Christine Mayhew........

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Bob Gleason

There are 569 members on this forum. many enjoy and are benefitted by the posts of advice, comfort and the like..........sharing is what it is all about. But what about giving more than this? I had posted a request recently to set up some sort of donations for Chritine. The response was almost nil, despite our numbers.

Just think if each member gave $ the math. And if each gave $20..........WOW!!!

Think about the last time you spent $10 on something you did not need or could have done without. Christine can't think or spend like that.

Is giving $10.00 a sacrifice? Maybe to some but not to many. Is it asking too much to help someone out?

When my father died, I found the following written on a card he kept in his wallet: "I will go through this world but once.......any good I can do or any kindness I may show.......let me do it now......let me not deter nor neglect it........for I shall pass this way no more." I had a great Dad.........

But the response to the request I made on this forum was pitiful, to say the least. I guess that it was way too much of an effort to take a step back and say, "I care." What a shame.

Some will think or say ........"it's not my problem." And you are definitely right. Being involved or helping someone out doesn't make it your makes it your gift.

Have Great Thanksgiving.............I'm going to make sure that Christine and her two children have a great Thanksgiving, as well.

Bob Gleason
"Powered By St. Jude, With Another Lease on Life."
I responded

I responded asking to post your address which you did..I'm sure there are many like myself who plan to send a donation for Christine.....:) Bonnie
Thank you Bonnie

Thank you Bonnie

Thanks, Bonnie............I know you were one of the first, if not the first to respond..........

Now, help me get ALL OUR HEART BUDDIES to donate. In fact, I don't like the word...donate...........GIVE says it all.

We are a family and one of our sisters needs help.
I plan on sending some on payday. I will not fail. I'll contact you again in the mean time. ;)
Bob's address

Bob's address

For those of you wishing to send a donation for Christine..Bob's address is..Bob Gleason..9 Stephen Drive..Princeton, N.J. 08540..Jot it down now before you lose the thread:) I did..Bonnie



Good points. I forgot---to whom are checks to be made out to? Gleason or Mayhew?

Thanks, from a guy who knows how fundraiser's go...
Seems your original post about Christine was buried under Bonny's thread about donations to, so can you please give us a break for not finding it?

What are her most pressing needs? Have you helped her get signed up with a pro bono lawyer in NJ, sounds as if she needs one if the ex-husband is causing trouble. (I am not talking about legal aid society, but a real lawyer who does pro bono through the NJ Bar.) Did she file a police report on the husband for stealing the laptop? Is he paying child support? If not, that would be the perfect case for a pro bono lawyer, easy to do, and short lived. Can she use something like gift cards to Target or WalMart for daily needs?
As long as we have your address we can send that kind of thing along, too.
What about her kids' Christmas? What ages are her kids? Can we send you stuff for the kids' Christmas?

-Mara Mara Mara

Sorry if I came down a bit hard but it seems 'things" always get buried, some how or some way. So I "unburied" it. I still have my doubts about how successful this will be. Some people and their money are not easily parted even if it is for a good cause. Actions DO speak a lot louder than words.

Good points you are making and I will pass them along to Christine. She is staying in Ct at her grandmother's house who recently died and the house will be sold........I have no idea where she is going next. Her Dad lives in CT at that house and he is absolutely no help to her. Her ex-husband has no money or job so support is nil even if there was/is a court order.

Checks (and only checks should be sent) should be made out to Christine only..........the account she has at Smith Barney is in NJ but she has checks and ATM access to it so it is convenient for me to deposit them. When I give Christine money I normally just transfer some from my account to hers.

Sher is still in the early stahes of a lawsuit against the drs and hospital where she lost her leg from surgery complications. If all things go well in that regard, she should do just fine for herself and children.

But Christine still has some serious medical problems. As she tells it she has half her heart working for her and her ejection factor is 40 or below.
OOPs..........her EF

OOPs..........her EF

I meant Christine's ejection fraction (not factor)

Bob, I will send something out, I just have to wait until Payday. I'm sorry, it won't be able to be much, I will send what I can though. I have to support my family as well. I was going to send something, just have to wait until payday...december 1st.

Please forgive me, but what happened to Christine? I missed it somewhere. take it easy...
Thanks Joy

Thanks Joy

Christine has had four heart surguries and the last one had so many cpmplications that "compartment syndrome" developed and she had to have one leg amputated and now the other requires a brace.

Our forum, early on, had Christine as one of our "regulars" and many knew of the trials and problems she was having, physically, emotionally, etc. Many of us had helped her out and we even collected for a laptop for her. I also ran a collection for her from some of my fellow office workers and friends.

I should take it easy as you suggest...........but when I see 3 positive responses and 85 views, it kinda lets me know where so many people are at. Hopefully I am wrong.

Look, if we can collect $$$ for Tee Shirts (I bought 3) and periodically help the "site" out with a collection, I don't think it improper to try and help one of "our heart buddies" out.

And don't worry about how much..........First of all it will be confidential and nobody is going to know who gave what.

I just feel people should help other people out, and sometimes $$$ is better,or needed more, than words.


Bob, I don't know you at all and being relatively new, I really do not know Christine or her trials. I think you were a bit harsh...sorry..I do not mean to offend you...BUT..

Many of us GIVE in many ways within our own communities and lives, so to imply we are 'uncaring' or have an attitude of 'it's not my problem' was rather insulting to me. As we have in other ways contributed to this site, some of us can't give to everyting. I'm sorry I was unaware of your quest for Christine until very recently. While I recognize her need, I also have many others around me that I help in everyway I can...including monitarily. I think your words really were emotionally rash, and I hope you reconsider the giving nature of most here.

Thanks, Zipper

Thanks, Zipper

I have no expectations of how many people might want to help Christine out and for those who ignore what I initially was trying to say/ask, that's okay as well. (Find my first posting)

Perhaps I should have never even bothered to make such a request, but knowing how our members are quick to respond to posts here asking for advice, help, comfort, etc. I believed, in my heart, that they would be responsive and help with this fund.

Of course, and recognizing that people have given in their own ways to their own charities, etc. , I would not want to "burden" anyone with some unreasonable request. (Is $10 or $20 unreasonable to most people? Would one have to give up or alter their lifestyle in any major way or for any undue length of time?)

I did not imply that anyone was uncaring, but because you read it as that, then I apologize to your being overly sensitive. Not my intention......honestly.

And your requesting me to reconsider the giving nature of most people on this I said, initially and again, I recognize the giving nature and wonderful intent of our members. I don't have to reconsider that, at all. I have know it and experienced it from the very beginning when Hank set this site up. What I am asking for is for our members to go one step better in their giving.

Your post, to me, is youir polite way of saying no to my request and that is really okay with me. But, in my opinion, what you should have done is ignored my request would have been the same "NO"
Thank You Bob

Thank You Bob

I wanted to personally thank Bob for spurring on this effort for Christine. And I want to give my support for this cause.

Christine is a wonderful person that needs our help more than anyone.

I urge you all to find it in your hearts to help out if you can.

And once again - Bob - Carry on with rousting the troops!!
Hi Bob,

I would like to send a contribution to Christine, Payday is not for another 2 weeks because of the holidays. I do not have a checking account and would only be able to send cash. Is that ok?? Let me know and as soon as payday arrives I will send what I can. Or as Mara suggested could I send a Target or even Toys R Us gift certificate? Please, Let me know and I will send it out as soon as I can. Take care!
Hey Little One!!

Hey Little One!!

I know you just got a new job and thanks so much for wanting to give to Christine....a check or money order can only be deposited in her account because it is a brokerage account, not a bank account. (Its used the same way as a bank savings/checking account. If your only alternative would be to send cash then I ill write a check for you, but try to get a check or money order made payable to Christine.

This is a wonderful gesture on your part to want to give yto Christine, especially since you have not been working. In fact, I think that you might want to hold off a while for your donation until you get a few paychecks under your belt.

We need more people like you who want to help Christine and she will definitely know who her friends are. I believe you and Christine are about the same age.........she is 23.

Thanks again
OOPs.............Little One

OOPs.............Little One

I thought you and Christine were about the same age but you are a bit younger at 20............Sorry.......

Hey Hank............

Hey Hank............

Thanks for giving your support here...........I'm glad you said "rousting the troops."

Like your motto goes....This started with a dream to want to help others." (My dream too)

Thats what I am/We are trying to do.