Clicking sound of mechanical valve

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I don't know about not hearing my valve. I have learned to ignore it like the TV in the background or muzak that I can work through without hearing but every once in a while in a conference when there is that awkward silence. The valves announces itself, good thing folks tend to look at watches.
I get a kick from telling kids, when they put stuff in their mouth how I swallowed a watch and it is stuck in my belly now and they can hear it.
Ha, I had no idea a graft could make it louder. I hear mine if ever I want to, if that makes sense. When I take a deep breath in, it gets louder, but not so much that anyone can hear it if my mouth is closed. If I open my mouth, people say it's audible, which I find kind of funny, and my kiddos do too.

I'm super thrilled that the clicking doesn't bother me at night in the slightest. With that said, it would interesting to see if time makes it quieter.
When l first had surgery in '99, pissed hubby off when he was trying to sleep, he'd say shut that bloody noise up πŸ˜‚ 😍 πŸ˜‚ I'm 22yrs down the track n if lm exhausted or sick others can hear it in a confined space (eg...lift) I was in a lift one day n this lil girl looked up to her Mum n said...Mum that lady is ticking...Well everyone in the lift just stared at me, l thought...**** lm glad lm not in a plane right now, they'd be pushing me out without a parachute πŸ˜‚ 😍 πŸ˜‚
When l first had surgery in '99, pissed hubby off when he was trying to sleep, he'd say shut that bloody noise up πŸ˜‚ 😍 πŸ˜‚ I'm 22yrs down the track n if lm exhausted or sick others can hear it in a confined space (eg...lift) I was in a lift one day n this lil girl looked up to her Mum n said...Mum that lady is ticking...Well everyone in the lift just stared at me, l thought...**** lm glad lm not in a plane right now, they'd be pushing me out without a parachute πŸ˜‚ 😍 πŸ˜‚

I remember in college during a test a girl asked me if I was wearing a really loud watch. πŸ˜‚
First tissue aortic 1979
Second St.Jude 1983
Third St. Jude + aorta 2006
At this point I think it is normal to hear one’s valve.
In 83 went to do a surgery and one of my colleagues asked if I had gotten a new watch.
One problem is that it is hard to play poker and bluff.
How is dating with a mechanical valve?

Assuming this is a general question, creates a more unique conversation starter than the weather. But I wouldn’t make it the center piece of a relationship. In the end, we’re still just people and we all have our stuff we bring into a relationship. So it’s no different.
Only dating I ever did was was post mechanical valve, so I can’t compare and contrast before and after.
How is dating with a mechanical valve?
How is dating with a mechanical valve?
Assuming this is a general question, creates a more unique conversation starter than the weather. But I wouldn’t make it the center piece of a relationship. In the end, we’re still just people and we all have our stuff we bring into a relationship. So it’s no different.
Only dating I ever did was was post mechanical valve, so I can’t compare and contrast before and after.
It picks up a quick tick in bed πŸ˜‚ 😍 πŸ˜‚ No serious it's not a prob πŸ‘
I don't know about not hearing my valve. I have learned to ignore it like the TV in the background or muzak that I can work through without hearing but every once in a while in a conference when there is that awkward silence. The valves announces itself, good thing folks tend to look at watches.
I get a kick from telling kids, when they put stuff in their mouth how I swallowed a watch and it is stuck in my belly now and they can hear it.
πŸ˜‚ 😍 πŸ˜‚
Haha - well, here's a corker for ya'll...

I have 2 valves and they're pretty damned loud. They've been in me for little over 2 years' and in general I find I notice them less and less.


Last year I had to go to Dubai for some very serious meetings with some VERY serious people. And I mean - SERIOUS!! Security folks who were responsible for securing the world leaders at last November's proposed G20 meeting in Saudi.

So I sit at the conference table - alone. Within a couple of minutes the room and the giant round table is occupied with about 15 generals, police chiefs and the like. There then happened one of those spontaneous silences that sometimes happens, and I could see the folks closest to me looking worryingly quizzical about this ticking noise inside the meeting room. I could see they were getting a little worried but in truth it hadn't occurred to me that it was my heart they were listening to. They started to talk in Arabic amongst themselves and I could see "worry" written across their faces.

And I am still in la-la land. Totally oblivious

They talk amongst themselves, and then one turns to me in a panic and tells me we have to immediately evacuate the building as they suspect a bomb, because they can all hear a loud ticking noise.

In truth - I pissed myself with laughter. They all glared at me as if I was being both stupid and disrespectful.

I blurted out that they were all listening to my "bionic heart" and they shouldn't't worry about it. The generals got up form their chairs and approached me to b sure, and a sense of mirth and good humour then invaded the conference room.

So, in effect, it was a memorable and fun ice-breaker. And they'll certainly never forget me again!!!
Great story. However in business negotiations, your ticking could be a "tell" :)

I tell TSA that I have a mechanical valve since I'm pretty sure they can see it on the Xray.

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