad:

I have had a very depressing week filled with "FUN":rolleyes::mad: news that I am almost ready to share with you'all.
Starting weight: 179
Last Weigh in: 176
This week: 172
Total Loss: 7...
Goal 170

Almost there, but back to work Monday :(...
I will report my morning weight tomorrow as my new starting point.

Oops. Rough night with the twins last night. I forgot to weigh before I ate. :eek: I'll try again tomorrow.

But! I did eat sensibly last night, this morning, and at lunch. No exercise, though. I'm doing good to hold my head up. :rolleyes: