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Is there a lesson we should all learn from this?

For example, I use a phone App to report my INR to the Coagulation Clinic. Easy to use, but no comment field. So, when my INR went a bit high because of antibiotics for a pulled tooth, I had to share this information with the clinic via a phone call.
The 'clinic incompetence' I'm talking about is solely the fact that they seem to be completely unaware of how amiodarone washout and recovery from surgery might increase warfarin resistance, and therefore chose to keep me on an overall lower dose even though my INR was obviously going down/staying the same despite slight increases in the "weekly dosage". I have clearly mentioned these things to them multiple times.

Edit: they also seem to be completely unaware that 2.5 is the target, not 2-3.

So at this point I'm just going to do my own dosing and play along with their nonsense to see if I can get the test strips through insurance. I probably should have done this from the get-go given everything I've read on the forums, but lesson learned.
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How do others regarding the ticking ? Would this be awkward if dating again as a single person ? Does it affect your sleep ? How is your INR doing ? Best Dave

I can’t tell if this is a serious question since you’ve already asked these questions multiple times 🤷🏻‍♂️. That said, here’s my reply anyhow …

In over two years, I haven’t encountered anyone that has provided any negative or disturbing feedback. And that is a heck of a lot of people over the past two years. In fact, all of the feedback has been positive and jovial. Many … MANY … are amazed by it.

Heck - even all 3 of my dogs who clearly have 10x the hearing that we humans do are AOK with it. They treat me the same. Exactly the same.

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