I would take anything from this group, FLCCC with caution. They promote ivermectin as a miracle drug and do not encourage people to get vaccinated. Virtually every physician that treats Covid patients strongly encourages folks to get vaccinated. For a group of frontline doctors, ostensibly in the trenches fighting Covid, strange that they would not encourage vaccination. Instead go on and on about the wonders of ivermectin, which makes them extreme outliers in the medical community.
"Derived from a compound discovered in a soil microbe in Japan, ivermectin has been called a “miracle drug” and “the penicillin of COVID” by Pierre Kory, a critical care physician in Madison, Wis. Kory is president of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), "
It has not been shown to be the "penicillin of Covid" nor a "miracle drug"
Many believe that they are doing great harm, by catering to the anti-vaxx crowd and giving people the false hope that they don't need to get vaccinated, as they can just take this "miracle drug" if they get infected.
The death rate in the Norfolk Hampton Roads area was about 10% lower then the rest of the state. While not huge, it was significantly lower. Dr. Paul Marik, the Intensive Care Doctor, who also has a degree in Pharmacy, is a professor of intensive care at Eastern Virginia Medical School and Old Dominion University in that area.
You said "I would take anything from this group, FLCCC with caution. They promote ivermectin as a miracle drug and do not encourage people to get vaccinated."
I take everything from everybody with caution.
My philosophy is "
... consider what drives me, as an operations research engineer. Over my 46 years of research, practice, and medical issues, I found several intellectual approaches that drove my research both into engineering research and into solving my medical issues. These are “How to Read a Book” by Mortimer Adler and “Studying a Study, Testing a Test - Reading Evidence-Based Medical Research” by Richard K Riegelman, MD, MPH, PhD, a John Hopkins Medical Propessor and "Why most published Medical Findings are False1” which could have been titled “How Researcher Bias alters the Researcher’s views of Reality” by Prof Ioannidis, MD, PhD. Both medical research documents apply equally to engineering research! People are people and share human failings in all areas. This is the primary reason why social engineering philosophies such as socialism fail, they assume that humans are perfectable in this life."
I, personally, do not read the FLCCC documents as promoting Ivermectin as a single miracle drug. They promote it as part of a group of Drugs and Supplements and overall treatment. Their document "overview of the MATH+, I-MASK+ and I-RECOVER Protocols" is 55 pages long, hardly a single miracle drug approach. Your mileage in interpreting them may be different then mine.
You mentioned in your note that "It has not been shown to be the "penicillin of Covid" nor a "miracle drug""
Dr. Marik and Dr. Kory said in their article titled
"MATH+ protocol for the treatment of SARS-CoV-2 infection: the scientific rationale"
"While there is no single 'Silver Bullet' to cure COVID-19, we believe that the severely disturbed pathological processes leading to respiratory failure in patients with COVID-19 organizing pneumonia will respond to the combination of Methylprednisone, Ascorbic acid, Thiamine, and full anticoagulation with Heparin (MATH+ protocol)"
This is hardly treating Ivermectin as the single "Silver Bullet". Rather, it is one element in many. If you read Dr. Marik's other papers, he tends to treat "incurable" diseases in the Intensive Care unit as things to be treated with a broad array of treatments for the elements of the disease that kill the patient in the hopes that the patient's own immune system will do the remainder of the work. This is not always successful but he does have a high success rate. Thus, he is hardly a case of " catering to the anti-vaxx crowd" but rather of catering to the folks who think medicine and isolation techniques should be given a chance as well.
Dr. Pierre Kory has between 53 and 58 papers on PubMed depending on how you run the search so while he may be a "kook", he is an established medical researcher. Doctors sometimes do exagerate in their descriptions of drugs, however, this is also done by Big Pharma. They claimed a 95% effectiveness for the vaccines. Ask the Israelis how that 95% worked out. I know a couple that caught Covid-19 from a group of double vaccinated people that they had to sign papers with. Happily, they are younger and survived nicely. Should they get vaccinated or should they get fired?
I have some medical conditions which make the vaccine extremely high risk "for me". Yet, in my state I am forbidden by my governor to use HydroxyChlorQuine or Ivermectin, whether as part of a protocol or as separate drugs, unless I am in intensive care, eg at high risk of dying. If you read the research reports in detail as opposed to the abstracts, intense sickness constitutes the condition in which drugs work least well. HCQ in particular works best when you are only mildly sick as its main function is to inhibit viral reproduction in conjunction with zinc.
Henry Ford, in Detroit, the only hospital chain that was successful with HCQ used the drug on the patient the first or second day the patient was in the hospital and did not wait until the patient was so sick as to be in intensive care. Most of the studies that showed HCQ ineffective used it on very sick patients - frequently in intensive care or on a ventilator. However, using it in conjunction with other medicines (pac), vitamins (C&D) and mineral (Zinc) seems to work best not just using it early.
I have had very good success with using Vitamin D and Magnesium for one of my other chronic medical conditions. Vitamin D seems to guide the immune system to regulate elements which are disordered in me. However, the dosage I use is several times the dosage the FDA and CDC says is toxic. My heart surgery was because my health plan changed the interval at which my mitral valve was checked. This was because the CDC said a much longer interval was recommended and my health plan really believes in the CDC. Thus, I am a little suspicious of CDC recommendations.
I am not "anti-VAXX" at least not for you. I believe that each individual should make their own decisions based on their own health conditions and in conjunction with their doctor (assuming their doctor reads a lot, which given their work overload is not always the case). However, they should also read the medical literature (and with the original sources and not just the abstracts and particularly not the popular media's summaries).
NOTE: my, now retired, endocrinologist said the most dangerous publication in the United States is the New England Journal of Medicine because their articles make the front pages of every major newspaper in the US and the Evening News stations and their retractions make none : - (
You said "For a group of frontline doctors, ostensibly in the trenches fighting Covid, strange that they would not encourage vaccination." However, if you read the biographies of the FLCCC doctors, most of them are not "ostensibly in the trenches" but are actual intensive care doctors that teach and research intensive care and not merely ostensibly in the trenches. Dr. Paul Marik has over 200 published, peer reviewed articles in the NIH PubMed electronic library. You can go there and find and verify the current number yourself. He is not "ostensibly" an Intensive Care doctor. He came up with the first real "cure" for Sepsis using off the shelf drugs. Now, very few patients die of Sepsis if their doctors follow Dr. Marik's instructions to use his procedure as soon as the Sepsis is diagnosed.
I found the FLCCC because they happened to cite some of the research studies that I had found on my own on the Internet on HCQ, Ivermectin, C, D, Zinc and Steroids. Covid is a very complicated disease. However, it is not so very much unlike SARS, MERS and the other Coronaviruses so treatments for those diseases are serving as a starting point for research on medicines for COVID. Unlike you, I believe that the FLCCC Intensive Care doctors are working in that direction and not focusing exclusively on one medicine as a silver bullet ( otherwise their protocol document on treating Covid would not be 55 pages long and still growing) .
Speaking of reactions to vaccines, other then the ear on your arm, did you read the Chinese study on the antibodies the human body produces in reaction to Covid ? They studied the 7 main antibodies that they found and 2 of them, they termed pathogenic. That is, they were so effective in stopping the spike on Covid that they created an autoimmune condition in the body that resembled Covid. They subsequently tested these antibodies on mice and found that the mice had similar adverse reactions to the antibodies that people developed. Oops, the Chinese Researchers ended their study with recommending more research - e.g. another research grant - just like American researchers. I apologize that I cannot provide the link, I searched for it and found 601 results for antibodies, Covid and autoimmune. Apparently, this is becoming a very popular research area. : - (
Walk in His Peace, and six feet away,
Scribe With A Lancet
1Ioannidis JP. Why most published research findings are false. PLoS Med. 2005 Aug;2(8):e124. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.0020124. Epub 2005 Aug 30. PMID: 16060722; PMCID: PMC1182327.