Not too bad here now
Not too bad here now
Anna: I'll swap - 100 degrees sounds so good! We had bitter winds last week. minus 30 windchills.
Speaking of deer, I tried to drop off my daughter's snowpants at school last Friday and couldn't get in the front door because a young bull moose was shuffling along in the driveway right by the front door! Brought the snowpants for nothing because me went behind the school to the playground and hung out for too long, so no outdoor recess.
The moose are everywhere now - they come into town when the snow gets really deep. We do have our share of city moose too, that were born and raised in backyards and live on flower bed remains and tree branches. Had one young guy spend most of the winter in our yard. He'd bed down really close to the house, and usually near a window so we could get really good views. Used the house as a wind break, I think. That is one of the great things about Alaska, the wildlife, and now they are talking about aerial wolf hunts to cut down the pack - too many baby moose being taken! Leave them alone and let Mother Nature take care of things.