Cooker’s ThrowDown Friday III ... 11-27-09

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Be careful with those big words there, you need that mental energy to go towards winning the new challenge. That kind of spunk will help though. :D

You are right ... I gave myself a headache .....:D

Where's Art? We need him back here in this conversation.;):):)

Art? Where’s Art? ... might be hiding out if fear of TheChimps infamous yoyo abilities:cool:
balderdash, baloney, bunk, debris, drivel, foolishness, hokum, hooey, horsefeathers, poppycock, refuse, ridiculousness, rot, rubbish, trash, twaddle:rolleyes:

The New Chimp Thesaurus of the English Language! May I retain you as a consultant? :p

Twaddle is one of my favorite words. Also, claptrap, tomfoolery, hogwash, piffle, humbug, rigamarole, fiddlesticks, gaseous, hot air, and, of course, monkeyshines. :p
What fun! I love challenges - especially between 'frogs' and 'chimps' :) I use the term 'frog' fondly. Paris is my favorite city in the whole world (that I've lived in anyway). Bienvenue Art et bonne chance a vous!

I like SuperBob was 'skeered' of the scales this week. I jumped on and off real quick and I think I gained 1.2 lbs. But that was Friday after the Thanksgiving feast. I've been back on track ever since so I expect a loss this week. I'm going to do all I can to show a loss by the end of the year, but trust me Chimpman, you don't want me starting these threads - you are just too good at it. I could never begin to compete! :p I hope you are feeling better soon. Enjoy those moon pies from Santa (errrrr Mary) I think I am finally over my crud and hopefully you will be soon too.

Wise and Cindy - VERY GOOD JOB!!!

There is always next week for the rest of us. I'm not throwing in the towel - except perhaps a beach towel... I'm headed for a Caribbean beach and swimsuit weather for New Year's eve. I gotta get a few more pounds off before then. I'm hoping for 5 lbs. at a minimum.

Bon courage à tous!!


I am neither a Frog or Prince
I am 100% Irish living in a country where a meal is a 4 hour eating marathon
For this reason the Chimp may have the last chuckle
So in order to balance this ridiculous competition
Every week I will post a mouthwatering fat filled recipe to tempt the Chimp
i am neither a frog or prince
i am 100% irish living in a country where a meal is a 4 hour eating marathon
for this reason the chimp may have the last chuckle
so in order to balance this ridiculous competition
every week i will post a mouthwatering fat filled recipe to tempt the chimp

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha:D
Art, it sounds like you will fit in very nicely here at the Throwdown! Looking forward to the recipes. I guess you have time to write them down during your four-hour feasts!