Cold'nuff for ya?

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Well-known member
Jun 11, 2001
Cold 'nuff for ya?
> 60 above:
> New Yorkers try to turn on the heat.
> People in New England plant gardens.
> 50 above:
> Californians shiver uncontrollably.
> People in New England sunbathe.
> 40 above:
> Italian & English cars won't start.
> People in New England drive with the windows down.
> 32 above:
> Distilled water freezes.
> Moosehead Lake's water gets thicker.
> 20 above:
> Floridians don coats, thermal underwear, gloves, wool hats.
> People in New England throw on a flannel shirt.
> 15 above:
> New York landlords finally turn up the heat.
> People in New England have the last cookout before it gets cold.
> 0:
> People in Miami all die...
> New Englanders close the windows.
> 10 below:
> Californians fly away to Mexico.
> People in New England get out their winter coats.
> 25 below:
> Hollywood disintegrates.
> The Girl Scouts in New England are selling cookies door to door.
> 40 below:
> Washington D.C. runs out of hot air.
> People in New England let the dogs sleep indoors.
> 100 below:
> Santa Claus abandons the North Pole.
> New Englanders get frustrated because they can't start the "kah".
> 460 below:
> ALL atomic motion stops (absolute zero on the Kelvin scale).
> People in New England start saying..."Cold 'nuff for ya?"
> 500 below:
> Hell freezes over.
> New England Patriots win the Super Bowl


I love it, Rob...don't forget Michigan. It got up to 37 today and I about had a heat stroke doing evening chores...had to take my coat, hat mittens and sweater off...It is too hot...the bugs won't all die off! Bah Humbug!!!:)
Well, it was 6 degrees up here yesterday. Should have some below zero weather coming soon. Time for my bib ski pants and long Johns and "moon" boots.

Piles the plow left aren't too bad yet, only up to my waist.
Yes, we almost hit sixty today in Missouri, but still too dry. We have barely had snow yet. Hope to have some soon.

Aortic valve replacement
St. Jude's valve
We went from 27 and snow on the rooftops yesterday. 65 and sunny today.

Unfortunately..... I am kidding myself to think it will last. Nice thought though:)
Gotta Love Arizona!

Gotta Love Arizona!

Yesterday it was a cool 80 degrees. Today, about 72 or so. And the best part is, nothing but sunshine and perfect weather in the forecast!! :cool:
Ok, who's bragging now? Tee hee.
Throw some of that my way Hank.

Would not have any objections to the mild climate in the LA area one day :D. Might mind the mudslides and quakes though. Forget about anyplace that snows on a regular basis throughout the winter months. I love to visit snow plied mountains....but also ready to depart after we have our fun.:D
How cold is it supposed to get on 2/3

How cold is it supposed to get on 2/3

Rob -- Did you happen to catch any of the New England/Oakland game last week that was played in a snow storm? It reminded me of your "cold 'nuff" post.

Being pretty new to this forum, I've been trying to learn some of the background of the people who have been posting regularly. The other night I went through some of the achives and saw something about you living in the Boston area most of your life. Now you're in Tenn. I'm trying to figure out what kind of an accent you have now.

Now I understand your comments about going to the bah, etc.

My wife, Mary, is from South Boston and didn't move to NJ until '65. She still has her Boston accent though. I guess your "south Boston" accent is a lot different.

Also, I saw on your bio info that you are an ERP Implementation Specialist. I tried to guess what that was, but all I could come up with was Early Retirement Plan implementation specialist, but that can't be it because your still working. :)

Anyway, it's interesting reading your posts. Your information has been helpful to many users of this forum, I'm sure. Nice meeting you.

Hi Ron.. That was the Snow Bowl!

Hi Ron.. That was the Snow Bowl!

Hi Ron,

Great hearing from you. YES.... I sure did watch the "Snow Bowl" the other night .. Patriots vs. Oakland. My brother was at that game on the 50 yard line.. Patriots bench side. I am so glad that they won, but wish that the win didn't hinge on that contraveral to weather or not the QB's arm was in forward motion.

As for my accent... hmmm... I moved to Texas for a few years before settling here in Nashville. I still have a good Boston accent, but can but the southen drawl on if I have to.. hehehehe.
Fortunately, most of the people that worked in the office were also originally from Boston. That helped me keep the accent. Most of them are retired now, but I still have my sister-in-law. She has the thickest Boston accent I have ever heard. So.. if I need a fix.. I just talk with her.<smile>

I grewup in Hyde Park, a Boston suburb.. and attended Boston Technical High. Hey.. also used to hangout in Southie... around "D" street in my teen years!

ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning. It is a business software solution for total business management for manufacturing companies. It intergrates all business processes into one system, from customer service through manufacturing and shipping, and the financials. I am involved in implementing the software at our various manufacturing facilities.

I used to manage a Distribution Facility in Edison, NJ. Every time I watch the Soprano's It sure brings back memories... lol... I love that show. I went to the vidio store so that I could watch the whole series for years 1 and 2 without any commercials.. and could see the whole story unfold... Great show!

Hope to see you on the board often Ron. There are so many fine folks on here that really go the extra mile to help people. It is hard to explain to people that have not had open heart surgery what your situation is, or how you are feeling, etc... BUT... there is a very special bond between us that have gone through it. You even notice this bond when you meet someone who has had open heart surgery, and not on this forum. I feel this also applies to the SO's.. because.. in reality... They have been through it too, with us. I keep telling my wife that she had a harder time than me because I was asleep for the whole thing. She was awake, and had the doctors telling her that I probably wouldn't make it through the emergency surgery.

Well, guess I am rambling.. probably more than I should in the forum here. E-mail me anytime if you just want to chat.. otherwise.. see you on the boards.. and I will always add my 2 cents if I think it will help answer any questions or concerns.

40 degrees and raining here in Seattle. But it's always 40 degrees and raining here. Except for the 2 weeks it's summer. :)

Went to college in Boston, so I spent a little time freezing my butt off.

Visited Boston one year in springtime and how beautiful. I just love Boston. It's the best place I have been on vacation. We had a tour guide and loved to hear him talk - especially us being original Georgians. Recommend a visit to Boston to everyone.


Boston sounds like it might be a good place to consider for one of the reunions. I would suggest in not be in the winter season though.

I have some questions regarding this year's reunion, but I'll post them later on the reunion page.
Graduated from Boston University many moons ago during Boston strangler times. I loved the city. It feels small town even though it's a large city.

Boston in the spring is to die for. It was so wonderful walking down the brownstone lined streets. Lots of culture and great for artsy folks.

Being near the ocean, winters are realtively mild for the North. Snow melts fast.

We used to cut class starting in April every once in a while:) to go to the Cape and sunbathe. If you laid flat on the sand so the wind didn't get you, it was warm.

Miss the seafood, miss the smell of the ocean, miss the culture and the walks around Copley Square, Tremont street, Newbury Street, Faneuil Hall Marketplace and the North End. Miss going over to Cambridge.

If you get a chance go there in the late spring.
Hey guys.

Come to Canada! Today in Alberta it is -40degress celius
with the windchill!

:) Judy
You guys are going to be sending it our way in upstate NY pretty soon. Today it looks like spring, but tomorrow---the curse of Canada LOL.
Hey everyoe,

It's 60 degrees here just North of The Windy City, Yipee!:cool: Yesterday was just as nice. Tomorrow? Well, thats another story. The weatherman are talking about temperatures going down and SNOW! Well, it is still winter:confused: here!

By the way you guys, Robs got a neat comnbination Southern and Eastern accent!:)
Hi Lorraine,

It was 65 in Nashville today.. This has got to be one of the warmest winters that I can ever recall here. No complaints...heating bill is real low! Just hope that Maine gets some more snow before I head up there in a few weeks to go snowmobiling!

Woooo Hooooo Go Patriots!!! New England is going to the Super Bowl!!

Hope ya have a great week!
