Concerns about Beta Blockers

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Here's the latest with my misery....on Tuesday morning, I woke up and within 2 minutes, my heart was bouncing all over the place. I was miserable and just couldn't take it any longer. I called my local cardio, and left a message, then I called my cardio at the Mayo because I want to know from her if this is something they have seen alot of after this surgery and if so, what should my expectations be. She was gone for the week, so I left a message there as well. Her assistant called me back in about 20 minutes and asked a few more questions, hung up, then called me back about 15 minutes later. My cardio there wants ANOTHER holter and wants to see all of the ones I've done recently.

My local cardio called me back the next day (which by the way, I just have to ask, how can a Dr. at the Mayo always be so responsive when local Joe can't?) and at that point, I had not had any palpitations since Tuesday afternoon late! I was so excited, I thought I was cured (I was even afraid to talk to him because I thought I would jinx it)! Was I ever wrong. By Thurs. morning, they were back, full force. So, local Joe wants another Holter as well, has increased my beta blocker and is setting me up with a local EP Dr. in the next week or so (however, if anything needs to be done, I'm heading north!)

Wish me luck in chasing down a cure to these palps....I just refuse to live like this and will bug them all to death until they figure out a way to stop them!

Beta blockers, fainting, low pulse and all that

Beta blockers, fainting, low pulse and all that

Me again?I hadn't seen this post of yours before, but let me add to this?

My blood pressure and pulse rate was very low too?too low, in fact, for me to be able to take the amount of beta blocker which was hoped would help my condition (I would get extremely light-headed and close to fainting). Even with moderate exercise I couldn't get my rate up very much at all. It was determined that I was suffering from sick sinus syndrome and the only way to combat this was to get a pacemaker to regulate things up. I was then able to increase the amount of beta blocker (I was put on bisoprolol) over time to the maximum dosage. As it turns out, this course of action didn't change things enough to forgo the need for surgery?but we gave it a good try.

It was the pacemaker that allowed for the drug regime to be given a chance to make a significant difference. I must say that I sure felt switched on when I got the pacemaker - they actually had to dial it back a bit because I felt like I was on speed! And the beta blockers didn't knock me sideways after the initial couple of weeks after the dose was elevated - it needs time to adjust and I can reasssure you that I feel just as energetic as before I took them.

Good luck with this?and don't despair - of course, in this, as in other aspects of life, patience is a virtue!


So, I talked to my Dr. today and he is going to try me on toprol xl 25 mg a day. He thinks all of these pvc/pac's I've been having are due to the remodelling of my heart and hopefully, it will continue to change and they will stop. If the beta blocker doesn't help soon, he wants me to come and talk to his EP guy.

I asked if this was going to cause problems with my low pulse and already low blood pressure (last time he took it it was 90/50). He said we won't know til I'm on it, then I'll either faint or I won't. How's that for scientific?

Fingers crossed!


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