Greeting to all!!! ... My disk crashed and worms, viruses and other nasties had me off line for a week or so but TheChimp is back ... I missed you bunch of losers but not being on to wax philosophic I will leave it at that ....
I have been a bad Chimp .... I will weigh in tomorrow and take my lumps like a man, er, Chimp .... I have truly fed my stress, it works but not so good for the waist line
... I have had opportunity to peek in and my at-a-boys/girls to those who have lost or maintained ... to those who have gain ... big deal
... I hit 53 and it just does not seem quite so important to strive for that ?V? shaped torso that will never appear anyway .... I think I will dye my hair purple and spike it up .... I?m old enough to once again fly my freak flag![Cool :cool: :cool:]()
......... peace out![Cool :cool: :cool:]()
I have been a bad Chimp .... I will weigh in tomorrow and take my lumps like a man, er, Chimp .... I have truly fed my stress, it works but not so good for the waist line
......... peace out