Choppers begin to get made today?

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
Well my 6 months is up and today I go for my preprosthetic exam. I hope they don't find any reasons not to go ahead and start getting my choppers made.
Ross, that is fantastic! I know you will be so relieved to get some new teeth. I hope everything goes well.

You know, I'm anxious to get this over with! I want to eat some things that I haven't been able to and I'm seriously afraid they are going to put it off for a while yet. I have one dang spot that is tender and has some exposed bony tissue. Hope they'll get that out and go ahead with the fitting.
I have one dang spot that is tender and has some exposed bony tissue. Hope they'll get that out and go ahead with the fitting.
Is that the same spot that you conducted "experimental surgery" on?
And btw,did you know you have something in common with Sir I. Newtion?
He too operated on himself,though not out of necessity. he cut into his
own eye ball to prove some theory he had regarding vision and light.
So, you are in good company and not insane,but actually a genius.
I hear its a fine line though.

Good luck with getting your teeth:)
I do hope you get your teeth. The only thing is my husband is having some new teeth made and he had to get an existing tooth pulled. To put the present teeth in, at times are so sore where it is not quite healed. The last thing you need is to be in pain from putting teeth on a sore gum. I hope this is not the case for you. I hope everything goes fine for you.
Make sure they fit right too. Labs are not perfect. Years ago my father in law had teeth made and they never fit right, he wouldn't wear them to eat, he made better progress without them. Go figure.
Well folks, I feel just like a heart patient who's surgery was just canceled and put on hold. I have to have another surgery! When it came to the upper plate, no problem. Lower, NO GO. I have to either have my torus mandibulus removed or two implants put in. Now get this, Dr walks back in the room with a brand new proposal. Only $779 for the removal or $3025 for two implants. I just about went through the roof!

When I had this surgery the first time, I was under the impression and billed for Alveoloplasty with making ready both jaws ready for dentures. I got just wee bit ticked and perhaps a bit vocal and loud, but I asked him point blank, "Why didn't they do that when I was in the OR if they knew it needed to be done?" Well this guy wasn't there, so he had no clue. I told him to go find out. The story is that my teeth were practically fused to my jaw, bleeding was out of control (Lovenox had not yet cleared my system from the injection 12 hours before-INR was 1.2) and they had spent so much time on them that they felt it better to get me stitched up and outta there.

Sorry, not good enough for me! They've agreed to remove the torus mandibuluars and fix that one area I was concerned about for free. Thing is, they still want me off of Coumadin again and use Lovenox. I'm not going to be stupid this time. I'm going to ask the Cardio how he feels about me skipping the last dose before surgery and if I'm not bleeding when it's all over, just start my Coumadin back up without the Lovenox just like before.

Today is one of those days where I wished I'd of just stayed in bed. Now there is talk of Lyn going to 3 days a week and all kinds of rumors going on at work, then this, then my damn car started acting funky on the way home from the store. Honest to God, I don't know how I keep from completely losing it.
So how long till you get your choppers? I still owe you a steak, and I don't like owing anybody. :( Hope things turn around soon.
ARGH!!!! How bloody frustrating for you Ross. Good on you for giving it to them and getting them to fix the mandibuluars for free - so they should! (trying to hold back on the expletives!).

Let's just hope they can sort out the bleeding issues this time.

Sorry to hear everything is so difficult for you at the moment. Crossing all the wiggly bits that some good luck comes your way very, very soon.

A : )
I don't know the history of you and your "choppers" Ross but I can hear your frustration.

As we speak, Peter's brand new uppers are sitting in their cotton candy pink denture container (I bought the container but could tell he wasn't enthusiastic about my colour choice! lol).

He had them fitted just 3 weeks before surgery and they looked so good. But 6 days post-op and no amount of Polygrip is going to keep them in.

Pity! He had just gotten the hang of his nice new dentures and now we're back to using the mini food chopper. I don't eat meat so refused the invitation to masticate his steak for him!

I'm going to see if I can get him a visit to have the dentures adjusted next week.

Seriously though Ross - I hope you get your new "choppers" very soon.
Oh gees least they are coming to the party for free this time...I hope it all gets fixed up promptly and you can find something chewy to test the new chompers out on...

Crikey!...I just had to google torus!...did you get a look at some of them...seems to be quite a popular thing to have although I doubt all thes epeople have your unique circumstances...I wonder how some of these people have gotten on with these massive lumps in their mouths.