covers the strips.
And now the insurance covers the strips and lancets?
quote "As long as the meter's quality control works, and reports no QC problems, I would expect the results from any of the meters I've mentioned to be within .2 or .3 of a blood draw. As long as you're in the middle of your target range, there's probably not much cause for concern. "
This is what concerns me. How can I be sure that the quality control works? I know some of you will say "How can I be sure that the hospital's or clicnic's quality control works?
I`m having the manager of our pharmacy contact Roche to set up the purchase. My doc already told me she would write the prescription.
And I`ve already volunteered my wifeto be the 1.0 INR guinea pig:thumbup: if ever need be to help crosscheck a non coumadin user. I`m such a nice person, lol.
Totally cool, you are on your way. And tell your wife not to worry, you won't be needing her blood. The monitor
is extremely reliable and very advanced. But feel free to stick her if you just want to have fun.
I ordered test strips on Monday and got them 2 days later. All set for another year.
"But feel free to stick her if you just want to have fun." Now my wife wants to know exactly what you meant by that? lol
SM, Roche will deliver the monitor to your pharmacy, and then the pharmacist will train you on it. Same price.
Your Roche rep will have a list of the specific pharmacies in your area that they supply with products. But I think thatSome info from my local pharmacy. I'd like to know first of all if some of you had to pay more than $500.00 for your XS unit? Did your pharmacy charge extra for ordering and selling you the unit? My local pharmacy made me a price higher than the $500.00 that Roche charges and I told them this. They said they'd get back to me. I don't have to buy it from them, there are many pharmacies less than an hour away from where I live but I'd give them the business first. It's not like they're going to service it for me if need be, if it fails, it'll be going back to the supplier anyway.
I am in Canada as most of you know.