My week isn't shaping up much better. After the girls dragging me out to a Chinese restaurant (salt pit?) on Tuesday, I got to work this morning (Thursday) to find a Chinese take-out menu on my desk. That is the lunch the staff is planning for our monthly management review meeting. I couldn't eat just a big bowl of plain rice, so I guess I'm in the trick bag. Even if I tell them to hold the MSG and salt, it is still more sodium than I usually eat in days.
I'm already up a pound or so. I guess this is the test to see how far it (weight) will go.
I'm still planning on a 1:2 ratio for my exercise bike, if that's OK. I think I remember talking about it and thinking that 2 miles on the bike would be like 1 mile walked or jogged. Lately I've been doing about 4 miles/day on the bike and then walking or jogging another 1 to 1.5 miles. That would set my average at about 3 miles/day -- just about what I was jogging 10 or 15 years ago. Getting old(er) is a pain - literally!