Cold Virus

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Hi and Good day to all! Im Joey from the Philippines. 2-1/2 years post op. Im in good condition ever since. Been Playing basketball for 3 months now. My concern is if you have a cold virus wht is best to do? Is it serius enough to consult the cardio. I would appreciate your replies. Tnx.

A.V.R. 4-30-2005 at 34 years old.
If it's just the ordinary, makes you feel miserable cold, no. Now if your having chest pain on inspiration and exhalation, that's a different story.
The only thing that makes me suffer with a cold is the fact that I am not allowed to take cold medications with my blood pressure meds.
You can ask your pharmacist or doctor what you can take, but it sounds like you are in good health, so just rest and drink lots of fluids. Hot tea with lemon and honey helps.
Hey, Joey. Nice to see you but sorry you have a cold. Usually zinc lozenges will shorten a cold - but if you develop infection (chest, etc), go see the dr. Cold should be gone in 7-10 days. Just treat the symptoms. Try some chicken soup.
I would probably take chicken soup in the morning and tea in the evening. The doctor said its safe to take paracetamol if you're feeling bad. Tnx to all!
Jepskie said:
I would probably take chicken soup in the morning and tea in the evening. The doctor said its safe to take paracetamol if you're feeling bad. Tnx to all!
To be honest, I take whatever works. Sometimes that means taking something I shouldn't, but if I can't get relief.......Well it ain't purty.
Well thats a relief to hear Ross. To be honest also I also took Sinutab, a cold capsule. I hope thats safe enough. On my 2nd day of having the virus, i can't resist to play some basketball. Nothing unusual happened except that i only scored a couple of baskets only. hehe.