Choosing a surgeon pre op

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:confused: Hi All,
I found out last month that my mitral valve is regurgetating and was sent to see Dr. Colvin in NYU and Dr, Loullmet at Lenox Hill in NYC. After a TEE, both agree that I do need to have it repaired. My delima is that I like them both and am having difficulties in choosing. Has anyone had surgery with any of them?
Awaiting anxiously
Hi Rachelle and welcome

I don't believe I've heard either of those names, but it doesn't mean they aren't great at what they do. Until someone else says something, check with the nurses at the facility that these guys practice at and ask them who they'd rather be treated by.
pre op

pre op

Thanks for your replies.
StrechL- Your photographs are amaizing. Thouroughly enjoyed them.
Ross said:
Hi Rachelle and welcome

I don't believe I've heard either of those names, but it doesn't mean they aren't great at what they do. Until someone else says something, check with the nurses at the facility that these guys practice at and ask them who they'd rather be treated by.

It always interests me so much when I read suggestions to speak with the nurses that work with the various doctors. I think that to be a great idea but have no clue how to go about doing that. How does one identify/ have contact with or learn how to reach these nurses? It would be priceless to have the opportunity to ask Cardiac Care nurses who they would have do their surgeries but I can't imagine how to do that?

Thanks for any guidance in that regard.
Stretch --

Stretch --

rachette5 said:
...StrechL- Your photographs are amaizing. Thouroughly enjoyed them...

Hope you see this Stretch - after I read this thread (and this post) last night I hopped on your site for the first time. Not sure why I hadn't before. WOW! And the mention of the Pulitzer Prize Nomination!!! WOW!

In a novel I'm reading right now was a quote I thought applied somewhat: "Mediocrity knows nothing higher than itself; but talent instantly recognises genius..." Now here's a spin on my application of that: I'm going to presume to assume I have some [unknown] talent because I instantly recognised your genius:cool:...

Okay, now back to the thread at hand.
I think Colvin is in the same group, with Dr. Galloway. Galloway did my mitral valve 3 years ago. He does the less invasive surgery. I am cut under my rt. breast. Luckily I didn't need by pass then he would have had to cut down the middle of chest. I loved NYU DR. & Staff. To be honest I had very little pain, healing was faster. loretta:)
Colvin was amazing

Colvin was amazing

Colvin was amazing. Spent more time talking bout music together than my surgery. I got a little distracted but got my answers. He's so busy and yet still personable. I have a 6 1/2 inch horizontal incision above my right breast.
No chest pain whatsoever after surgery. The hospital stay at NYU was more invasive than the surgery it's self. I had a 90 year old gentleman in the room with me who was hard of hearing. Everyone (staff - constant visitors ) screamed in order for him to hear. The constant chatter and sound of heart monitors drove me crazy but other than the food being terrible, the hospital stay was comforting.......:eek: I walked a mile 7 days after surgery and added more distance every week. I was playing drums 1 hr straight approx 2 weeks after surgery. Stopped all meds: Toporal and coumadin 6 weeks after surgery. I am 4 months post OP and take an asprin per day. Two more months and I will be down to 1 baby asprin per day............Colvin? YES, Minimally invasive? YES, Biological valve? YES, NYU? OK . Dr Colvin is a master of the minimmaly invasive surgery. I was blown away at how little pain I suffered. His staff was incredible. His anestiesiologist was an adorable young professional lady (I think she had a crush on me :D ) who made it her business to calm my nerves before surgery, and even followed me around the hospital after the surgery.............GOOD LUCK, any more questions? Any time!! J

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