Yeah im still definitely on the fence now, i saw my cardiologist today and he is on the opposite spectrum and thinks the pig valve is the best option for me right now and will last a solid 10-15 years because of new improvments. Also to get the quality of life. I may be naieve to say this now not having gone through the surgery yet, but i would rather have another one done in 10 years, because I dont really want to have to think, will my heart allow me to do that? Is that contraindicated with the coumadin? What will happen if i do this?
I have a friend through my cousin who had this operation done 9 years ago while he was in high school, he wrestled played other sports and still has the pig valve and has had no complications and the valve is working just as well as when it was put in, so I believe its longevity is from person to person like any other transplant.
I understand what people say about quality of life and being smart with the blood thinners but, right now, Im too young to want to think about that, I would rather not have it on my mind, every morning when i get up and take the pill i would be reminded of my restrictions. And the pig valve i would have is not straight from the pig, from my understanding, and im seeing the surgeon on the 25th to clear up any concerns, it is one that has been altered for longevity purposes.
As far as the low invasive, he said that he would not have to break open my chest and would only need a 4-5 inch incision next to the sternum to operate. Im not sure if any other surgeons are doing this or what the new thing is, but it sounds alot better than breaking my chest open.
As right now, i still am not stuck on one or the other but more than appreciate hearing all of your stories and this forum is the best thing since sliced bread (quote from my dad). And appreciate more and more advice.
Ill keep you all updated.
P.S. if going in for a cardiac cath, make sure you have fat down in groin, im sore one week after because i didnt have enough, and i bruised and walk like I have a stick up my ass lol