Uppers, downers, stay the “samer’s” and I ain’t getting on the scalers ... Glad to see a little activity .... I can’t stay out of the M&M’s
Hiya fellow Throwdowners and followers...I have been mia for several weeks due to computer "issues"...am finally back...have been reasonably good with my eating and reasonably bad with my exercising...hopefully that means I weigh about the same as last time I looked...
Cooker...put the m & m's down or you risk undoing all your good work...you can do it!... we are all looking to you for inspiration.
They have amazing cakes, but the food is too salty.
No net change.
I have a tooth/gum infection -- scary -- and have to have a "procedure" next week, which should slow down my eating, not a fun way though.
No net change.
I have a tooth/gum infection -- scary -- and have to have a "procedure" next week, which should slow down my eating, not a fun way though.
I I hope to do better (and maybe get some exercise?) this week.
Here we go again...
Kyla and Lucas say "Yah, good luck with that Mom!" (insert evil baby laugh.)
OMGosh - too hilarious! Is this a side business for the Chimp?SuperBob!!! I know you have been hit hard by the SC, hot, humid weather .... maybe this will help keep you walking and losing weight!!!!
View attachment 7067
We will need some free samples!